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they believe Jesus is son of GOd, okki then asnwer this for me if Jesus is son then who is God's wife? and if God is so great why wuld He consider Jesus a son? Cuz we believe that Jesus was a Prophet yes he did have miraculous powers and he culd do healing by the grace of GOd, but we believe God took him and that there was another person who was saying he was Jesus and they jews believed it and hung him on the cross n thats why they believe that until this day...

2006-08-03 07:19:34 · 48 answers · asked by nazanin 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

48 answers

I was raised to believe all that same $hit. I am supposed to believe a god or man would send his son to die in such a manner to save who? To much fear and hate in Christianity. We all have a sense of righteousness in ourselves and life's greatest struggle is to do what is right when it is the hardest thing to do. I understand that the greater jihad is man's war with himself to live a righteous life in the eyes of God.

2006-08-03 07:47:52 · answer #1 · answered by gobobgo55 3 · 0 2

God doesn't need a wife, exactly, because Jesus didn't come about as a male/female union in the way that you or I did. Also, Jesus is God's "Son" and also "God." This is what Catholics consider one of the great mysteries. When St. Patrick explained this to people, he used a shamrock-- One union is created by three parts-- The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. God is too big, in a way, to be one thing, or person. Jesus is his Son in that Jesus is an offspring of God. Both FULLY human and FULLY devine. When considering this, also remember that other religions believe in MANY other "strange" or hard to get your head around beliefs.

Also, it's hard to explain sometimes, but it's not about the "Jews killed Jesus." Jesus wasn't a Christian. He was Jewish. And there weren't just Jews there. There were Romans. Roman Catholic...? etc. Anyone who didn't try to help, or stand up for Jesus and his teaching was also to blame. The point being, Jews believe Jesus was a great prophet, and he is a truly important person in biblical history. But the difference is that Jews don't believe that we are saved yet. They are still waiting. Christians and Catholics belive Jesus was the one.

2006-08-03 07:28:57 · answer #2 · answered by katya_annalotovich_x 3 · 0 0

The word 'Son' is a relative term used to describe the second Person of the Trinity, who is eternally begotten from the first Person, the 'Father.' The Son is the perfect reflection of the Father and is of the same substance.
To say that God has a 'wife' is a strange literalism based upon a misunderstanding of the Revelation and clear Tradition of the Christian religion.
The idea that there was some substitution has no historical basis. All the texts of the time, both Christian and Jewish, all agree of all points save the Resurrection. That Muslims several hundred years after the fact make up weird stories based upon neither ignorance is no surprise and means nothing.
Instead of worrying about the Holy Trinity, why don't you speak up to stop your friends from killing across the globe.

2006-08-03 07:28:48 · answer #3 · answered by wehwalt 3 · 0 0

Christians and Muslims do not agree about this issue. I as a Christian believe that Jesus is the Messiah. I do not believe that Mohammed was the last prophet. Many Christians believe there are prophets today.
Christians believe that Mary was overshadowed by the Spirit of God and became pregnant with the Son of God.
Why would God not have a Son? Our Bible says"in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Later in our Bible it says, "the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us."
Christians do not believe that God took Him . Christians believe that Jesus the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God was hung on a cross and died for the sins of all the world and that all who are willing to receive Him can find forgiveness for their sins and peace with God and with one another. It is OK for us to disagree. But it is not OK for us not to love. Christians are not against Muslims. We are against terrorism no matter who is doing it. God is good. God is love.

2006-08-03 07:33:18 · answer #4 · answered by cathyhewed1946 4 · 0 0


God did not need a wife.
Joseph was Mary's husband.
Mary was Jesus's mother.
God put the seed into Mary, and she gave birth to Jesus.
Who thinks God took Jesus, and some other guy was saying he was Jesus? I don't remember that story.
But Jesus was crusified on the cross, and today our sins can be forgiven.
There is no way anyone is going to be able to prove their side.
It's all about faith. You just have to look inside your heart for the truth, God will speak to you if you ask him to. You just have to be willing to hear what he has to say. You can't be doing things you know are a sin, and seek him at the same time.
If you are truly seeking the answers, you will find them. But you have to be willing to accept them when you do. Otherwise, your only seeking your own affirmations, not the truth.
It's not politics, it does not have to be the less painful answer, or the prettiest answer. Just because children suffer, and lives end short, does not mean God is not loving and just. And it does not mean Jesus did not die on that cross for us.
It seems your seeking answers that cannot be provide, if you ask a question with no answer, or word it in a way, that you will get the response you are looking for, then you are not seeking truth. You are seeking affirmations of your own beliefs.

