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Some Christians think that End Days are near. If you're one of them, how do prevent this view from being a self-sulfilling prophecy?

I am very concerned that those that think End Days are near are doing things that might bring about some really nasty future events. I think that such people are encouraging armageddon because they think that's "what God wants", or they think it's inevitable, or they don't want to be proven wrong.

The "prophecies" of the bible have been misinterpreted for centuries, this trend is not stopping. If someone claims they can tell the future through bible interpretation, they are lying to you. It is not our place to know the future. Claiming to do so, is claiming to know the mind of God.


2006-07-01 15:12:03 · 11 answers · asked by l00kiehereu 4 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Don't post bible verses, post your own thoughts.

You remember how to think, don't you?

2006-07-01 15:20:00 · update #1

11 answers

In Dan.7:2-8 we have 4 great beast come up from the sea. Sea, that is peoples of the earth. The first 3 beasts co-exist when the 4th beast rises. The 1st beast is Great Britain and the United States. The 2nd beast is Russia and communism. The 3rd beast is camouflaged with spots. It has 4 heads or hidden dynasties. (PEER) Politics, Economy, Education, and Religion. 2 sets of wings which is media and communication. The 4th beast is the same as the beast of Rev.13:1-2. It is a one world system or new world order. This beast is still rising out of the sea. It will have 7 heads or dominions, 10 horns or leaders. Then will come up a little horn which is AntiChrist.

In II Thes.2:3 there will be “a falling away” first, apostasia in Greek. This is defection from truth or divorcement from God.

In Matt.24:32-34 Mark 13:28-30 the generation which sees this fig shoot “set up” will not die until all these things be fulfilled. This happened when Israel became a nation again May 15, 1948. This coincides with the baby-boomer generation and they have Grey hair.

In Matt.24:3-8, Mark 13:5-8, Luke 21:8-11.
Many shall come in my name (authority) saying I am Christ (Christian) and shall deceive many.
The best example of this is the so-called Rapture. This is a LIE which can easily be disproved by God’s Word. Christ returns at the seventh trump.
Wars and rumors of war.
Nation shall rise (rouse from obscurity) against (along side) nation kingdom against (along side) kingdom.
The words “shall rise” (eg-i'-ro) in Greek means “rouse from obscurity”.
This word “against” (epi) in Greek means “along side” not in opposition to.
Since 1990 (30) new countries have emerged. We now have the global market place or the global community.
Famines. Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
This famine of hearing the words of the LORD is very apparent on TV. Maybe a verse or two then mans’ words for 20 minutes.
Pestilences. Aids, mad cow disease, bird flu and etc.
Earthquakes in diverse places.
This word “earthquakes” (seismos) in Greek means both “earthquake and tempest”.
Look at the hurricanes we have been having.
All these are the beginning of sorrows (birth pangs).
This word “sorrows” (odin) in Greek means “birth pangs of childbirth”.
The birth pangs of a new dispensation, and the contractions are getting closer together. The water may have broke during the tsunami of 2004.

II Pet.3:3 Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, II Pet.3:4 And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

II Tim.3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. II Tim.3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, II Tim.3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

2006-07-01 15:16:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'll defer to God's Word. God's Word is true from the beginning (Ps.119:160).

We are witnessing the decline of the earth’s environment and resources, a prophetic fulfillment of the Bible.

At the Fourth SEAL, one-fourth part of the earth is to be destroyed before we move forward to the next Seal events (Re.6:7-8).

Once the one-fourth part is destroyed, we will move through the SEAL events, followed by the Seven TRUMPET events, and, finally, the Seven Last PLAGUE events.

When the world faces acts of terrorism are we not facing beasts of the earth (Re.6:8, Jude 1:10-11, Titus 1:12, 2 Pet.2:11-13)?

