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Religion & Spirituality - 30 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

People talk about God and "accepting Christ as your Savior".
Opinions please

2007-04-30 04:57:34 · 8 answers · asked by amber x 1

2007-04-30 04:53:02 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

God will only unite Mankind on Monotheism.

Everything other than pure Monotheism will create chaos and confusion just as the very concept of the Triune God creates confusion.

‘Christ according to the faith, is the second person in the Trinity, the Father being the first and the holy Ghost the third. Each of these three persons is God. Christ is his own father and his own son. The Holy Ghost is neither father nor son, but both. The son was begotten by the father, but existed before he was begotten--just the same before as after. Christ is just as old as his father, and the father is just as young as his son. The Holy Ghost proceeded from the Father and Son, but was an equal to the Father and Son before he proceeded, that is to say before he existed, but he is of the same age as the other two. Nothing ever was, nothing ever can be more perfectly idiotic and absurd than the dogma of the Trinity.’----- Col. Robert G. Ingersoll

One god sends another down to earth. The god on earth prays to the god in heaven. The god in heaven is pleased with the god on earth. The god on earth says that the god in heaven is greater than he (the god on earth). The god on earth says he will later send a third god down to earth. The god in heaven forsakes the god on earth. The god on earth dies and goes to the god in heaven and sits by his side. That is polytheism for sure, one hundred percent. You can call it whatever you want, but it’s polytheism pure & simple.

God is not the author of confusion (I Cor. 14:33)


The Israelites recieved Prophets and scripture for thousands of years and that is why the Jews also consider the Trinity a Polytheistic concept.


2007-04-30 04:51:38 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

Mine is "How Great Thou Art".

2007-04-30 04:50:58 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

The question is an adaptation of a quote from the atheist philosopher Nietzsche: "If God does not exist, then anything is permitted."

If there is no basis for behavior beyond the realm of observable fact and inference, how do we know how to behave?

Please do not make assumptions about where I am coming from on this. I'm just interested in the answer/s, that's all.

2007-04-30 04:50:01 · 36 answers · asked by 2kool4u 5

Eve was created with a man but no woman.

Jesus, the son of Mary, was created with a woman but no man.

Adam was created without a Man or Woman.


2007-04-30 04:49:07 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

If this is true, how does it diminish Christ? Cain and Abel were brothers, does that make Abel less because his brother was Cain? NO.

Heavenly Father created everything and everyone...that includes Lucifer.

Read Isaiah 14:12-13
12. How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13. For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

Also read Revelations 12:4; Jude 1:6; 2 Peter2:4.

Can you disprove these things? Where did he come from if you can?

2007-04-30 04:48:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi , my son is having his First Communion this weekend and we have to make a banner with a saying and a simple graphic. Like "eucharist" with a chalice or "He is the light of the world". Ok I want to do something my son would dig but not be way off. Like "Soul Power with a fist clenching a rosary. Or "Join today Club Jesus" With Jesus on a computer screen.
Any ideas?.

2007-04-30 04:44:33 · 9 answers · asked by monkey 3

Because i've been waiting for hours and i'm thirsty now ?

2007-04-30 04:44:33 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can understand Christians or Muslims or people of any other religion being offended if something is said against them, if they feel an inaccurate statement has been said about their beliefs, et cetera. But why do people make arguments by saying, "This offends God?" Wouldn't it really offend an all-knowing, all-powerful God to think you know what he thinks?

As a Pagan, I have more respect for people who say, "This offends me as a Christian" rather than "This offends God." It just makes more sense and sounds more honest to me.

2007-04-30 04:43:13 · 12 answers · asked by GreenEyedLilo 7

don't know how to feel about this situation,but what happened was I met this guy, a few months ago, and he told me found me to be attractive, and a cool person to hang out with and to call him if I wanted to go out.I finally did, after a month of giving it some thought, and took him up on his offer, so the first things he says is that he's broke, and in a few weeks we'll hang out, then a few weeks past, and he tells me something came up, and he will let ME know when he has time, so a few months past, and I run into him again, and he asks me when is he gonna let him take me out, and he aplogizes says he's been going throguh some things, so we set a date, he calls me a few days later, and tells me he's had some deaths in the family, and when he runs into me again we'll aset another date,I run inot him again he doesn't brings it up, and he tells me that i should have came over to him and said Hello, and during the conversation he doesn't bring it up, so i bring it up he's still clamini

Additional Details

6 minutes ago
he's tells me that he's broke and he can't afford nothing at this time because he ahd bills, and he wants me to know that he wants me around and soon as he gets on his feet. "it's on and cracking" and I asked him if Iiked me more than a friend, and he tells me no he says that he thinks that I'm good looking and cool but doesn't want to pursue a serious relationship with me.. but on his myspace page the very next day he changed his status to "in a relationship" and this girl leaves comments on his page and stuff, and she leaves this comment saying I can't wait to see you in a few weeks, and I miss you, and we're going have alot of fun when we go out, and I'm thinking he was straight lying about about being broke...so I deleted him as my friend, erased his number, Do you think I was being too harsh?

2007-04-30 04:41:44 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm not talking about indwelling or possessing other earthly forms, but taking on their own bodies. Biblical or other references will be appreciated.

2007-04-30 04:40:44 · 24 answers · asked by John 4

Thus the "New Testament" was written, in Greek rather than Hebrew, and attached to the original Hebrew scriptures to try to change their meaning back toward paganism.

