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Religion & Spirituality - 6 March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Please, stop. Even if you preach, they are not going to listen. Did you guys forget in the Qu'ran where it says there is no compulsion in religion?

You're giving other muslims a bad name you know.

Anyways, if they want to follow Islam, it's up to them. If they don't want, it's up to them. But if they listened to a lie, misintrepratation or something, that's when we come and clear things up. If not, we don't need to preach.

So I'm gonna ask nicely, as another muslim, could you guys go easy on the other people, could you stop preaching?

It's getting annoying.


2007-03-06 22:25:06 · 18 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

2007-03-06 22:23:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have had many of them. My dad is a veitnam war veteran and was very violent. He blinded me in my right eye when I was about 8 years old. Two days or so later I got my sight back to 100%.A couple of days ago I was cured from bowel cancer, and now I have no bleeding from my bowel or any diarea, expecially after I came back from my runs.On Sunday morning at my mothers church a guy was talking about saints being killed in the name of Jesus, and recently a pastor was stabbed and left for dead for preaching the gospel in India and for the first time I was able to see 2 angles standing next to him that were bright. One angle was taller than the other one. I could not see the fetures of their face as they were spirits, but I saw their shape, and robes. My mother has seen rainbows around pastors heads as they preached before.I love the supernatural. I was smiling at them the whole time they were there. And they knew it. In the year 2001 God did not let me die of cervical cancer, in which I

2007-03-06 22:22:32 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Think about it. If there were no monkeys or apes still alive--if all of them had gone extinct--then there would be no remotely close relatives of humans alive. That would mean that the only evidence for humans having evolved at all would be fossils, which can easily be explained as creations of God that were not related to each other and just happened to be created in what looks like a sequence to our fallible human eyes.

So really, without any living monkeys, the idea that humans evolved would be completely untenable. And since in my last question, I proved that because there are living monkeys, the idea that humans evolved is completely untenable, that means that evolution is impossible!

2007-03-06 22:20:50 · 11 answers · asked by God, Not Gravity! 1

Evolution claims that we evolved from particles into fish into monkeys into people by complete random chance. However, if we evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys all over the place?

And before you say that only some of the monkeys evolved: there's no apparent reason why some monkeys would evolve into humans while all the rest didn't; if some of the monkeys knew it would be a good idea to be people, then the rest should have known too! Plus it doesn't make sense that a bunch of monkeys would just stop evolving for thousands of years while the rest evolved tons to become people! Face it, evolutionists, the facts just don't add up.

Plus, think about the fact that evolution claims fish evolved into monkeys. If that's true, then why are there still fish?! Plus, it claims that particles evolved into fish. If that's true, then why are there still particles?! None of this makes sense. You evolutionists should be ashamed.

2007-03-06 22:20:24 · 19 answers · asked by God, Not Gravity! 1

The bible to forbid eating of pork

"Of their flesh you should not eat,and their carcass shall ye not touch,they are unclean to you"
[Leviticus 11:7-8]

“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you. Ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their
dead carcass.” [Deuteronomy 14:8]

A similar prohibition is repeated in the Bible in the book of Isaiah chapter 65 verse 2-5.

2007-03-06 22:18:32 · 19 answers · asked by greenisbestcolor 1

I want to fully accept Christ, but every time I try, I feel like something is off. Am I too smart? Too stupid? Too weird or different? It's really hard sometimes.

2007-03-06 22:17:59 · 25 answers · asked by Mike S 1

2007-03-06 22:14:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was the church that all others have sprung from. I know that it has had it's chaotic times, but still...it was the Original.

I'm not Catholic. Just considering becoming Catholic. Trying to decide.

2007-03-06 22:12:42 · 27 answers · asked by treefrog 4

i havent meditated in a while and i need help finding my spirtiual being. I need to know how to relax and just be at peace with my self, in a deep meditation, can any one please help me with this.

2007-03-06 22:10:54 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Because I have noticed that it is rather rare that someone actually attempts to answer the questions here... many appear to just tell us what they think about the topic rather than consider the question.

Anyone else noticed this?

