I asked what hypothetical evidence, if it existed, would theists accept as proof that god doesn't exist.
No theist would answer this, even hypothetically. Every one admitted that there is no evidence at all that they would accept as proof that god doesn't exist.
I respect your honesty & faith
Now, science is a method used to understand the world, and works by proposing a testable & falsifiable hypothesis, & then trying to find evidence inconsistent with the hypothesis, so as to DISprove (not prove) it.
If you are admitting that you will not accept ANY evidence as being contrary to your god, then that logically precludes any attempt to study it scientifically.
I respect people who admit that their belief in god is based on faith alone
But why do *some* people lie and claim that there is scientific evidence of god or creation, when it is logically impossible?
22 answers
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