The "New Testament" tried to change G-d from One, as in the Hebrew scriptures, into a "trinity" as in Egyptian cults or the eastern religions of Hinduism and Buddhism. It described Jesus as G-d in a human body, like the pagans always described Pharoah and other wicked kings. It declared G-d's Law to be a "curse" that no one can truly obey, announced that there must be a "mediator" between G-d and man, and pretended that salvation could now be achieved outside the Law.



2007-04-30 04:36:08 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

They are the same thing?
They are both ways of acquiring truth?
Faith supplements human's limited reasoning?
Reason is dependant upon faith?
Reason is the method of attaining knowledge, faith is essentially worthless?

2007-04-30 04:35:38 · 13 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

2007-04-30 04:32:23 · 31 answers · asked by Atheist Eye Candy 4

Many contemporary "Athiests" are those who have studied organized religion and feel the concept of God is wrong, so they might be pure Monotheists who deep down dont really believe that God is the Polytheistic Trinity....

Polytheism (Trinity) is the CARDINAL SIN.



2007-04-30 04:30:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been reading articles where U.S. Citizens are trying to remove God from every aspect of the United States. What happened to Freedom of Religion? God is the only one who is being banned. People are goring to trial because they get offended. They see something where God is included and they get offended and then they want to get rid of it. You can't say God in public, read the Bible in public, say a prayer in public, put a cross on display in public, etc. What is the U.S. coming to? What's next. Remove "In God We Trust" from money, eliminate the Gettysburg address since God is mentioned and Bible verses are recited, what else? What was the foundation that our country was found on? GOD!!!! Look at the Pledge of Allegiance, "One nation under God". Now people are offended by the Pledge of Allegiance. Also look at the new presidential coins. "In God We Trust" and "E Pluribus Unum" are on the edge of the coin instead of the faces. They look like scratches. Continued...

2007-04-30 04:27:44 · 39 answers · asked by fish6776 2

That we can write about Godly Spiritual fruit & gifts?

We can write about the foundational truths of the Christian faiths?

We can write about things that are not allowed in the media?

2007-04-30 04:26:26 · 16 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

He could do things in the next three to six months of 2007 that will take the world on a course of religious world war between the Western dominated lands versus the Islamic lands that Nostradamus predicted Some are saying President Bush studies the prophecies of Daniel, Eezkiel, Revelation and seeks advice from Political Advisors as well as Spiritual Advisors..
If this is the case is our President just doing what is destined to happen anyways? and can we really change history that is foretold to us in the Holy Bible?

2007-04-30 04:26:23 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

One of the things I find much easier to grasp with regards to morality after becoming atheist is the concept of lying.

As a christian it seemed that the Bible says 'lying is a sin' no matter what. Even if your intentions are good it is still wrong.

For example: If a wife asks "Do these pants make my butt look big?"
If you believe that they do, is it wrong to lie to make her feel happy?

There are many other situations where I believe that lying is necessary. And NOT wrong.
With morality being more based on empathy and compassion, I find I can judge these situations better and not feel I am doing something wrong in the process.

How do you christians feel when you come across similar situations?
Do you believe that lying is a sin no matter what?

2007-04-30 04:25:52 · 25 answers · asked by KryptonOne 5

What do you know about the subject?

2007-04-30 04:25:27 · 12 answers · asked by MoPleasure4U 4

Does Jesus have a key to your hearts door?

2007-04-30 04:24:07 · 14 answers · asked by t_a_m_i_l 6

2007-04-30 04:23:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

i lived in england and i saw many people that don't have any faith.
they are living heathen. they didn't belife to god.
they lived with couples without marriage.
they do sin every day , they drink win.
and they dosn't do pray for god ?

2007-04-30 04:21:18 · 10 answers · asked by mohsen 1

Is this tolerance?

A substitute teacher told my 14-year-old niece that she had no right to live in America because she didn't say "under God" while reciting the Pledge of Allegience.

2007-04-30 04:19:48 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-04-30 04:19:45 · 6 answers · asked by Eleventy 6

the other day i was walking downtown and noticed a licence plate with 4 letters then 666 (where i am licence plates are made up of 4 letters and 3 numbers) so i chuckled to myself and looked at the driver. she was a nice looking young lady with a cross or crucifix hanging from her rear view mirror. so i was curious as to how this might conflict with her religious beliefs. if this was your licence plate with 666 on it, how would that make you feel? or would it not bother you at all?

2007-04-30 04:19:16 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Encyclopedia Britannica:

"Muhammad is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities.".

2007-04-30 04:19:09 · 10 answers · asked by shockoshocko 3

I am a very devout Christian, but as I have been looking through all these questions I have been disappointed in my faith. We are to live as an example, and that’s not going on here. Now if I see something that I have a differing opinion about I am going to post it, but I'm not going to tear down another’s beliefs. To all the Christians out there, when you see a question that you disagree with why don’t you try to give valid arguments instead of lashing out? And to all those who don’t believe in God why are you asking questions that you know will start fights? If you have a true question then ask it without demeaning us and acting like we are idiots for believing in God. Both sides of this are acting like animals. Now that’s a way to bring someone to Christ. Let’s cut them down. And to those unbelievers, if you want to see out perspective, then don’t act like we are cavemen for giving our opinions!

2007-04-30 04:18:10 · 25 answers · asked by Madi 2

fedest.com, questions and answers