The articles of the truce would be:
No faith may be recogonized as the only true faith in any nation
No one may make laws pertaining to their faith
No one may make laws pertaining to a lack of faith
No one may be socially judged by faith or lack of faith
No one may dictate their faith or lack of faith unless asked
No relationship, contract, or human right may be dictated by faith or lack of faith under any law
No religious words or texts may be displayed on public property or mentioned on public property for the use of making a declartion of fact, truth, defense, or faith
Likewise no lack of faith can be done for the same goal.
All laws, government bodies, and aspects of soceity shall be dictated with reason, intelligence, and common sense.No faith shall be placed on or against this and nor shall anyone be deined their beliefs
Faith shall be a private matter of consent and not a public matter of coercion as such with no faith
Would you sign this truce with these articles?
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