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23 answers

I am Christian and I cannot believe other Christians think gay people, abortions and Democrats are the main issue facing the USA. That seems to be a HUGE oversight of far more severe problems we have, all for the sake of political division. Here are some things we Americans SHOULD be more concerned about instead:


Gluttony and overeating are condemned in the bible- Prov 23:21, Ecces 10:18, Rom 13:13, Phil 3:19 and 1 Pet 4:3.- It’s the chief cause of obesity in America. It kills MILLIONS of people a year from heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure all as a result of overeating. It is probably highly responsible for our current rising cost of health care. Not only are more Americans becoming fat lazy gluttons but they are raising fat lazy gluttonous children. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in our country. Coincidentally, the Bible Belt in the USA- The mid-west, south and south east or as we know it now, red states, have the HIGHEST rates of obesity in the country. How can that be "family" or "Christian" values?


Once again look at Matt 19:23-24, Luk 16:14, 1John 3:17. Ezekiel 16 even says Sodom was destroyed because of their greed and selfishness. In America we have the Enron scandal, over-inflated CEO wages, the layoffs of thousands of hardworking skilled Americans just to get a stock increase of .001%, unfair financial practices, profiteering from slave wage labour in third world countries, fleecing of honest citizens and unbridled consumerism for things we really do not need, unsafe and dangerous products being KNOWINGLY sold to us just to make a profit, materialistic tele-evangelism, the constant pursuit of wealth, the millions of Americans in credit card debt because they cannot be content with the material possessions they have and the shameless flaunting of wealth while others go hungry. It's so depressing!

Here’s a big one- LYING. Just think of all the millions fraud and slander cases ALONE in our country and the latest epidemic of identity theft. Think of all the marriages ripped apart by lies. Think of all the all the fibs we tell almost EVERYDAY. What about the fact that dishonesty is now KEY to winning elections and starting wars? Once again there too many passages to list. Here are two- Rev 21:8 and Eph 4;25.

What about RAGE & HATRED? Unlike gay marriage, it directly affects everyone and it would allow American Christians to demonstrate the exact opposite and defining factor of Christianity- Love and temperance. I mean it's a stretch for me to imagine my gay neighbor getting married breaking up MY family or changing MY family values, but I can clearly see how rage and hatred can do it. Plus It’s medically proven to be dangerous to your health. It leads to strife, murder and discord. America has the highest violent crime rates of any first world country. We have skyrocketing domestic abuse and child abuse, rampant school violence and bullying. How many criminal acts in our country can be traced back to rage and hatred? How come hate groups like the KKK and Neo Nazis are allowed to operate freely and are so un-challenged by conservative Christian groups? There are too many bible passages condemning rage and hatred to list them all. Two of my favourites are: Eph 4:31 which also includes "bitterness" and hurtful utterances" and Matt 5:22 where Jesus said that those who call another a "fool" will be cast into the fire.

Where is the mass moral OUTRAGE for these biblical sins by conservative or bible fundamentalist christians? Where are the protests and poltical rallies? How come I don't see them all fired up over THESE issues?

Or are they only fired up when it comes to things that conveniently play into their existing social prejudices?

2007-05-15 06:06:12 · answer #1 · answered by jessicabjoseph 3 · 0 0

At this point all social 'issues' hang on getting out from under the current GOP's reactionary coup 'd etat. This congregation of cold war retreads honestly believes that 'good government' means that the needs and desires of the rich, powerful and well connected should always come first and that the American wage-earner has no rights that 'their' government need respect. Instead of dealing with reality, the Bush Junta gives the American people 'faith-based' non-solutions, 24 hour a day right wing propaganda via radio talk shows and FOX, a gradual chipping away at civil rights in the name of 'national security' and total stonewalling in the face of legitimate inquiries into the actions of the executive branch. The sad part is that these latter day Bush administration facisti may well win. If that's the case, Old Glory will be hauled down and replaced by a bare pole and 'liberty and justice for all' will be just a memory. Another decade of this kind of government will require a semi-police state to keep order....do we deserve this?

2016-04-01 02:25:31 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Most important social issues facing the U.S. according to Christians.

Ok, this is said with some sarcasm, but sadly it's also the reality of things in this country too.

