In a previous debate I was directed to Leviticus 18:22 to learn homosexuality is an abomination. The Old Testament contains prohibitions and laws on a whole range of matters - e.g. trimming beards, not touching pigs, working the Sabbath, how to sell slaves, etc. - and few, if any, Christians pay heed to these. I understand the reason to be that the New Testament is acknowledged as superceding the Old Testament, especially on issues of ancient Judaic society, including most of these matters mentioned. Jesus didn't remark on any of the above, as far as I know, instead preaching general tolerance and simplicity of faith. To my knowledge - though I'm no Biblical scholar - Jesus did not mention homosexuality at all. Nor beards, or unclean pigs. So why do so many Christians adhere to this Old Testament pronouncement but not, say, selling daughters into slavery if they misbehave? Enlighten me, oh pious ones... or at least acknowledge there's room for debate.
34 answers
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Tyler's Mate