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Religion & Spirituality - 4 September 2007

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Judges chapter 11. Our Pastor mentioned this in his sermon and he said Jepthah was 100% wrong for doing this. I wonder why the writter of Judges even included it in the book. Is there anybody that can give me a reason why that story is in the Bible and what we can learn from this? Old Jephthah returned from battle and his daughter just wanted some time to go mourn with her friends that she was going to have to die a virgin. Isn't this like the same thing radical Muslims do when they strap a bomb to their child and tell them and make them die in the name of Allah?

2007-09-04 05:17:07 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked a Q's and then gave a little tutorial as I ussually do, this bothers people for some reason. I'm somewhat at a loss as to why I hear its to long and there are mistake's, I would like to think that its ussually a good read, but I might be a little to enambered with myself. Anyway it's been my experience that christians are'nt on the same page when it comes to evolution, and I'm used to that. But when I mentioned missing links such as Erectus,Habilus,Lucy,Goliath, and other humans such as Neandethal and the Hobbits the evolution crowd indicated I might be full of it. Well, unless I'm going to believe in the whole Satan is in those scientists and there lying, (crowd) I have on good authority, that scientists discovered a human species on th Island of Flores in Indonesia.They are decendants of Erectus, who then were isolated on the island and dwarfism set in, they evolved to half the size of Erectus. I throw this Q's here for obvious reason's. Have you heard about them,(plural)?

2007-09-04 05:16:42 · 11 answers · asked by wakemovement 3

Please give me any and all baby verses that you know which pertain to babies or can be appropriate for an announcement. It's really important to me that I have the word of God on my son's announcements. Thank you!

2007-09-04 05:14:44 · 7 answers · asked by April 1

God keeps a lot of secrets, I am still wondering about reinacarnation here. I have heard it said many times that if it was real God would have told us. and thats just not true, there are many secrets from God he even says so. I have had many say, they dont believe it because they dont want to, they dont want to think about coming back at all, they want to be in heaven with God forever, not come back, so they refuse to even accept the possibility that we may get reincarnated. please dont say, man is apointed to die once and then be judged, I am so tired of hearing that. yes man will die one time, but how many times does he have to live before he really dies?

2007-09-04 05:13:50 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

and what church or parish did he belong to?

2007-09-04 05:11:07 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I keep seeing people talking about that, what is about?
Is it in the movie theaters?
What is all the fuss about it?

2007-09-04 05:10:46 · 6 answers · asked by ateo 2

if your pastor got plastic surgery would that affect your view of them. would you not take them seriously? just curious

2007-09-04 05:10:01 · 23 answers · asked by yvicks 4

- Just look at the banana, I mean come on!

- Planet of the Apes is a 100% accurate prophecy. Every scientist and historian in the world confirms this. It's inspired too. It was inspired by the book 'Monkey Planet"

- In Planet of the Apes, the apes say that only simeons have souls, so they must be the chosen species

2007-09-04 05:09:54 · 8 answers · asked by wondermus 5

The christian faith bows to public pressure and rewrites its beliefs to appease public opinion. Islam is as true to its beliefs as it was a thousand years ago. They are steadfast to their beliefs and do not rewrite it. What does this say about christianity?

2007-09-04 05:09:36 · 25 answers · asked by arrogate 1

According to the Bible, all people sin, even righteous people. Ecclesiastes 7:20 says "There is not a righteous man on earth who does what is right and never sins.."

So, even if one is righteous, as a human we sin sometimes.

What is the cutoff on sinning? How much is too much before one is no longer a "true" Christian?

Even Jesus doesn't judge those who commit sins - he SAVES them. John 12:47 states "As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it."

It is not for us to judge other's worth in salvation. Luke 6:37
states "Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven."

So, if someone commits the sin of sodomy, of whatever kind (hetero or homo -- remember, unnatural acts between same sex couples are also sins.... and that's true of even husbands and wives! Think of that, next time you try manual, oral or an@l with your wife or girlfriend...) - your job is not judge them or condemn them. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Am I wrong?

2007-09-04 05:08:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

do they agree with each other? i know it is common place for it to be taboo to get piercings, tattoos, but what about plastic surgery. when they wrote the bible that was not an issue. now i am not talking gender changing surgery or anything, but body improvements. like breast enlarge/reduction, penis reduction/enlarging, butt implants, etc...

i need to have my breast reduced, causing medical problems, but i was thinking it would be nice to get tummy tuck (those babies wreak havoc), and maybe a butt implant while i was under the knife. I think it would be to the glory of my hubby:) also see my other question on this same issue for part 2...

2007-09-04 05:07:25 · 11 answers · asked by yvicks 4

If we wait then i personally those very set goals are the cause of our head aches in my humble opinion!

2007-09-04 05:06:52 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

"The study estimates that 50% of non-Christian adults in the U.S. view Atheism as having an negative impact on society. Fewer than half that percentage viewed Islam and Buddhism negatively. Among born-again Christians, this level of rejection reached 92% -- much higher than for any religious belief system other than Atheism."


If positive: Why?

If negative: Why?

If neither: Why?

2007-09-04 05:06:23 · 10 answers · asked by Christy ☪☮e✡is✝ 5

I have gone through the 12 steps, but have not attended any AA Meetings in quite a few months. I have found that through God and only God that I have been able to stay sober without very much help from others. I think that it is my williningness to try my best as I understand God's will and my desire to get close to Him that has cured me of the desire to drink and use drugs. (I have 15 months of sobriety in two days).