First I think that most people in the country are just looking to find a happy medium that we can all live within, so this is my view on Rightwing, conservative Christianity's view on the problems America faces:

Muslims, gays and gay marriage, abortion, teaching creationism to children, and putting republicans in political office to pass laws that will push their views on the rest of us. (There's supposed to be seperation of church and state in the Constitution, but religious groups fund and rally for politicians ALL THE TIME.)

Oh and of course covering their own hypocritical butts when they get caught doing some of the very things they preach against.

These aren't the biggest issues facing the country or the world by far, but these are the major battles that these religious businesses fight regularly. You can't read the news without seeing something about one of those subject above.

2007-05-15 06:00:11 · answer #3 · answered by Nunna Yorz 3 · 0 0

They're all important. Most important...I would say abortion. The reason is this. I firmly believe it to be legalized infanticide. And I would fight against the killing of any innocent life, baby or not. Take the holocaust for example. Sure there were issues in Germany at that time besides the holocaust, but none more pressing than the genocide of a people group. Now take present America. The war is a huge issue! Thousands of American soldiers have died. While I don't want to make light of that as it's extremely significant, isn't the killing of American babies whose numbers are significantly higher cause that issue to deserve to be at the forefront? Again, while I don't want to make light of the sacrifice of our soldiers, which I'm extremely appreciate of (I have a brother in-law and a cousin in the military), at least those soldiers had a choice to join and an opportunity to defend themselves, while babies have no choice in the matter and certainly no opportunity to defend themselves.

2007-05-15 06:06:29 · answer #4 · answered by sickblade 5 · 0 1

Hello, Yahoochie:

First of all, and the most immediate threat is terrorism. Regardless of what peaceful Islams tell you on Y A, if you have read the Koran, it tells them to intimidate a city-country, etc. Offer them Islam, or death; except, Christians and Jews may be spared with concessions, Christians who believe Jesus is the Son of God (almost all) must be treated as INFIDELS.

The second threat is closely related. Because of violent acts by Muslims, Christians and legislators will try to force conscience. That is described in Revelation under the mark of the beast, and the healed wound in the Beast. We will revert to medieval times where governments enforce religious dogma. In other words, convert to Jesus or suffer the consequences.

Don´t know if you read the publication that reveals the main player in a last-day ¨Bible code¨^ at www.revelado.org/revealed.htm

Blessings and AGAPE, One-Way

2007-05-15 06:11:30 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The most important issue facing America is a corrupt government. In fact, this is the world's most important issue

2007-05-15 05:52:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Sin b/c this world has so much sin in it and we can not see that it's hurting us when it comes to getting into heaven. I mean I'm really bad at doing things that are sins and I think it's ok but the truth is that after we are forgiven we still turn and sin. So that's the most important social issues facing us Americans today.

2007-05-15 05:59:28 · answer #7 · answered by adel_chick2006 2 · 0 1

None. Not because true Christians don't care. Rather is following Jesus' example for his people to have nothing to do with worldly politics and governments. We look to God's Kingdom government to solve earth's problems.

The book of John explains this in 14:30; 15:19; 17:16;18:36. It shows how the control of worldly governments is in Satan's hands. Jesus said he and his followers were no part of this world poliltics and would be hated by the world for it. While we obey worldly governments in most things (taxes, traffic laws, etc.) when laws conflict with God's Laws, we obey God's.

2007-05-15 06:10:46 · answer #8 · answered by grnlow 7 · 1 0

I think poverty is one of the most important. The economy is struggling in many areas and the poor are having great difficulty feeding, clothing, and providing transportation for themselves. The increasing rise of cost of living through gas prices and food prices, rent increase etc. will only continue to make things worse. Poverty increases crime, drug abuse, depression, broken families, lack of education, lack of adequate health care and so many more problems. It should be a priority for all Americans not just Christians.

2007-05-15 05:56:06 · answer #9 · answered by future dr.t (IM) 5 · 1 0

They( our government) are taking God out of everything this is SO wrong, when they do take him completely out of this country then there will be no goodness left and that will be a great shame and pity. If this country keeps turning their backs on God and not stand up for him and what is right,,,, then he will turn his back on us to and that will be the greatest tragedy to ever hit our great nation,it is coming just watch and see what I mean,,,, it will be a horrible end for Our One Nation Under God. IN GOD WE TRUST ALL THIS WILL BE GONE all we ever believed in in this country.

2007-05-15 05:59:30 · answer #10 · answered by littlecwoman 4 · 0 0

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