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Religion & Spirituality - 10 June 2007

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things god brings upon us?

2007-06-10 07:37:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today after church, i was thinking. Maybe God left somethings unanswered so that we could have faith. If everything was revealed to us why would we need faith. if you are in a relationship with someone, would you want to have to tell them everything you did, why you did it, and what what you were going to do next. You would want them to trust you. If you spent all of your time explaining, what time would be left to enjoy your relationship?

2007-06-10 07:32:42 · 20 answers · asked by amanda 2

2007-06-10 07:31:23 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I have a 2 yr old daughter, who I have just started bringing to church. It is hard to find the motivation each week. I believe in God, but I'm not a big fan of organized religion. I fear the bible has been changed by too much input from men through the years, to be taken very literally. My feeling aside, I want my daughter to learn the Christian values, so prevalent in our culture (USA) & be able to decide for herself whether or not she chooses to believe later. I also want her to grow up as part of one church community. My husband's family bounced from church to church as he was growing up & he has issues about it.
I am happy with the church, everyone is nice & the kids are very involved. The church is does lots of great charities & outreach that doesn't involve trying to convert people. But I feel like a total hypocrite. Every Sunday I am "worshiping" with people who think I am like them & I feel like a fraud. Any serious advice?

2007-06-10 07:29:41 · 15 answers · asked by Laurie W 4

Creationists believe that the world is only 6,000 years old and was created by god as described in the book of genesis.

The date of creation was worked out by the scholar James Ussher back in the 17th century as being 4004 BC and this date was accepted by the Roman Catholic Church as being accurate up until the mid 19th century when Darwin blew this religious nonsense away.


However, creationists still hold on to this theory and this week they have opened a hi-tech museum in mid-America which they hope will convince others of their belief.

Do any of you still believe in this 'young age of the earth' theory and if so how can you justify it?

2007-06-10 07:29:15 · 37 answers · asked by pagreen1966 3


2007-06-10 07:29:05 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Okay, here's a chance for the atheists and theists to really fight it out. I won't say my religion to keep it neutral.

Rules and Guidelines:
-the Bible/Qu'ran/Torah is not a valid source of information
-You can't just claim stuff randomly
-You must argue logically
-No yelling at other answer-ers, take it seriously.

I'll choose the answer that makes the most sense, whether I agree with it or not.

2007-06-10 07:26:14 · 29 answers · asked by eV 5

Athiests do not believe in shoving beliefs down other people's throats, correct? So I am asking all athiests, would you accept your child being a Christian? If your teenage child did research and came to their own conclusion that they believed Christianity, (which people have done) would you let them become a Christian? Or would you try to talk them out of it and force your beliefs on them ?

2007-06-10 07:23:42 · 23 answers · asked by Lauren. 4

There is a story I read in church once but it doesnt make sense at all. The story goes that when Moses was trying to convince the pharaoh to let his people go, he went up to the pharaoh and performed some of God's miracles to convince him that God really does want them to be let go. And how does the pharaoh counter this? Every time Moses does something, he gets his magicians to do the exact same thing. Now, we all know magic isnt really real, so how can this story be real?

2007-06-10 07:20:42 · 16 answers · asked by Par 4 7

Seriously, I like to read what people have to say in response to others genuine questions. When it is obvious though that someone has cut and pasted some long passage or is quoting the Bible (or any other "holy" scripture), it just shows (to me) that they can't think for themselves and have to let a book of some sort do their thinking.

2007-06-10 07:19:36 · 11 answers · asked by Liesel 5

Please pray that God allows me to come home soon. It is nothing really I am just silly but I am going back to the hospital in the morning and really do not relish it. I guess I am being rebellious. Pray for that too please. Peace to you all and hope to be back soon.
Pax et Bonum,

2007-06-10 07:19:14 · 31 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

My husband passed away 2 years ago. I work in a hospital as supervisor. I dont have any family where I live in the US. My daughter is in medical school in another city. I was just wondering, will I remarry? I was married for 30 years with my sweethart from college.

2007-06-10 07:18:57 · 10 answers · asked by Piojita 4

is that giving poor people permission to steal?

2007-06-10 07:17:16 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just read a question/thread on transgender (sex change) and WOW, did the xians come outta the woodwork on that one!!

Shrieking things like " It is ungodly! God created us the sex we are for a reason...His reasons!" ....and.... "It's unnatural to have that surgery, God will punish them" ....and so on....

Are these people really unaware that kids and adults continually, by the millions, have physical defect and problems surgically corrected all the time? Many kids come out of the womb with physical impairments that, as she said it "god created"... and we're "unnaturally" correcting those problems with the human body all the time.