Pat (ndbpsa ©)

2006-07-02 21:57:23 · answer #2 · answered by BibleProphecyOnTheWeb 5 · 0 0

First I will say this. We are not guarenteed another breath we can come
to the end of days at any second.The main problem is are you ready?
When you leave this life that is the end there is no second chances you
are eather one of God's adopted children(By Jesus Blood) or still a child
of the devil and will spend eternity seperated from God and all of his
goodness for ever.The Bible says today is the day of salvation if God is
calling you (you will know when He does)recieve Jesus as Lord by FAITH and be eternally saved and secure.
The end of the world as we know it NOBODY knows but God not
even the angles in heaven.The World is quickly rotting from the core
and thing are about to get worser than ever in recorded history I believe
it is called Jacobs Troubles or The Great Tribulation is upon us right now
when God catches up Jesus Bride it will start.Everybody that is Born-Again during this Grace Period will be spared those awful awful times
that makes me say THANK YOU JESUS FOR SAVING A WRETCH LIKE ME!!! The choice is yours accept Gods free gift or reject it and
face the future along.Joh 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.
Joh 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Joh 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

In Christ in Love,

2006-07-01 15:54:47 · answer #3 · answered by TJ 57 4 · 0 0

Amen! But I would caution you, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and several others challenged so-called Christian empires to practice what they preached. And to a great degree, their passive civil disobedience was successful. One could also say that Abe Lincoln challenged the status quo, and the nation was reborn, a more perfect union. All of these men were labeled war-monger, and ego-maniacs in their time. But in the long run, it will be the nation, not the leader that is judged.

This generation may be judged on the outcome of a mass migration from Latin-America. Will they be accepted? Or will the rejection bring the doomsday you speak of?

Jonah was upset, when God did not destroy Nineveh. They must have done something right. (Dogma)

2006-07-01 15:34:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

thanks for the added detail. i hate people quoting the bible when im asking for an opinion.
anyway every begginning has and end. how that will come about is uncertain. but i do think negative thiking can have negative results. the more people that believe in some "thing" the more power we grant it. i think if we spent more time being better people and making the world a better place rather then thinking of the ways it will end we would prosper more. life is too short. ever regretted not saying something? like telling a loved one how much you loved them before they went? i did that and i still regret it to this day. start living life to the fullest living each day like it could be your last. cause it could be end of days or not. i think this way you would all have a more fullfilling life

2006-07-01 15:42:05 · answer #5 · answered by frostyg02uk 5 · 0 0

To be honest, I think some people are looking for the end days, simply because they want to escape from their everyday lives. If Jesus comes tomorrow, they don't have to worry about next month's rent, getting the car brakes fixed, how win the argument they're having with their parents / kids / siblings / spouse / other ...

I think the world keeps looking worse because we become more aware of all the troubles in the world. As kids, we are sheltered from the dangers of the world. The older we get, the more we learn, and the worse the world looks.

The world becomes a better place, not when we avoid the troubles, but when we confront them and push them back.

2006-07-01 15:20:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I pray that the Lord will reveal truth to you. The prophesies in the bible are things that has already happened through history except one the second coming of Jesus Christ. If you read in the book of Daniel, the visions that Daniel had are events that already happened. God at that time told Daniel what was to come, in the book of Revelation, the Lord told John what was to come and everything lines up in history. We are at the end of the sixth seal, the seventh seal is the coming of Christ. For more clarity go to Bibleinfo.com or It Is Written. You will find it very interesting.

2006-07-01 15:34:16 · answer #7 · answered by Cynthia 1 · 0 0

revelation 22:20 he wich testifieth these words saith,surely i come quickly.(God is saying this)

revelation 22;7 behold,I come quickly;blessed is he that keepeth the saying of the prophecy of this book.

revelation 22;12 and behold, i come quickly; and my reward is with me , to give every man according as his work shall be.

revelation 16;15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naken, and they see his shame.

and there is alot more words that tell this

God bless you

2006-07-01 15:24:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would rather live my life as if there is a
God, and die to find out there isn't, Than
live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out there is.

2006-07-01 15:16:43 · answer #9 · answered by Chhaya05 4 · 0 0

Only when I see the Wookie.....nice storm trooper.

2006-07-01 15:16:52 · answer #10 · answered by rockEsquirrel 5 · 0 0

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