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Religion & Spirituality - 4 September 2007

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He uttered not one word about starting a new religion. He called for the Jewish elders to reform their practices and to put the needs of the people before their own. But he remained a Jew in every respect.

2007-09-04 03:58:10 · 19 answers · asked by Bad Liberal 7

we borg believe in oneness & 1 mind, love is futile or do u disagree?

2007-09-04 03:58:05 · 2 answers · asked by BorgPet6of10 2

First, do you believe that life has a hidden/obvious meaning that is the same for all people ~

~ or do you believe that life has no default meaning and you have to make one yourself?

Either way, does it bother you that, realistically speaking, life really has no meaning?

2007-09-04 03:56:34 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 03:54:46 · 20 answers · asked by anil m 6

Especially since he knows what they are...

2007-09-04 03:53:58 · 13 answers · asked by Meat Bot 3

2007-09-04 03:52:39 · 12 answers · asked by Rita 6

When I was on the school's computer, I wanted to go to witchvox. com to check on something and the school blocked it for cults. I was so angry, the way it insulted my religion, but that's not my only problem other kids. I was borrowing a Silver Ravenwolf book from the school library and during class, someone looked into my backpack and took it out while I was in the bathroom. Hey who's solitary witch book is it, is that book real. I walked back into class, and I was shocked to see someone else with my book. I tried to grab it back, I call it a very sacred book, and those stupid kids will ruin it. The teacher got up from her desk and confiscated the book, she called me after class and called my parents. The principal said if I get caught with a pentacle and a witchcraft book, I will get suspended, the same goes for other young witches and wiccans. The announcements said, any student caught with any material associated with cults will be suspended for 5 days. Should I sue them?

2007-09-04 03:52:31 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

In an atheist graveyard or some other place?

Im just curious.

2007-09-04 03:51:38 · 32 answers · asked by Antares 6

What makes you a Christian is your belief in God and the Christian plan for salvation, not your actions. Sure we can say how a Christian "should" act. But we can't judge the state of their Christianity.

A lady posted this in her answer to one of my questions today.

2007-09-04 03:50:09 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 03:47:46 · 15 answers · asked by iamnoone 7

Are people not concerned with answering to God for this at the Judgment ?

2007-09-04 03:47:17 · 13 answers · asked by Michael Knight 1

Don't get me wrong I have attended many different churchs that preached many different religions and I've decided I'm just not that into it. I never agree with everything ONE religion says. Why is it people constantly try to push not only a religion on others but THEIR religion? Why do some people feel that one must be part of a religion? Why are there soooo many emails out there that get passed on from one person to another that relates to religion?

And the major question, if you knew one of your friends were not all that religious or into religion would you send religious emails to them?

2007-09-04 03:43:23 · 58 answers · asked by peacharc 2

Do you think that's fair?

Even the Baptists have several denominations.

How did this situation get so lop-sided?

2007-09-04 03:43:04 · 15 answers · asked by 2.71828182845904 5

What is your view of people who don't convert to the Jewish faith? Will GOD punish them forever in Hell? Since Muslim and Christians follow the Old Testament laws (to some degree) and worship the same GOD, will they see heaven? What is heaven like? Is there something you must do in order to enter heaven?

2007-09-04 03:41:50 · 9 answers · asked by KillaKrane 1


Why is it so hard to forgive when someone wrongs us?

The man I love recently did somethat, that equates to cheating. I've forgiven him for past offenses, but none were ever this bad. This time, I'm hurt so deeply that I am filled with depression.

If we are supposed to love and forgive, as Christ loves and forgives us, why can't I find it in me to do so?

Is there anyone who can help me with this?

Please don't be heartless with your replies. I am in deep need of assistance here.