2007-03-06 22:08:20 · 23 answers · asked by James 5

2007-03-06 22:06:35 · 1 answers · asked by blue_raven 1

2007-03-06 22:04:55 · 14 answers · asked by hansombynature 1

I've had this American friend since late January. She's been chatting with an Arab Egyptian Muslim who comes from a poor family for about a year now. He was 20 and she was 16 when they met. Now he's 21 and she's 17. She plans to visit him this summer. He used to be in the Muslim Brotherhood, a banned organization. His plans for her are conversion to Islam and marriage as soon as he has enough money to start a family with her. They want to have four children they've already named, and he's said he wants her pregnant by the time she leaves the country after her visit. He wants her to wear the abaaya (body), hhijaab (hair), and niqaab (face). He's told her not to talk to other guys, in real life or online. He spies on her on msn and Yahoo! by signing in as invisible and seeing what time she gets on and how long she stays on, because he's told her never to be online when he's not online. Sometimes he gets his friends to do it for him.

2007-03-06 21:56:39 · 11 answers · asked by ? 1



2007-03-06 21:55:26 · 14 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

as im a none beliver in everything,
my son came home from school after another religous ear bashing class,
and asked if we was meant to of evolved from apes,
why did the bible say we came from adam and eve...

erm...i have no idea...any thoughts on this...

2007-03-06 21:52:57 · 36 answers · asked by manchester_babe_30 2

Every where we find the vital differences among the humanbeings of all the existing casts and religions which will lead to the total destruction of
the humanity and human life.

2007-03-06 21:50:03 · 8 answers · asked by padma s 1

I am torn. I started RCIA classes and really liked what I heard and learned. But, the people around me condemn it because of things that happened in the church many years ago.

I don't think any church is perfect. But, I do feel most spiritually in tune in a Catholic church.

2007-03-06 21:49:02 · 20 answers · asked by treefrog 4

well the reason being that i am really not of any organised religion and i find it quite loathsome when people attempt to recruit me. just wondering if u do it, why do u think u have the right and what is ur real reason for doing so???

2007-03-06 21:48:48 · 17 answers · asked by pixoncoke 4

I heard something and I don't know if it is real or not.Maybe it was a joke or I don't know what it was.Can somebody tell me if the men from Mormon can be married legally 2 wives or more in the same time?Thank you.

2007-03-06 21:48:47 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Today, I audtioned for the school drama. The story this year is fairy tale themed, anyways.

It goes like this, it's a story about two princes and a princess. Prince charming loves the princess, and that other princes loves....prince charming.....well it wasn't me who came up with the script so don't blame me.

Anyways, the judges thought I did pretty well and I may get one of the main characters, yes, even the princess since my school is an all-boy school.

So, which part do you think I'll get? Prince charming, the....queer prince or the princess?

Just to relate to this section of Y/A, will you pray that I won't get any embarassing characters? =p

2007-03-06 21:48:07 · 1 answers · asked by Adia Azrael 4

If I am right will I become a Prophet?Should I write a religious book?Think people will pray to whoever I name as God?I think that I can see the future.Though predictions are not that hard for an educated person who observes what is going on in the world in order to make a prediction about the future.But a thousand years from now, who knows, maybe I will be revered.What do you think?

2007-03-06 21:38:23 · 13 answers · asked by Demopublican 6

2007-03-06 21:35:56 · 7 answers · asked by James 5

Two will recline on a couch one will die, one will live.

2007-03-06 21:34:36 · 10 answers · asked by James 5

Ok i have asked previous questions on Wicca and Druidism and since then have done alot of reading, the more i do in fact the more Neopaganism makes sense to me, ive also realised the sheer amount of information to take in, its astounding. I know all neopagans are different but how do you organise your book of shadows (if you dont mind telling us :) thanks in advance for any positive comments!

2007-03-06 21:25:33 · 9 answers · asked by Silent Doe 2

Which R and S regular makes you laugh the most? I've got a few, but the latest one is Lawrence of Arabia. Here is a quote and I found it to be just hilarious.

"The day I was born I was so shocked I didn't speak for a year and a half --Lawrence of Arabia"

Who makes you smile or laugh? Another for me is Adia Arek. My friends all know they bring a smile to my face.

What is your favorite quote, and what is the funniest thing you've heard recently?

2007-03-06 21:24:49 · 16 answers · asked by 7ProudMuslimah8BeautifulIslaam6 1

i am very much amazed that the hindu religious is a very new religious in all over world
its all about to know your knowlege level

2007-03-06 21:23:42 · 14 answers · asked by Guru 1

2007-03-06 21:23:14 · 16 answers · asked by Daisie 1

2007-03-06 21:22:31 · 10 answers · asked by Jean767 2

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