Wow...2 questions in a row, same topic. Time is of no consequence where God is....spiritually, it was explained the only way we interpret and know human terms.
Peace, Love, and Blessings
2007-06-10 06:50:43
answer #1
answered by Greenwood 5
It was 6 days, not 7 days.
The metaphoric style of the Hebrew language might lead an intelligent theologian to wonder, "What is a day to a being who transcends time?". A logical progression to explain what must obviously have happened seeing that the universe does indeed exist. So, if a day to God is a thousand years, or a million years or even a billion years then we must also define what a year is. A literalist would assert that an omnipotent God could accomplish this creation is 6 literal days as defined in current terms. A liberal interpretation would allow for poetic license which the ancient prophets often used to examine the unobservable. I personally tend towards a liberal interpretation myself simply because I have discovered a much deeper meaning to many scriptural passages whereas the literal interpretations just stop. What then would be worse, to interpret something literally that was meant to be taken figuratively or to take something figuratively something that was meant to be taken literally?
It is quite clear that the universe does indeed exist. I believe that it was created because in any other context it would be illogical to assume that anything just happens on its own accord. Every effect has a cause. According to Science, matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed. How then do they now exist and what is their base component? Sometime in the unobservable past, matter and energy came into being. Science extrapolates the Big Bang. I, by deductive reasoning further extrapolate the Big Bang as an act of God. The Prophets intuitively and by inspiration came to that conclusion already, thousands of years before modern science.
So then, many Christians, as well as many Jews, hold to the belief that God created the world in 6 literal days because they interpret the language literally. Many Scientists hold the belief that it took much longer for the universe to form. To me, it is a matter of defining both the concept of Time and understanding the metaphoric language of the Prophets which has a verb tense (not used in any other language) which also transcends time, known as the prophetic tense. If you were to look into this yourself you may begin to see a deeper meaning of scripture.
Why would any intelligent person begin with the assumption that God does Not exist?
2007-06-10 09:23:01
answer #2
answered by TheNewCreationist 5
It wasn't. It was created in 6 days.
Read the Bible Genesis 1, 2, Exodus 20:11
The Bible is so clear on the matter. According to scripture
creation occurred in the space of 6 days and all “very good.”
The length of each today is made clear in that the language
speaks about an evening and morning for each day. That a
number is used and that the Hebrew word “Yom” is used only when a literal day is in view. In addition when the sabbath ordainance is given, we are told that we work six days and rest one day, as shown in creation (see Exodus 20:11).
Nothing in the passage, nothing in the Bible leads a person to any other conclusion then a six day, twenty-four hour creation.
The book of Genesis is not a book of prophecy or poetry it is
a book of history. The word “Genesis” literally means
beginnings. It is God’s revelation through His servant Moses
as to how the world was created. Clearly Moses took the days as literal days and so did the church for thousands of years until these faithless times. Not until so called modern science did a 180 degree turn and rejected God did the church begin to wavier on the authority of scripture. The church needs to decide if God’s Word on all matters which it touches upon is true or not. This is not a squabble about a insignificant issue this is an issue of authority; this is an issue where the church, where every Christian needs to lock arm and arm, and stand on the Word of God as it only perfect authority!
2007-06-10 07:10:05
answer #3
answered by Brian 5
well i'm christian and i believe the bible often use metaphors and allegories, and isn't to be taken literally. The creation of the world is an example of that
I believe in the big bang to prove that the world was created by god. It says that the universes came from single source of energy. This source of energy breaks all the laws of physics, and is unexplained, unlike every other thing since that moment.
Nobody knows what this source of energy is, or how it was there before even time began, or how the source of energy even came about. Scientists such as Hawkins did not explain the source of energy, only conceding that it breaks all the laws of physics - although Hawking went on with the doppler shift effect, which proved the big bang theory was correct.
For me that's enough proof - what else could this energy be but some God. There is no other logical, scientific explanation, and many scientists concede this. People just argue about this presence's name, be it the christian God, Allah, Brahman, or just Rei.
