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Religion & Spirituality - 1 July 2006

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i'm a muslim but i'm not like that. and one more question is, why do you believe that quran teaches us to be terrorist? have you ever read it??? we are not muslims and i have many many christian friends and they are always telling me that they thought the same, but they don't know why they did and when they met muslim people, they really loved them. if you know a terrorist that makes trouble around him, he is not a muslim i say for sure. please don't think like that i read some questions and answers tells that we are terrorists(!) and i cried for so long. please tell me i want to learn why it is?

2006-07-01 15:42:55 · 23 answers · asked by . : [ s a k u r a ] : . 3

I am curious why certain religions, more then others, tend to knock door to door to tell everyone about their faith and beliefs?
The local Jehovahs, CONSTANTLY knock on neighborhood doors and try to engage everyone in an hour long chat about how great their religion is. And that is fine! That is great. I feel if you love your religion, embrace it. But I don't get why they have to go to stranger's houses to try and get others to join them.
At least if I knew of Christians, Protestants, Jewish, Baptists, etc., coming to your door, I won't feel so confused. At least in my area, the knocking people are Jehovah's but in my old neighborhood they were Mormons. I have put up a sign in my front door's window saying " ATTENTION RELIGIONS! The Bible doesn't need door-to-door salesman, it sells itself!"
I'd like to hear from those that know the answer or at least have had other religions at their door (christians, catholic, etc.).

2006-07-01 15:40:57 · 37 answers · asked by Shannon 4

Why do Some Christians say "they're throwing god out of this country" or "god wont be there for us anymore". I'm an atheists and I would like to thank you for letting me know that I control the one that controls you

2006-07-01 15:38:15 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was asked to have the youth group meetings at my house. Is it impolite that I ask the kids to not wear shoes inside during the meetings and for their parents when they come to pick them up. How do I do this?

2006-07-01 15:36:25 · 10 answers · asked by Julia 1

im a catholic and i personally think its the best religion in the world cuz we are hella mellow. but someone plz tell me who are these freaks.

2006-07-01 15:29:59 · 23 answers · asked by hickz 2

god created the light earth and then adam and eve and animals
where do the dinosaurs fit in the story?

2006-07-01 15:22:42 · 27 answers · asked by Chief_Mojo_Risin 3

I was raised Catholic and belong to Catholic parents. I've gone to Catholic schools all my life. I've always believed in God and still do, but I've never agreed with some of the main beliefs in Christianity. Ex. I don't believe in the Creation story, I'm pro-gay marriages, I think some parts of the Bible are subject to change over time, etc. Before I thought that meant that I'm just not a "traditional" Christian, but now I think that I can't be a "true" Christian without accepting some of Christianity's most fundamental beliefs (and I know a lot of you will agree with me).

Right now I'm not really following any official religion. My parents are devout Catholics and a lot of my friends are believers so the Catholic faith is a huge part of my life (like going to church; I know it's not big deal and it's only 1 hour but I feel like I shouldn't even be in church anymore). Should I tell them I'm questioning my faith (if so, how?) or should I just suck it up for now until I've decided?

2006-07-01 15:18:59 · 54 answers · asked by Ariel 2

Father of all! In every age,
In every clime adored,
By saint, by savage, and by sage,
Jehovah, Jove, or Lord!

***this is from Alexanders Pope's Universal Prayer.

2006-07-01 15:14:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Some Christians think that End Days are near. If you're one of them, how do prevent this view from being a self-sulfilling prophecy?

I am very concerned that those that think End Days are near are doing things that might bring about some really nasty future events. I think that such people are encouraging armageddon because they think that's "what God wants", or they think it's inevitable, or they don't want to be proven wrong.

The "prophecies" of the bible have been misinterpreted for centuries, this trend is not stopping. If someone claims they can tell the future through bible interpretation, they are lying to you. It is not our place to know the future. Claiming to do so, is claiming to know the mind of God.


2006-07-01 15:12:03 · 11 answers · asked by l00kiehereu 4

Many people who celebrate Christmas are nonbelievers and it's more about commercialization nowadays. Christmas actually originated from pagan traditions. What do elves and reindeer have to do with anything, anyway?

2006-07-01 15:12:03 · 13 answers · asked by Joe S 3

I'm a Catholic, but I don't see how it is possible. Isn't that what all Catholics believe? I can understand that the hosts and the wine are symbolic of the body and blood, but that's not what Catholics believe.
Can someone please tell me, simply, what Catholics actually believe?

