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Religion & Spirituality - 15 May 2007

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..as they say, he could find a better way to punish sinners than make his son suffer the way he did.
It would be like a father killing his son because his neighbour had annoyed him. It does not make sense.
Why can`t religious persons start thinking logically, the same as the rest of us? Or don`t they want to?
Criticise their belief and all you get is insults and useless, unproven statements from the bible.

2007-05-15 01:31:16 · 25 answers · asked by Montgomery B 4

A chipper little visitor
Came to visit me.
He sat and sang a solo,
In my little pecan tree.
He sang of joy and laughter
Of sun and wind and rain.
And when he flew away.
I didn't feel the pain.
Some would say that it is silly.
A coincidence, no more.
But that bird made my day brighter.
And that's what he came here for.
I will not see him tomorrow,
But I really do not care.
I asked him to visit you,
And with you his song share.
So if you get a friend
Who sings a song so sweet.
Please know that red bird came.
To make your day complete.

2007-05-15 01:28:10 · 12 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

If this is so, it sounds like he had no choice in the matter so how can he have done it to save the world? He did it because some men dragged him and nailed him to a cross. As much as I sympathise with anyone who was nailed to a cross I cannot believe I owe them something. (Barring the sympathy I have already expressed) If he was also capable of miracles why didn't he simply escape to carry on his important message of peace and love? Him suffering death could mean absolutley nothing apart from his teachings might influence others, a fictional god has no bearing on this.It is quite obvious that the god part of the story was for him to get more followers as people were an easier target in them days. Ok so he made that bit up, I can accept that as he was doing it for the right reasons. We are all privvy to the same evidence on this subject so the only reason you would believe in god is as you wanted to, not because you thought he existed.This is delusional. What does anyone think?

2007-05-15 01:25:43 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Genesis 1 says God saw only good x 6, very good 7th time.
So why do many perceive that God sees both good & evil?
If law: both good and evil, but God doesn't see it, then what?

2007-05-15 01:17:53 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Parents? Spouse? Friends? Neighbors? Community on a whole?


Peace and Love

2007-05-15 01:16:37 · 16 answers · asked by digilook 2

Don't tell me "faith" that's a childs answer.

2007-05-15 01:16:22 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

questions, and then answering their own question with more than one answer?


2007-05-15 01:15:36 · 8 answers · asked by ? 3

2007-05-15 01:15:15 · 30 answers · asked by elemental consciousness 1

Or that we're nowhere close?

2007-05-15 01:14:18 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

Do you honestly feel that going to a church, makes you a better Christian? If so, how?
Can you be a Christian without attending one particular church?
If you attend a church, have you proved it's doctrines to yourself?
If you were to disagree with something important, would you question it, and would you stay or leave, if the answer wasn't the truth?
I really want to know whether Christ and God are the bottom line in your decision, or whether your church is...
Sincere answers only, please...Thanks

2007-05-15 01:14:04 · 19 answers · asked by JoJoCieCie 5

2007-05-15 01:10:40 · 18 answers · asked by lioness_sun 1

2007-05-15 01:10:15 · 16 answers · asked by lambert 2

Why is it when you go to a memorial the person they are talking about is always going to Heaven and they we always a really good person even if you were a terrible person, perhaps a drug addicted who commited suicide. If you do believe in hell, why is it that no memorial talks say this guys headed straight down?

2007-05-15 01:02:18 · 17 answers · asked by giggaflops 2

2007-05-15 01:01:06 · 22 answers · asked by Bipolar Bear 4

I write Allah- more vowels the better, but 3 is too much

2007-05-15 00:56:32 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous

"last days": Acts2:17; 2Tim3:1; Heb1:2; Jam5:3; 2Pet3:3
"last day": John6:39,40,44,54; Jn7:37; Jn11:24; Jn12:48

Allegory for "day" = "light": God called the light Day: Gen 1
So what's the difference between last lights and last light?
If such things are "allegory": Gal 4, and "mystery"(20 times)

2007-05-15 00:53:53 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

There was a programme on BBC (UK) last night which investigated Scientology. The reporter was continuously harassed and followed by people spying on him, to the point where he completely lost his cool.

