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Religion & Spirituality - 7 May 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Do all religions preach the same messages? Do you think in a secular world there will be less fighting?

Thank you

I just want to see what you think about this.

2007-05-07 23:57:15 · 12 answers · asked by poonnapat 2

see i dont believe in god . but if somehow god was real would my son have to pay the price for my mistakes . i would really like to know how christians feel about this .

2007-05-07 23:53:51 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous

How wonderful is the nature. Look on your window and see what a beautiful thing the nature is. BUT every wonderful thing realized by nature is made through sacrificies and death, just take the very simple creation of things, it was made thorugh a damn explosion( Big Bang). Or more actual facts, every change of seasons lots of animals die because they fail to adapt, of course this is good for the ecosystem in general, it prevents overpopulation but the greater good doesn`t make it less cruel. So have you noticed how weird things are yet we categorize them as normal? In other words, everything is the way it is, the laws of nature don`t forgive, never, and we don`t have the right to ask "why".

p.s. i post it under R&S because it might have a religious aspect in it even if philosophy would be more adequate.

2007-05-07 23:52:24 · 5 answers · asked by Sir Alex 6

jesus who use to crie for help. use to complaine for food. use to call eloi eloi. use to ran from his anemies, just imagine u calling him GOD, WHAT AMESS in ur life.

2007-05-07 23:49:13 · 15 answers · asked by ali k 1

like when muhhmad pbup told every 1 he saw the angle?

2007-05-07 23:37:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do theists (mostly Christians) claim that -

- atheists shouldn't be in the Religion & Spirituality section because they
a) don't believe in gods or
b) don't believe in the supernatural/spiritual -

Yet 5 minutes later they go back to claiming that atheism (along with evolution) is a religion or a religious belief.

Isn't that excessively contradictory?

2007-05-07 23:24:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I get the answer as 'Sacrifice'. I am not happy about it. I feel that Yajnya means the process of creation. Do you have any info about the sanskrit root of the word Yajnya, Yadnya, Yajna etc ?

2007-05-07 22:58:12 · 7 answers · asked by juhi_robinson 1

Disclaimer: Parody, obviously.

To be fair, though - some of the Creationist arguments sound like this from my vantage point. You would think people who had strong opinions against evolution would show a basic understanding of it. Yet, we often get stuck the sort of question like "If evolution is real, then why don't we see half-man/half-monkeys wandering around?" (To be fair, some Creationists do have a decent grasp on evolution, but many don't.)

2007-05-07 22:48:34 · 15 answers · asked by Lunarsight 5

Is there such a place as Purgatory as the Catholic belief talks about? Do we go straight to Heaven or Hell? Do we sit in our graves and decay? Cease to exist?

2007-05-07 22:37:58 · 17 answers · asked by missy 2

I was on a church trip last week, and the pastor took us to a gay bar. He said "I want to show you the degeneration of the lost." He made us go into there for one hour. Is this suitable in Christianity?

2007-05-07 22:36:54 · 14 answers · asked by Patrick K 1

if yeah, then hows it?
you like it or not....


2007-05-07 22:24:04 · 16 answers · asked by Pauli :) 6

2007-05-07 22:18:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why do they call 1 [Old] the other [New] as to say one is no longer acceptable because we have a better one. I thought G-d is the same G-d and his word never changes or passes away since the Torah makes it clear the the New covenent will be written in our HEARTS not in the wriiten code or in ink because that we have already and there is no need to add to it.

Can anyone give me a rational aproach to this question?

2007-05-07 22:13:57 · 4 answers · asked by Free Cuba 3

2007-05-07 22:11:30 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-07 22:01:25 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

According to a poll conducted by Popular Science, over half (56%) of those with less than high school educations believe in 'young-earth' creationism. That number dwindles steadily as education increases to less than 4% among those with Ph.d's.
While religion has always been at war with science (and always lost every battle), I wonder what the attraction is to the un-educated to blindly agree with religion? Do people fear science more than the frightenly violent God of the bible? why?

2007-05-07 21:55:49 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

People keep posting about how intolerant Islam is, are THEY themselves being tolerant towards Islam? Sarcasting and attacking Islamic teachings and beliefs is just a sign of pathetic prejudice and ignorance. Some people and nations do wrong things in the name of Islam, due to ignorance, not because of Islam itself. & if we wanted to judge Christianity based on its followers, well OMG! It would end up an intolerant religon which is ok with crime, rape, homosexuality, and all other sick things spreadout in Christian nations much more than they are in Muslim nations. How about the torture and killings of iraqis and people of other countries? does that shape the Christian faith? No! and nor do Islamic nations and Muslim people perfectly represent the Islamic faith, so think twice before proving yourself an ignorant, intolerant, prejudiced person.And pls people stop making up fake hadiths and Quraanic verses to support your bull****. You'll only be followed and supported by ignorant people.

