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Religion & Spirituality - 1 May 2007

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because of stuff like this http://sg.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AjzWxSPukkQ.Wf5J021dEs344gt.?qid=20070501034926AADO9ID

there are all sorts of people who believe, but only a few truly understand....and those that truly understand are the ones that make it into heaven (according to the jehovas witness). just because one says i am christian and i accept god dos not make them safe from hell, they must truly know and understand what they are saying, not just say it.

the jehovas witnesses have a number, because according to them, theres only that many people that TRULY understand the truth. (and i believe it is true - because there are many peoples who claim that which they truly know nothing of).

2007-05-01 00:56:21 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

1. I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.

2. If god doesn't like the way I live, Let him tell me, not you.

I think they are both fantastic, which one do you prefer? And give more good quotes that can be used if you know any.
Thank you.

2007-05-01 00:53:05 · 17 answers · asked by DanCorb 3

Becuse they dont understand thath we have go test in our life and God will always be thear just pray for help

2007-05-01 00:51:40 · 13 answers · asked by brothermikegoestenkors2 4

Do you think while we are alive, the inner being is only an antenna from a higher intellegence?
If so is there any evidence in history that an outside higher intelligence has manifested
itself through somebody or do you think its through everybody to a certain measure?
And if you believe that god and the devil exists, which one do you see more prevelant
through people and how?
And how about the people who dont believe
how do you see them affected if at all?

2007-05-01 00:50:04 · 6 answers · asked by PENMAN 5

No i dont we our not God and to me we have no right put other to people to seath

2007-05-01 00:49:08 · 17 answers · asked by brothermikegoestenkors2 4

Muhammad, the "Seal of the Prophets" was the last Prophet in the Age of Promise; the
Báb closed that Age and opened the Age of Fulfillment.

Help me clarify the words Seal of the Prophets, Age of Pomise and Age of Fulfilment.

I need this sentence to explain this to some Muslim friends.

2007-05-01 00:47:19 · 6 answers · asked by Sarethor 4

Then why did He create AIDS?

Just a thought.

2007-05-01 00:44:05 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

"Who cares to admit complete defeat?" For myself, I do. I need to surrender everything I thought I knew, or know, in order to grow as a Man.


Peace and Love

2007-05-01 00:42:58 · 14 answers · asked by digilook 2

This is my belief. One, to me, is self seeking, the other is self awareness.


Peace and Love

2007-05-01 00:38:34 · 13 answers · asked by digilook 2

I thought God was a provider ?

2007-05-01 00:33:22 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

"God protects us at all times. He says in His word that He would never leave us or forsake us. "

ok now people say that God doesn't "interfere" and "control" the lives of people right? so when bad things happen,if God doesn't interfere,and doesn't stop the bad thing from happening to u,what's the point of even being there?

i mean,let's take an example of a person who's drowning to death.if another person is standing and watching,but doesn't do anything to help that person in any way,how can anyone say that that person loves the person who was being drowned? and doesn't God do the same thing? there are sooo many people being drowned,burnt etc...

ok now i guess u'll say that the person being drowned shouldn't have gone that far? well what if he DIDN'T go far? there have been people who drowned because they had a sudden cramp..

what's the point of "loving"people if he doesn't DO anything? just "being there" is useless isn't it? how can u even CALL it "love"?

2007-05-01 00:29:24 · 20 answers · asked by Annie 1

Why does god allow it? why do good people die?

2007-05-01 00:23:09 · 34 answers · asked by Stef 4


Why is it in every islamic country, they claim to follow Islam yet don't? For example, forced arranged marriages. Islam says woman has the right to choose, and even propose, yet these "men" act like she's cattle. Islam says a man is supposed to emulate the Prophet (PBUH) who never once struck a woman, stood up for women, and didn't annoy or demand all housework and cooking from his wives. He helped, he did his own things. So why is it so hard for these "men" to shed culture and follow religion? Then the women wouldn't be oppressed, because the men would not be forcing how they feel onto them. Many children in a short amount of time wouldn't be born because the woman also has rights regarding that and can refuse for health reasons. Marriage is for tranquility, peace, and harmony for both parties involved. Why is it so hard for these "men", and actually most men the world over, to understand this?

2007-05-01 00:22:57 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

with all this talk of religion and special gods looking down on our deeds and listening in on our conversations....

what makes us so special that we deserve all this attention?

2007-05-01 00:22:06 · 18 answers · asked by Stef 4

if i name my dog God will you believe then?

2007-05-01 00:12:40 · 15 answers · asked by Sir Alex 6

If he died for our sins, past, present and future...for all humans, well sins cannot be that bad. With all the sins that have been commited, each one must count for very little otherwise Jesus should have been tortured, for decades to clean the slate?

2007-05-01 00:10:42 · 27 answers · asked by Stef 4

I was told I was not clear on a question I asked before. Ok, let me say it in detail. When my son was hospitalized for seizures as a newborn, I had to go another hospital across town for a biopsy on my neck because my doc thought I might have lymphoma ( I don't, shukr Allah). With more than 20 miles left to go, the metal belt that surrounds the engine broke because this was an older car and I was still married to the one who is now my ex. I know nothing about cars, but this thing made a loud "crack" and the car kept idling, and I had to carefully keep driving until it refused to go any further right in front of the entrance to the hospital's tunnel (you take an elevator up as this is the staff building entrace). I was thinking about it yesterday and am wondering, as I know nothing of cars, was it an act of God that I was able to go more than 20 miles and end up stopping where I needed to, or is the metal belt around the engine not needed?

2007-05-01 00:08:42 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

In the context of world history from, say, 3,000 BC onwards.

2007-05-01 00:06:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

To my understanding...when Moses came out from the mountian, did he not have the ten Commandments saying...'thou shall not kill,steal, ect....
But soon after the Hebrews warriors (Jewish people) were told to cross into Jordon and kill all the cannann and concor the city... I know about the 7th day march...but does it not conflit with the Ten Commandments....i am confused about that part...anyone with great knowledge please answer this..no bashing please

2007-05-01 00:03:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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