Has anyone had any similiar experiences? What do you think?
(Atheists: I don't need to hear what I know you're going to say)

2007-09-04 05:04:01 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

Satan called a worldwide convention of demons. In his opening address
he said, "We can't keep Muslims from going to Mosque."
"We can't keep them from reading their Quran and knowing the truth."
"We can't even keep them from forming an intimate relationship with their Allah and his messenger Muhammad(pbuh)."
"Once they gain that connection with Allah, our power over them is
broken.""So let them go to their Mosques; let them have their covered dish dinners,BUT steal their time, so they don't have time to develop a relationship with Allah and his messenger Muhammad(pbuh)."

*"This is what I want you to do," said the devil:*
"Distract them from gaining hold of their Allah and maintaining that
vitalconnection throughout their day!"*"How shall we do this?" his demonsshouted. *
*"Keep them busy in the non-essentials of life and invent *
*innumerable schemes to occupy their minds," he answered. *
*"Tempt them to spend, spend, spend,

2007-09-04 05:03:53 · 19 answers · asked by Syed Aleemuddin Noor 4

How many of you know the history of your own religion?

2007-09-04 05:03:44 · 13 answers · asked by wondermus 5

A topic no doubt brought up numerous times before, and I apologise for my curiousity but still...

In a world where it would seem apparent that the "wrong" religion or even following a religion can inflict a harsh response from people, should children be taught the basic principles of Christianity/Islam/Buddhism etc or should they be left to make up their own mind? To me it seems unfair that parents (ultimately responsible for their childs upbringing) almost enforce their beliefs on their child. Does a child have a right to choose its religion?

Discuss nicely, I know what you R&S lot are like :)
Ta muchly! x

2007-09-04 04:59:50 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 04:57:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Atheist: Stalin, Hitler, Meo Zedong, Fidel Castro,Tito,Pol Pot,Idi Amin,Ferdinant Marcos.
Christians: John Paul II, Mother Theresa, Ronald Regan, John F Kennedy, Roosevelt, Dobson.

2007-09-04 04:57:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Does anyone know of a book or resource that discusses the parenting and discipline of children according to the 4 classic temperaments? (Medieval scholars classified personalities as Sanguine, Choleric, Phlegmatic and Melancholic and each has its own particular spiritual strengths and weaknesses.)

2007-09-04 04:56:07 · 3 answers · asked by Veritas 7

there is no right or wrong answer, but be honest

2007-09-04 04:51:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

is child abuse? what about all the cartoons out there, I had Cable shut off because of it. all the fighting and cruelty in them anymore, not to mention the fairy tales, witches burning children, wolves eating grandma etc. My 6 year old started doing some pretty scary things from what that tv was teaching him, but do you ever think of that? but my 10 year old grew up with curch and the Bible, he is a very well balanced child, behaves has a huge heart and always thinking about other people. so if I have to choose on using the Bible to raise my children or the new generartion ways, then guess who wins? I have evidence of the different ways living under my roof and its a battle to undo the damage that was done to my 6 year old, by leaving the church and Bible out of his raising. so why would you say the Bible is child abuse, when the worse abuse is on tv and the books you give to your children everyday?

2007-09-04 04:50:29 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous


This site is representative of the homophobic side of christianity and some people even claim that God wrote it

2007-09-04 04:49:20 · 39 answers · asked by Anonymous

I already no the answer to this question, but I just want to see if anyone is stupid enough to give me the wrong answer.

Christains CANNOT 100% prove that God exists....We cant! Simple as that. Thats why we use the word "faith". But we CANNOT prove that he is REAL!

.....But, you cant prove that he doesn't either, can you?

People say there is no God because the only proof we have is one little book. Somewhat.
Well....Hmmm....George Washington......Have any of you ever seen george washington? Noooo....you can only read about him. And hear the things he did. And see paintings of him.
Same thing with God. How do we no for sure that someone didn;t make up Geroge Washington. Its not really THAT much of a stupid statment if you think about it.

Anyway, NOT bashing Christains and NOT bashing atheists.
We cannot prove god exists....But can we prove that he doesn't?

2007-09-04 04:48:42 · 65 answers · asked by Megan 3

I have noticed a lot of hatred on this site. Some or more against Muslims and Christians. But it seems to me that whenever someone tries to remove barriers and promote love for both faiths-- there are a lot of people who start copy n pasting versus and are quick to be judgmental. I have seen the power of nice words and love. How hard is it to at least try and understand the misconceptions we have about each other.

Does it cramp yout toungue or does it bruise your ego. By "you" I mean people who don't like Muslims, and don't like Christians, for whatever reason.

Do you agree? Do people need to stop being lazy and actually learn about the religion they love hating. or the people from that religion.

Is it fair to blame ALL Muslims for the radicals (which are in every faith by the way). And before someone says it-- Yes we are trying our best to stop these radicals. They hurt us as much as they hurt you. They have ruined the name of Islam and Muslims.

What do you think?

2007-09-04 04:44:51 · 26 answers · asked by ۩MoonLit Muslima۩ 5

People have been saying Catholics will not go to Heaven, but I don't understand why. They believe that Jesus is their savior, If I am not mistaken they are the ones that shaped Christianity as it is now. Where does all of this hate come from?

2007-09-04 04:44:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-09-04 04:43:49 · 35 answers · asked by Edwin H 2

Bunky Bartlett being a part-time Wicca teacher in Maryland who holds a winning Mega Millions lottery ticket, entitling him to one-fourth of a $330 million dollar jackpot.


I don't know...I think I'd buy his book of money draw spells, should he choose to write one! :-)

2007-09-04 04:40:22 · 16 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

fedest.com, questions and answers