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Religion & Spirituality - 28 March 2007

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Which is better, corndogs with cheese or katchup? Help!!!!

2007-03-28 13:55:08 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sure, we get the usual round of point-counterpoint questions and answers but somehow we all seem to be a little.. humorless? I even checked to see if it's a full moon or not (it isn't).

Have we forgotten that we can express opinions and thoughts that go deeper than "All X-people are X"?

2007-03-28 13:53:34 · 17 answers · asked by Zimmia 5


Y'now the thing with the "Bloody Mary" and if you say it in front of a mirror 5 times she'll appear? Is this true?

2007-03-28 13:53:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous


For those of you who didn't except the Second Vatican Council in the Catholic Church, What do you believe in now & do you go to church or celabrate mass ?

2007-03-28 13:53:10 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please give details.


2007-03-28 13:51:44 · 11 answers · asked by stagger_lee1974 2

2007-03-28 13:50:49 · 21 answers · asked by Robbie M 1

What about if you dont bealive in Satan and his Demons? Can you go to Heaven? What about Heaven can you go to Heaven if you dont bealive in Heaven but you bealive in Jesus?

2007-03-28 13:50:47 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-28 13:50:06 · 10 answers · asked by MrsOcultyThomas 6

Doubt his existence so much that he ceases to exist?

2007-03-28 13:47:55 · 11 answers · asked by Armund Steel 3

I'm sure they ignore ours.

2007-03-28 13:47:54 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

go to the mythology and folklore section and spread their hatred for christians there?

2007-03-28 13:47:24 · 19 answers · asked by Zero 3

was this synchronized in america with christianity?

2007-03-28 13:46:43 · 2 answers · asked by kramaster 5

Just curious. I've seen many christians say they don't 'believe in that' because it wasn't mentioned in the bible. I've come up with a list of things I cannot find biblical references for anywhere. Please provide references or explain why it's ok to believe in these things.

Hostess Ding-Dongs
Fabric Softener
Precision Tools
Pay Telephones
Lutefisk (of the devil! I know, I know!)
Swivel Chairs
Modems that run at 9600 baud (also 'of the devil')
My neighbor's baby
Chevy big block engines (especially the 383 450 horsepower)
Chocolate bars

Anyone else? What else is not mentioned in the bible that most christians 'believe in'?


2007-03-28 13:45:13 · 15 answers · asked by morgorond 5

i need an example of an alligory that honest gets you farther than dishonesty? thanks!

2007-03-28 13:43:35 · 5 answers · asked by NotMeorYou 2

if god had a son, right. when he was born to mary. who filled his spot with his daddy in heaven?

2007-03-28 13:42:36 · 4 answers · asked by kramaster 5

My boyfriend -- my FIRST boyfriend! -- (yes, I'm a senior in high school and he's my first boyfriend) is Catholic, and I'm Episcopalian, which is pretty much as Catholic as you can get without actually BEING Catholic, but because my boyfriend is Catholic, he doesn't believe my denomination to be "the true denomination". He doesn't really believe it, but lately he's been coming to my Bible Study which is pretty much nondenominational, but it's led by a family of Baptists and all of the other people that go there range from Church of Christ to Mormon. I don't know if I'm sort of accidentally pressuring my boyfriend into coming to my Bible Study, and I don't want my boyfriend coming if he doesn't really WANT to be coming... y'know?

So... anywho, my question is: should I talk to my boyfriend about the Bible Study thing, or let it be, even though it might be making him uncomfortable to be there with all of us "heathens"?

2007-03-28 13:40:38 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

does God forgive you for having pre-martital sex? Please help me.

2007-03-28 13:40:35 · 5 answers · asked by Oh Snap! 2

its right next door, if you go there, us atheists promise to leave the r&s section, deal?

2007-03-28 13:40:11 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous

when it is empty.
i think this one will be deleted but love and peace to all
and blessings (whatever that mean)

2007-03-28 13:36:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

It said: 187. What does that mean :0

2007-03-28 13:36:25 · 14 answers · asked by Armund Steel 3

I have wondered about that

2007-03-28 13:35:23 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Only serious replies:

This is for my 8 year old son. I am tired of buying those over priced Easter baskets that are crappy and secular. I am making an Easter basket that is Christian, but fun too. Any ideas out there?

Keep it moral, or I promise to report you.

2007-03-28 13:34:19 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are their motivations? Showing the prisoners?
Is it Ahmedajad?

2007-03-28 13:33:58 · 18 answers · asked by great gig in the sky 7

...if they're only purpose is to make fun of Christians? I mean, they talk about how inteligent they are and how haveing no religion makes them "smarter" somehow, If their so smart, why not do something with it? Why come on here just to be mean to everyone who loves the Lord? Fine, don't believe. But don't come here sspreading your hatred either. I don't go around talking about how much I hate milk of magnesia because it BORES people. I know there's a couple of nice ones in the bunch but most of you people (especially Atheists) think your so much better then the rest of us just because you've decided not to have salvation. I'd like to educate you about the Word and how important it is becasue I love everyone and I want all of them to be in Heaven. But the rudeness that most of you guys spew is really messed up. How about a little respect for the other side?

2007-03-28 13:32:00 · 36 answers · asked by Gunning4Jesus 3

I think pretty soon being a Christian will be illegal...I would go to jail for my beliefs...would you?

2007-03-28 13:28:44 · 43 answers · asked by Anonymous

"The most dangerous book (the Bible) on earth, keep it under lock and key"

"Atonement is a demoralizing and unchristian doctrine, a means by which we cheat our consciences, evade our moral responsibilities, and turn our shame into self-congratulations by loading all our infamies on to the scourged shoulders of Christ.”

"If a man like [Muhammad] were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving it's problems that would bring it the much needed peace and happiness."

"Islam is the best religion, with the worst followers."

2007-03-28 13:27:33 · 2 answers · asked by The Skeptic 4

I have to read the book "The Church in God's Program" and answer the questions. I am having hard time to understand this book (English is my second language). If anyone willing to help me, please let me to know. I will pay you.

2007-03-28 13:26:54 · 2 answers · asked by Lynn 1

i saw this site from someons thread with comics with rather exagerated drawings and zealous christian messages. Some of them have no actual basis in truth like the evolution one which says, and i quote "scientists have even found a normal human skull 212 million years old" and that "most scientists agree lucy is an unusual chimpanzee". Excuse me but what evidence is supported in this? If your willing to bash evolution you better put up some evidence.


2007-03-28 13:25:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

So basically JW's are saying the grave is hell, so more less that is where they will end up when you die you are in a grave right? Now i know when i die i'll be in a grave, but my spirit will be in heaven.

2007-03-28 13:25:48 · 9 answers · asked by Anthony H 2

fedest.com, questions and answers