2007-09-04 03:38:45 · 26 answers · asked by diva_500 3

Jack getting Married to the woman of his choice from R&S. All the Vile Temptresses serving margaritas. Cat singing a song for them all and above all John O cooking and managing for us a plated dinner, mango salad, grilled beef tenderloin medallion, dauphinous potatoes, steamed asparagus and roasted red pepper points, German chocolate cake for dessert. Wait a minute, this is possible before heaven?

2007-09-04 03:37:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am talking about a person that claims they are a Christian and cheats on their husband/wife and has no shame or guilt about it. What does the Bible say about this?

2007-09-04 03:34:25 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

How do you know sooooo much about Christianity that you know how they are supposed to live and call them hypocrites if they make a mistake? Isn't that interesting? hmmmm.

2007-09-04 03:34:13 · 15 answers · asked by Michael Knight 1

Please don't say that it's to be found in the hereafter. I'm interested in the here-and-now.

2007-09-04 03:33:37 · 30 answers · asked by iamnoone 7

The beauty of Christianity is in our redemption. Christ died for our sins so that we might have everlasting life. There is no Christian that does not believe this.

As a Catholic and as a Christian, I urge all of you, my brothers and sisters in faith, to give up on the useless meandering and verbal abuse of all churches of faith. We may come from many different spiritual backgrounds, different churches with different names, but with only one God.

Shouldn't we celebrate this together? Shouldn't this be the unity that ties us together, making us Christ's one true church on earth? Isn't this what God commands of us? Isn't this what Christ died for?

Those who continue to speak out against their brothers and sisters in Christ, are speaking out only against God. Why? Because we are asked to not just bring others to Him through our words, but through our actions. How do you feel your actions are bringing others toward the church?

Yours in faith,
Miss Alexis

2007-09-04 03:31:33 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

And "Love your enemy"..

If I told people, Be kind, respect and love each other, but everyone became hateful and ignorant. Is that my fault or is that the ignorance of the human race?

This story is in comparison with Christianity.
The originator of Christianity is Jesus Christ.
He preached to the world about loving each other and loving even the people that hate you the most.

Just because mankind has drifted off course..
Why do you unbelievers blame Christianity when it's clearly mankinds fault for not following the words of Jesus?

Nowhere in scripture are you going to find one hateful verse from Jesus. And that's what Christianity means "The following of Christ" - "Christ-Like"


So in reality, When you condemn Christians for blowing up abortion clinics or the KKK...
You are condemning people that do not follow the words of Jesus..

Thank You for sticking for the Christian religion.

2007-09-04 03:27:40 · 25 answers · asked by Bad Boy 300 3

2007-09-04 03:27:16 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 03:23:36 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so then please tell me in your own words, how many ways are there to "misunderstand" the following verses?

2:216 - Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you.

9:29 - Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

48:29 - Muhammad is the messenger of Allah; and those who are with him are strong against Unbelievers, (but) compassionate amongst each other.

2007-09-04 03:22:08 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

God gave man the law knowing man could not live up to it.
Isn't reasonable to conclude that God had a plan to bring man to his righteousness?

2007-09-04 03:18:22 · 31 answers · asked by djmantx 7

2007-09-04 03:16:18 · 39 answers · asked by Balrog 2

must of stepped on some toes.

2007-09-04 03:11:53 · 5 answers · asked by warrior*in*the*making 5

When I first began posting questions on YA, I thought that the forum itself might serve a greater good which was previously impossible...that it...free exchange between people of differing beliefs without the possiblity of blood shed.

Jihadists are about action, not dialogue or diplomacy. Go ahead and try to open up real dialogue with the Islamic community and see where you get after you dispense of the small talk and pleasantries. The moment you mention anything outside of food and weather conditions, you have the end of conversation...at best.

The point being, it occured to me, along with others, that a place like YA could very well open up avenues previously impossible. The Islamic world, otherwise, simply doesnt allow any other views to seep in...and what is absolutely amazing...astounding...incredible...is that what many people thought would be a medium by which they were powerless to control speech (net) has been proven not to be the case...they can and do.

2007-09-04 03:07:23 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

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