2006-07-01 15:11:58 · 27 answers · asked by doubled254 3

We all know how gay-bashers claim that God hates homosexuals, but where in the bible is that stated? I've searched all throughout the old and new testaments and come up with nothing that states, "God hates homosexuals."

2006-07-01 15:10:56 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-01 15:10:02 · 30 answers · asked by tammette39 3

My question is how can I trust God?

I have tried very hard to always put christ first in my life.
Now God has plagued me with several diseases at a very young age. I did not have sex in highschool because I wanted to follow the lord and wait until marriage. I now know that I will never be able to get married, have children, or even work my way out of debt.
I will probably live a long, endebted, and alone life.
I know the cracker-jack box answers to the question, "why does god hate me?"
I want to know how can I trust him?
Would you still trust him if he set you up to fail and then surrounded you with nothing but reminders of how your life is far below expectations, and how no matter how hard you try your life will never get any better?

Oh... what I would give to have been born a starving person living in Africa. To have never believed that life could be good.

Please do not tell me there is no God. I respect your view, but I am asking other believers for help. Thanks

2006-07-01 15:09:11 · 19 answers · asked by TaxMan 2

I home school my sons and some people think I shouldn't have that right stating society should. I say when society gives me children then they can have a say. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." This is the U.S.A. not Ancient Sparta where the government owns the children and their parents.

2006-07-01 15:08:21 · 11 answers · asked by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7

How does Judaism view the social issues of abortion, war,violence and sexual ethics/homosexuality?

2006-07-01 15:08:04 · 3 answers · asked by hickz 2

My question is: If atheists can't stand the fact that christians spread the word about their faith, minister, and try to recruit followers, why then do atheists/agnostics do the same to christians? This word, "ATHEIST" is a label you gave yourself, and it is not a religion, and you proudly say, "I have an absence of belief in the existence of God or gods", yet you too try to recruit members. One person comes to mind..... username: AtheistsRule
Just my opinion, anyone have any thoughts on the matter?

2006-07-01 15:06:45 · 14 answers · asked by Kryztal 5

if not who then?

2006-07-01 15:05:15 · 17 answers · asked by tender 1

this compare to the Holocaust ???

2006-07-01 15:05:12 · 7 answers · asked by jan 1

2006-07-01 15:04:22 · 7 answers · asked by idspudnik 4

After months of celibancy, I gave in to my flesh last night. As a Christian how do you handle your sins? You you have turn your back on GOD'S will for your life and followed your own will, after you repent, then what?

2006-07-01 15:03:13 · 8 answers · asked by aquamarinedarling68 2

Ever since I became an Athiest, I feel so much more free, like a burden has been lifted of me. Does anyone know why i might feel this?

2006-07-01 15:00:24 · 23 answers · asked by cutie pie- u ready 4 me? 2

I know that Jews, homosexuals,crippled and elderly people, gypsys,and people who helped the named above escaped were killed but who else was killed?

2006-07-01 15:00:01 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

we're supposed to be showing others the love of Christ and leading them to Him. we're not supposed to jump on them and "beat them over the head" with the Bible. can we please come together and show people the way to God without pushing them away?

we're not trying hard enough. there are still thousands of people on their way to Hell and we are just sitting back doing nothing. lets get out there and tell people about Him. are you with me?

2006-07-01 14:59:29 · 15 answers · asked by He is in control 4

any three random points is a triangle.Which is equal to a 180 degrees.Divided by three is 60, 60, and 60. Or if you put them in a line like this ___________ that is still 180 degrees and is divided by three is 60,60, and 60. So I guess I am wondering why does 6,6,6 and 60,60,60 look so similar.
Kinda like The father=George Bush Sr
The Son=George Bush Jr.
and the holy spirit=hmmm? Death, The element which keeps you alive. Even vegetables are alive before cook or eat them
The next question is why is the anticrist emblem, the cross turned upside down. It is the same symbol point blank.
Now here is the thing Jesus was crucified on the cross supposedly. Depending how you look at it, that is a sacrifice for the devil. Depending on how you look at it. http://www.towson.edu/~mrix/amaranthyne1b.GIF

2006-07-01 14:57:02 · 8 answers · asked by IV P 1

2006-07-01 14:55:51 · 18 answers · asked by tender 1

when did the marriage relationship change from one man, one woman?

2006-07-01 14:54:55 · 14 answers · asked by disma1 1

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