concerning the rapture, mark of the beast 666, tribulation of 7 years etc. I am a christian. No lets say you see millions of christians disapear fromt his earth in a twinkling of an eye and the dead in christ rise from thier graves and you will see no more graves from the people that are christian or who were christian, and you also see a world dictator forcing you to take his mark 666, say it did happen(for your sake) would you then believe the truth instead of listing to a pack of lies from other people? Will you think that alliens have kidnapped us? Do not belive it, that means Jesus has come to take his own home with him to Heaven then returns at the battle Armegeddon when all nations surround Jeruselum. Once the christians have gone(not all christians) would you believe then and surrender to Jesus while you still have time during the tribulation. Because the bible makes it clear that many will be saved, infact mulitudes, praise God for that. And when you see a world dictator force
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