2007-05-07 21:54:29 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

How far will the government of America go to take control of everything? Have the people forgotten about their rights? Everyday the congress and all other forms of government take away or limit our rights one by one. Dose the freedom we fought for years all for nothing? The government needs to leave the troubles of society alone and the people need to get along and stop their own insanity. Has the oil crises and laws gone to yell in the last 10 years? Can anyone tell me whats not wrong with America because I can list about 100 things or more.

2007-05-07 21:51:24 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-05-07 21:49:12 · 13 answers · asked by nightguarder6 n 1

One night about five years ago I was laying in my bed half sleep and half awake lucid I think, then out of nowhere I heard a voice call my name, it was a deep powerful voice and it kinda echoed a little, then I felt a very warm comforting sensation around my body it was like a strong force or something I don't really know how to explain what I felt, anyway I opened my eyes to see if someone in my room was calling me and I only saw my brother sleeping in his bed on the other side of the room. While im looking around the room I can still feel this warm sensation, still lucid at the time and my mind was totally blank I was'nt thinking about anything I just heard a voice call my name and I replied GOD? and then I did'nt hear anything. I did'nt really know how to respond I was'nt expecting to hear my name called. I do believe it was god that called my name but why just my name?is there a certain way I should have answered? is there something that he wants me to do?
serious responses only.

2007-05-07 21:36:44 · 13 answers · asked by AMac 1

I am Agnostic, and I am proud. I respect every religion and the people following what they believe. So why does every time I get on here people are bashing eachothers religion with "science and the bible?" It's really stupid.

Christians, you come on here insulting Aethiests trying to prove them wrong using stupid scientific paradoxes? Trying to use fear to get people to convert is not cool.

Aethiests, you come on here bashing Christians for believing in something that you think is impossible even though people have believed that for thousands of years.

I am sick of it, why can't we accept everyone for who they are? Don't worry about who's right and what science is proving, or what bible quote will best explain current situations. Just live your lives and be happy!

So my question is why? Why are we bickering like children? The dark ages are over, you have a freedom of religion. So why do we abuse that and bash others?

2007-05-07 21:31:23 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

in the new testament

2007-05-07 21:26:24 · 8 answers · asked by GEOFFREY K 1

i am a NRI. for this year sani peyarchi i cant go and do pooja for lord sani at tirunallar. Is there any pooja services to do poojas from outside india.?

2007-05-07 21:25:37 · 10 answers · asked by k v 1

Any incident that u can relate how did u overcome it.

2007-05-07 21:18:51 · 14 answers · asked by Gracy 2

2007-05-07 21:07:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

...........not one, not by the Romans, the Jews none, zero. all accounts of Jesus were written after his death.

There are lots of records about other events that were happening at the time. There are accounts of Gaius Sulpicius Galba becoming consul and how Roman law replaced Celtic customs in Gaul.

In the year 33 AD there are detailed accounts of a financial crisis in Rome, due to poorly chosen fiscal policies. Land values plummeted, and credit is increased. These actions lead to a lack of cash, a crisis of confidence, and much land speculation. The primary victims are senators, knights and the wealthy. Many aristocratic families are ruined. This is all well documented but nothing about a man rising from the dead.

Why is this ?

Surely there would be many many acounts of a man who performed miracles, rose people from the dead and rose from the dead himself.

Surely the Romans who kept meticulous records would have documented in detail these events.

2007-05-07 21:03:26 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

.. around the time of Jesus's supposed birth ?

2007-05-07 20:53:36 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why can't people just believe in what they believe in, and let other people believe the way they need to? Why is it such a big deal if two men want to get married, or if somebody wants to smoke some marijuana, or have six husbands or wives or any combination there-of, or believe in evolution or not, or that the Earth is flat and the moon is made of cheese? I know that the Bible and Science are, for the most part very clear on these issues, I'm not asking if they are right or wrong, True or False...that's all up for debate, and debate is, I think, a good thing; it makes you think. I just want to know why people can't just believe in what they believe, accept the fact that others believe differently, and act like civilized human beings about it.

2007-05-07 20:52:21 · 15 answers · asked by moretimerhyme 2

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