1. Repent ( knowing that your are a sinner and coming to Jesus with a repentive spirit.
2. You must be again of the WATER and Spirit: According to St. John 3: 1-5"...Jesus answered, Verily, Verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
3. Baptize in Jesus' Name for remission of sin According to ACTS. 2:37-38, Acts:8:16,36 Acts.10:47, Acts16:33, ACTS 19:3; NOT IN FATHER, SON , HOLYSPIRIT, THOSE ARE TITLE, read Acts 4:12
4. Then being born again of the Spirit, being fill with the Holyghost, speaking in other tongues as the spirit give utterance, that is evidence that the Spirit of God dwells in side of you According to ACts 2:38, Acts 1 :4 ,8 ACts 4:31
5. Finally living a Holy life, according John 8:11 After we are saved from sin, we are commanded ," Go , and sin no more" other scriptures" titus 2:12, Hebrews 12:14, Romanss 12:1, II corinthians 7:1 just to name a few.
GOD's Word is true believe it!
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