Number 1:
ZER0 C00L asked a question earlier about In 2 Kings 2:23-24 in which Elisha was mocked by 42 youths, and God sent a couple of bears out to kill them.
The reaction of SOME of the Christians was glee, in that God was glorified, without any heed of the massacre that had occurred or the grief that was caused.
Here's the link to the original question, where you can read some of the reactions:
Number 2:
On September 11, 2001, planes crashed into NY's World Trade Center, the Pentagon, & one in PA.
Following the deaths of over 3000 people, Palestinians were seen dancing in the streets of Jordan, etc., gleeful that God had been glorified, heedless of the massacre that had occurred or the grief that was caused.
So in these instances, what is the differences between the celebrating Christians and the celebrating Palestinians? Or is it a distinction without a difference?
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