I'm an atheist, but I've been thinking lately whether or not the more rational route to take is agnosticism.
(Christians, before you start spewing out your dogma, please realize that any admittance of uncertainty as to the existence of the supernatural puts me NO closer to admitting the existence of your convenient, schizophrenic, outdated, man-made god. Shoo.)
Anyway, I don't believe in a god because I think science does, or can, explain it all. But if there WERE something in existence that was above and beyond the laws of science - then it's very possible that we could neither conceive of nor perceive of it. Science is a field of hypotheses and theories - I think it 99% likely that the "supernatural" doesn't exist, *but if it did*, could we even know?
So...what I'm trying to say is, if we for the moment take the word "atheism" to mean not only disbelief in a god but disbelief in the supernatural, is it not better to say, we don't, and could never know? Convince me!
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