And as far as the Jews killing Jesus, as a christian i am thankful they help fufill Jesus' purpose. I can not imagine how anyone claiming to be Christian, can not love Jews based on this. It is absurd!! We could not recieve the forgivness or grace we do today if it were not for the crucification of Jesus Christ.

2006-08-03 07:28:59 · answer #5 · answered by Blonda 4 · 0 0

We believe in the triune God, which means the Godhead is three persons in one God. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All are equal but 3 distinct persons. The three persons are one God.

This is a mystery that is difficult for our human minds to understand.

God is the Creator, he had no wife. God always was and always will be.

Psalm 90: 2 Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

The important thing to know is that the ONLY way to get to heaven is by faith in God's Son because he alone could keep the Law perfectly where we fall short.

John 6:46No one has seen the Father except the one who is from God; only he has seen the Father. 47I tell you the truth, he who believes has everlasting life. 48I am the bread of life.

2006-08-03 07:45:12 · answer #6 · answered by d8 2 · 0 0

God had no wife. Jesus was not just a prophet but was also God in Flesh. God can do everything so I don't see why He couldn't come down to earth in flesh and be called the Son of God.
The New Testament of the Holy Bible were written by eye witnesses. It wouldn't make sense that Jesus' disciples didn't recognize Him when he was on the cross and Mary, His mother, would know the man before her eyes since she gave birth to Him.
I'm sure she knew her own son.

2006-08-03 07:32:35 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, Jesus is the son of God. But God is God, not a human person that had a wife. Jesus was God made flesh. He was born of the virgin Mary. Mary, as the bible tells us, was "overshadowed" by the holy spirit, and was with child. She gave birth to Jesus.

I do know that Islam believes in Jesus merely as a prophet. However, in Christianity Jesus is, as I said above, God made flesh, who came to earth, lived among us, died on the cross to pay for our sins, and is the only way to heaven (faith in Him). He looked like a man, was a man, died a human death on the cross. But He was also God, since God was His Father, not an earthly man. That is why He alone can forgive us, through His sacrifice on the cross.

I hope that answers some of your questions.

2006-08-03 07:30:01 · answer #8 · answered by christian_lady_2001 5 · 0 0

oh boy, here we go again.....first off if there was a god powerful enough to create this whole universe and everything in it, don't you think he had the power to make Jesus Christ without a wife, the reason god didn't have a "wife" as you put it, is because he didn't need one to create jesus. Thats like saying he needed a male and female earth to make the one we are on now, a male and female universe to create it also...besides who are we to say God is even male or female as we know it.
personally I'm atheist but I have done a LOT of reading of the bible as well as many other books about religion, not a SINGLE one has any definate proof of a god or godlike being. People were so ignorant of everything back then, if lightning came they thought, "oh my, god must be angry!" People can't accept the fact that they are going to die and we do, thats it! So they make up stuff to make themselves feel better about death, stuff like god giving you everlasting life. Man has been obsessed with living forever since the dawn of time, thats the only way they can rationalize it is by "creating" a god. God didn't create us, we created him

2006-08-03 07:29:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Jesus is God. God took human form so we could conceive him mentally. He did not need a wife. That just goes to show how powerful He is. There was no need for another, God has the ability to make someone just by wanting to. Therefore, Jesus was not just some prophet, He was and is the onetrue God.

2006-08-03 08:38:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We believe that Jesus is God in the flesh He has always been.
God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Three persons ONLY ONE GOD. In the book of John we read "and the Word (Jesus) was with God and the Word was God", I hope this helps.

2006-08-03 07:29:17 · answer #11 · answered by G3 6 · 0 0

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