2007-06-10 07:14:25
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
***Why do you say evolution is not proven?
I saw the poster depicting man’s evolving ascent from the crouching apes. However, they are only an artist’s rendering of the ideal of evolution. That is, only the last two skeletons are in any museum. All the rest of the creatures either have no physical basis, or are composed of a single bone or two. I hold up the same poster and declare that it depicts the ideal that God created all these forms as independent groups that did not evolve into one another.
I saw the picture of the growth from birth to full growth of human, bird, reptile, mammal, etc., all starting from a similar appearance. The idea is that all forms of life trace their evolutionary route during the stages of their birth. However, someone showed us the real appearance of the early births and they were unlike the drawings that portrayed evolution in an idealized light.
I saw the picture of a white moth on a dark tree and a dark moth on a dark tree, in London. London was getting dirty because of smog. Evolutionists hailed the appearance of the black moth as a sign of the white moth evolving into black to merge in with the darkened trees to escape the birds picking them off the bark. Then an evolutionist admitted to gluing a black moth to a black tree and shooting the picture. It was a hoax.
I saw the picture of the geologic column showing the layers of the earth and their approximate ages. Did you know that the geologic column depicts an ideal of evolution that is not found anywhere on earth?
The evolutionist accepts the fallacy of these pictures, even though they do not reflect science. They accept the phony, man-made portraits because they depict the ideal of evolution. That is, if the evolution model were true, these pictures show you what it would look like.
That is not science. Evolutionists try to tell us that evolution is based on fact. They have lied to us. Now give us a single fact that proves that all living creatures have evolved from a single organism. It cannot be done. Scientists are tired of finding yet more fossils that fit into already-defined groups of animals. There is no evidence for in-between creatures. And any mutants that we have come upon or have created in our zeal to prove evolution have lived handicapped, short-lived lives.
2007-06-10 07:36:26
answer #5
answered by Steve Husting 4
Don't quote the bible? Well, if we can't quote the bible, then I don't want to hear anything about darwin either! Besides, who's to say that what to God is a day is the same as a day for us? Besides, it was 6 days, not 7.
2007-06-10 07:19:15
answer #6
answered by odd duck 6
Don't quote the bible thats like telling us not to eat.Of course the bible does say that the world was created in7 days but what were days then?It could have been 7 minutes...or 7 years or 7 seconds.And actullay the world was created in 6days the 7th day was the day of rest.
2007-06-10 06:52:17
answer #7
answered by Bookworm101 2
Amazing how so many people ignorantly but vehemently translate a language that speaks in metaphors into a language that speaks in concretes.
The translated Hebrew texts which found their way into 'the bible' never were meant to be taken literally.
People 6,000 years ago had the good sense to at least not pretend that they knew how "God" actually created the world, so they used the metaphor of 6 days.
Would that they had abstained from giving "God" human attributes such a jealousy as well!
2007-06-10 06:56:52
answer #8
answered by flywho 5
I do not "know." Is it possible to know one way or the other? Do you think it is impossible that the world was created in 7 days? Because you have never seen it before? Because it seems unlikely? Because it is beyond your ability to fit the possibility into your mind? Many things we "know" to be true today was believed to be impossible only a few years ago. We make elaborate theories, treat them as infallible truth and someone else disproves them later. We are so wise... so logical... so "educated". Peace to you and may the hand of God be upon you.
2007-06-10 06:56:04
answer #9
answered by christianimpactnews 2
Six days and knowing God I can't tell you why it took Him so long. He took 6 days for a reason for something He could have done in an instant. The seventh day was a day of rest. This rest also had to be for us, because God doesn't need to rest. Christ has done so much for us that the question is - why does He love us so much?
2007-06-10 06:57:48
answer #10
answered by Jeancommunicates 7
6 days.
The bible. It's reliable, compared to other sources of the worlds history.
2007-06-10 06:52:39
answer #11
answered by blueruble 5