Try to find who carries true and ultimate message of God
2007-03-06 22:08:58
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, go for it. Until they can dig up a great great great great great great great great great grandad that was killed in the crusades it doesn't matter about the history.
When Luther made his stand against the Catholic church the Baptist came out of the woodwork. There is also a lot of jealousy since the Catholicism is so big and Baptists were so small and obscure (they had so many rules in the old days they wouldn't fight for what they believed) but now they have come of age.
BTW, I'm not Catholic or Baptist but a Christian.
I do think it would be good if you were baptized in the Baptist church since I think they got that part right where the Catholics didn't. I also very much believe in communion. Too much in the bible about it. The Baptist don't believe it as sacraments (they consider it a symbol) where the Catholics do.
2007-03-06 22:07:29
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You are on the right track.
Christ did not intend for only men who lived in the Apostles' lifetime to know and live the Truth. He ensured that the deposit of faith would be passed on throughout the generations so that all might have an opportunity to believe all that He entrusted to the Apostles – "I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world" (Matt. 28:20). His truth, the actual truth, never changes, and it is as important to hold it today as it was in the first century. It is only by holding to what is true that we can love and serve God and be saved, for false principles lead to evil actions. Since there is only one truth and it is unchanging and indispensable, it is impossible for more than one of the systems of belief or religions that exist in the world to lead to salvation. Any other position negates the words of Our Lord.
It is certainly through the Catholic Church that Our Lord has guided men to keep the deposit entrusted to the Apostles throughout the centuries. It is the Catholic Church that defeated the many heresies against the nature and person of Christ, long before Protestant denominations appeared, such as Arianism, Monophysitism, Monothelitism, Nestorianism, Pelagianism, Apollonarism, etc.. – all of these had to be opposed vigorously with the true doctrine before they were extirpated, and some still exist today. It is the Catholic Church that holds to the same doctrines that the Fathers, who had the words of the Apostles "resounding in their ears", taught and defended and which all but the schismatics reject today – auricular confession, veneration of images, the Real Presence in the Eucharist, the existence of seven sacraments, the Church as the final arbiter of all doctrinal disputes, and many more. It is only the Catholic Church that has not changed and it is only She that has existed since the time of Christ.
The Church has certainly always been aware that she has been given by Christ the entire deposit of revelation to guard until the last day and thus asserts the infallibility of her Supreme Pastor, appointed by Christ to be His Vicar on earth, and also that salvation can be found only within her maternal bosom.
Condemnation and persecution will be there if you decide to convert to Catholicism but then so is Salvation. About any doubts you may have that you need to have answered I would recommend going to the following link and reading the highly interesting articles there.This which will surely put an end to your predicament.
2007-03-07 06:16:26
answer #3
answered by Pat 3
Go for the truth.
Once you have that, you can properly deal with all the other things.
In this instance, the most important truth is that the Catholic Church is centered on Jesus Christ, who is truly present ... body, blood, soul, and divinity, in the authentic Holy Eucharist ... while the Baptists are content to settle for a book, along with some ordinary grape juice and crackers..
2007-03-06 23:49:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Go with what you feel most in tune with. I am Catholic. I know the Roman Catholic Church has the most in its closet. But, I am in tune with it.
I cannot beleive Christ would view a Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran or any other Christian denomination any better. Especially if you swtich to become more involved and undestand Him better.
2007-03-07 00:25:16
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Have a look at RCC doctrine and compare it with the Bible.Does it hold up? I think not.
I am not against the RCC for whatever they may have done in the past,but some of their unbiblical beliefs.
Acts 7:11:"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
2007-03-06 21:55:56
answer #6
answered by Serena 5
Try attending a catholic church for a couple of weeks to see how you feel when you sit in the services. In the end, you should do what you feel is right, if you don't feel comfortable as a baptist, nobody can make you call yourself one.
2007-03-06 21:52:31
answer #7
answered by Notherenow 3
If you feel like you are getting more out of the Catholic church than you did in the Baptist church, I say go for it. Maybe God is speaking to your heart telling you that he needs you there. I'm glad to hear you are going from one Christian church to another, not from a Christian church to a cult.
2007-03-08 07:39:46
answer #8
answered by MistyAnn 3
If you feel happier with Catholicism,then that is where you should be. You are correct in saying that no church is perfect. You should find the church in which you feel most comfortable. Good luck in RCIA. I loved it.
2007-03-06 22:49:47
answer #9
answered by LeeAnna32 3
Dear Treefrog,
Very often I have found myself drawn to things leading to deception and felt they were spiritually right. However there is only one plumbline to measure truth and that is the Bible which says of Jesus "I am the way . the truth and the life. No man cometh to the father except through me" Jn 14.6
What you are experiencing is a God shaped vacuum and only the Lord Jesus can satisfy that need not anything or anyone else. And you have a godly heritage so I wouldn't trade it for anything.
2007-03-06 22:24:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
You must ask the question to yourself and only yourself. Do you believe in what you are hearing or are there things you know better? I believe as long as you accept Jesus, it doesn't matter what particular religion you belong to as long as they teach about Jesus and God. The only problem I have with Catholics is the emphasis they place on Mary when the Bible doesn't tell us this is the way it should be. This doesn't mean that Catholics are all going to Hell though. They accept Jesus as their Savior and there is nothing more important than that.
2007-03-06 21:57:13
answer #11
answered by Anonymous