Some of the things the Scientologists did (Fair Gaming) seemed almost Nazi / Stalinist like in their approach.

Yet they have 100's of 1000's of followers, including many celebrities, they are registered as a religion in the US (not yet in the UK).

So is Scientology a cult?

Can Scientology be considered on an equal footing as Christianity or Islam?

How can Scientologists explain their aggressive tactics of Fair Game, spying and confrontation?

What happened to make them abandon the belief that we all have the souls of displaced aliens inside us - is this a case of a religion (or cult) evolving it's thinking, and if so, why does Christianity refuse to do likewise?

2007-05-15 00:51:15 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was 36 1/2. I was so shaken by that that is caused me to go to God and try turning my life around. I wonder if that woman will ever know what she did for me. If I had not been so distraught over her death....i would still be doing things that I should not be doing. I hope that one day I will recognize her in heaven and tell her thank you. .............I was just wondering if anyone else had any experiences like that.

2007-05-15 00:49:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-15 00:48:57 · 29 answers · asked by TEK.YOL.ISLAM 2

Isn't it strange? I exist. Jesus doesn't. Why would you believe Jesus and not believe me?
Now I'm 100% sure that believers are delusional.
Funny thing is, they thought I was serious when I posted my quesion: "do you wanna hear what God told me?"
lol. Not just delusional, but also Dense.

2007-05-15 00:40:38 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-05-15 00:37:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Each version of bible keeps copy rights. Why copy rights if it is truly word of God?

2007-05-15 00:28:34 · 11 answers · asked by Punter 2

Websites, Youtube, the many Ray Comforts...I've seen a lot of "good person tests". The silly Christian test that asks a few questions (ever stolen? ever lusted?) to non-believers, about the 10 commandments, basically to "prove" that we are all sinners.

The silliest question is always "have you ever told a lie? Even a little lie telling your wife those pants don't make her fat, is a sin that needs to be repented". That's basically what the test is all about: exaggerate to make us all sinners.

But my question is: If, according to your rules it is a sin to tell a little lie out of respect for somebody, why do you get so upset and shout about 'mockery' when somebody calls your god 'sky daddy' or 'invisible sky pixie' or worse?

It's obviously what that person thinks and your rules told him he shouldn't tell a respectful lie. According to your "good person test", he just did what your god wants him to do.

2007-05-15 00:18:53 · 14 answers · asked by ? 6

Firstly, please understand that I'm not trying to start a fight or demean anyone's beliefs. I'm genuinely curious about this.

I personally do believe that the Bible contains contradictions, but I understand that nearly all of them can be explained logically if one accepts certain premises on faith.

However, I have never heard an acceptable apologetic for the differing creation accounts between Genesis 1 (animals came first) and Genesis 2 (people came first). How do those who believe in biblical inerrency reconcile those two accounts?

Thanks in advance.

2007-05-15 00:12:43 · 12 answers · asked by marbledog 6

16 Bishops of high rank removed the verse John 5:7 from Bible. Because this verse advocates the concept of trinity. They declared trinity a falsehood.
Jesus pbuh said in the book of Revelation Chapter 22 Verse 18-19 ". . . If any man shall add to these things (or delete) God shall add unto him the plagues written in this Book."

2007-05-15 00:02:34 · 12 answers · asked by Punter 2

I can understand that they feel a God to have created the universe. But I cant understand their claim that God is perfect. Did their God tell them that he or she is perfect. ??? HA HA HA HA How can their God be perfect when his or her creation rapes .......plunders......... exploits murders..... etc etc... Look at the world. HA HA HA How can they feel it? HA HA HA

2007-05-15 00:01:08 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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