In the fiction story Yearly Harvest, subtitled "The True Story of Christmas", a peculiar origin which I've never heard is given for the Christmas traditions. It is quite intricate, but I'll list a few items. One thing mentioned is that many of the traditions began in ancient days(Biblical times, about) among the Gentile or pagan cultures. There is one reference given from the Bible about them cutting down trees, decorating them with silver and gold, and worshipping them. In Yearly Harvest's background, the tree was meant to protect them from a demon called Balac, a servant of Molech. Molech was a god who demanded his followers to burn their babies/children in fire as a sacrifice. Balac, apparently, was one of his servants who went and gathered the children once a year on a certain day. Sounds WEIRD, I know, lol, but has anyone heard of this stuff before? There's no info on the website that I can find.
Either way, I hope it's not true, lol!
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