I AM MUSLIM AND I DON'T WANT TO KILL YOU. now, are you going to sterotype me because because of my faith and forget the fact that there are more like me who believe religion is a free will given by GOD? OR will you see me as just another Muslim and automaticly place me in the relem of the terrorists. see the difference between a terrorist of Islam and a Muslim of Islam is this. those who follow the terrorists are hypocrites. i'm sure you have hypocrites in you religion...or non religion (making sure i cover everyone) Islam has a violent side and a non violent side. and Islam isn't the first religion to kill in the name of their faith, just the most recent to do so...of course this is no excuse for murder. at anyone cost. not Arabs and not Americans. not Muslims, Christians, Catholics, Buddist, Hindus, even Atheists. i wish more GOOD Muslims would speak out...accually they do...people just act like they can't listen because we believe differently, yet WE ALL bleed the same color blood.
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baba where art thou