Who says that there cannot be people born with physical/sexual characteristics that are NOT a part of their mental gender programming? Does it say that in the bible? NO! Is it some level of hatred you are being taught at church? I'm beginnging to wonder.

Why the hate, people? What drives xians to hate and hurt people like that??

2007-06-10 07:15:54 · 13 answers · asked by nuPhyllis! 3

and searched for him etc etc and not found him? If so, how do you feel now?

2007-06-10 07:12:01 · 8 answers · asked by Prophet Of Truth 2

Are there any Bible passages that deal with this in a way that would help the parents? Its so hard to know what to say.

2007-06-10 07:10:22 · 22 answers · asked by 2 Happily Married Americans 5

Peace Be With You,

2007-06-10 07:09:25 · 18 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

If someone today claimed to be the son of God they would be labled with the looney brush. Nobody would ever take them seriously again. Even if 80% of what they said was very logical and well thought out. ( and yes I am talking about David Icke).

If I were for instance going to stand on top of a mountain Ben Nevis for example and report that God had just spoken to me and dictated another couple of hundred pages.
I would be called a nut, more than likley. however if I had been born two thousand years ago and said the same thing I may have been called phophet or a saint. So why is this so readily excepted that god used to communicate with us in this way and why dosn't he anymore or send e-mails like the rest of us. To add to this when princess Diana died some people for calling for her to be sainted. There was an argument put forward that diana was only human it was ridiculous to say she was a saint. But surely all the other people who have been sainted were also

2007-06-10 07:07:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-06-10 07:04:11 · 19 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6

2007-06-10 06:58:45 · 7 answers · asked by guest11779 1

My son (18 months old) hid my keys this morning and my wife had left early because she wanted to go to an earlier service at another church. I ended up about 20 minutes late (just in time for the offerings). I made it in time for the christening, which was actually a nice little ceremony, way better than the one my son got at my wife's church (I told her I wanted my money back). Well, as the collection plate was being passed for the second time (building funds are separate from tithes, as are special events and other fund raisers) and the pastor was walking up to give his sermon, my son spewed his lunch all over me. I had actually went and was pretending to be a good little christian, clapping my hands and singing the songs and everything, and then my son ruined my outfit and his. I had packed a spare for him, but my outfit was ruined so I had to go home and change. Is this divine intervention, did the devil take control of my child in church, or is it just a lucky coincidence?

2007-06-10 06:58:17 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

to start with, every living thing on the planet must kill some other living thing so that it may continue to stay alive, not to mention mans inhumanity to man for sport or for gain, and natural events such as earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions etc. why would a benevolent, loving, harmonious god create such an incredibly violent and bloodthirsty world as this? this would seem to be a contradiction no?

2007-06-10 06:58:06 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am a Christian. I believe in God. I don't try to convert people over and I respect people who have different faiths than mine and my husband has doubts about God. I wish he was did not, but he does and that's his business and I can't make him believe, so I don't try. So why is it that atheists will always jump down a Christian's throat trying to disprove our beliefs without just quietly going on their merry way and not believing? If you truly didn't believe in a higher power, why would you focus so much time and energy into trying to prove his non-existence to myself and other Christians? Or is it that you're trying to disprove it to yourself so you'll feel better?

2007-06-10 06:54:17 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

The Church of England is threatening to sue Sony over the use of Manchester Cathedral as a backdrop in a war against aliens video game.


Sony must be rubbing their hands in glee over the free publicity they are receiving whereas the Church of England must surely have more pressing causes to concentrate on like eradicating the contagion of paedophilia which is rampant in their church or trying to alleviate the suffering of the poor and destitute.

Has the Church of England finally lost the plot?

2007-06-10 06:53:48 · 16 answers · asked by pagreen1966 3

Of having a person kicked off the site for a difference of views? No I have never been kicked off here for any reason, but what is the point of doing it to anyone? Even if they have broken the rules, all they have to do is go and create another identity and come back. So why?

2007-06-10 06:53:32 · 13 answers · asked by ? 4

don't quote the bible

2007-06-10 06:47:41 · 38 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not hating, I'm just curious.

2007-06-10 06:43:39 · 35 answers · asked by kennyk 4

Google it and make up your own minds - that's for the lazy.

Second stage = Ethical >>>>prone to 'spiralling downwards in a state of evil' having reached and then prepared to judge others.......lalalal.

2007-06-10 06:43:28 · 5 answers · asked by I'm Sparticus 4

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