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there is a form of shirk in which someone loves something or someone as he would love Allah. this form of shirk, Allah does not forgive. but wat if one does this unintentionally?

2007-12-26 04:10:14 · 9 answers · asked by Al Qiyamah{top lawyer inshAllah} 5

I keep getting strange phonecalls. No one actually talks, all I can hear is music. Been happening since last week.

2007-12-26 03:19:27 · 18 answers · asked by ¸.•*´`*•.¸ ℓανєη∂єr ¸.•*´`*•.¸ 6

i wanna know this that often all the bootled up anger leads to frustration & depression

plz do send correct references!


2007-12-25 21:51:29 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Assalaam A Alaikum All,

I have found something about Remembraning Allah in Quran and Sunnah which I would like to share with all of you.

Dhikr (Remembrance) in the Quran and Sunnah

"Those who believe (in the Oneness of Allâh), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allâh, Verily, in the remembrance of Allâh do hearts find rest" (Surah ar'Ra'd 13:28)

"O you who believe! Celebrate the praises of Allah, and do so often; and glorify Him morning and evening." (Holy Qur'an 33:41-41)

Allah (SWT) has commanded us to remember him always. He says: "Remember Me, I shall remember you." (Qur'an 2:152)

Allah(SWT) says in the Quran Al-Kareem:

"And establish regular prayer, for prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds, and remembrance of Allah is the greatest thing in life, without doubt." (Surah al-Ankabut 29:45)

2007-12-25 21:16:49 · 7 answers · asked by Sam Halla (Allah please help us) 4

Please don't get offended.

I was just wondering, is it haram/sinful to use pornography for "sexual aid?"

2007-12-25 14:29:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-25 13:29:51 · 30 answers · asked by Anson C 2

What site can i listen to the entire Quaran?

2007-12-25 13:15:55 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

I know that Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) told us not to get angry. However, I have a big problem with anger. I get angry very fast and I get rude sometimes. I don't use 'strong' swear words but I say annoying things, like you are closed minded, you are stupid, annoying, retarded and I shout loudly. When I get angry at home, I hit my siblings. I can't control my anger. I used to take stress med but I stopped it because it gave me headaches. I don't know what to do with anger.

Any advice you can offer me?

Thank you


2007-12-25 12:25:18 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-25 11:33:24 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous


I hope you can help me? :)

My parents never really taught us our deen. I have strong faith in Islam, but I feel I don't know too much about it! I LOVE Islam, yet I don't really practice. I feel lost. I have had no guidance from my family. I'm finding that I feel a lot of resentment towards my parents for not teaching us or atleast sending us to a school as kids. Now I'm seeing my brothers and their families fall apart and it's all from lack of Islam! I can't bear to watch it. There is always the option of seeking knowledge myself, and I do, but I just feel there's so much I've missed. I want to embrace Islam fully yet it seems near impossible with where I'm at in life and with my family and living in this awful place (UK).

I don't know what my question is. I just need some support, I think. How can I learn more? No matter how much I read I always feel I need more; I NEED to embrace it, I need to have a family that embraces it entirely. How can that ever happen? :S

2007-12-25 11:02:32 · 17 answers · asked by Karl 2

Remain attached to the Quran. Nobody should surpass you in being intent on it, or more sincere in implementing it for God said in the Quran:

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

You are the best people raised for the good of mankind; you enjoin good and forbid evil and believe in Allah.

And hold fast, all together, to the rope of Allah and be not divided; and remember the favour of Allah which He bestowed upon you when you were enemies and He united your hearts in love, so that by His grace you became as brothers; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah explain to you His commandments that you may be guided.

Surely, God has purchased of the believers their persons and their property in return for the heavenly Garden they shall have; they fight in the cause of God, and they slay and are slain - an unfailing promise that He has made binding on Himself in the Torah, and the Gospel, and the Qur'an. And who is more faithful to his promise than God? Rejoice, then, in your bargain which you have made with Him; and that is the mighty triumph.

Those, who love that indecency should spread among the believers, will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you know not.

....they will spare no pains to ruin you. They love to see you in trouble. Hatred has already shown itself through the utterances of their mouths and what their breasts hide is greater still. We have made clear to you Our commandments, if you will only use your understanding.

God has promised to believers, men and women, Gardens underneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide, and delightful dwelling-places in Gardens of Eternity. And the pleasure of God is the greatest of all. That is the supreme triumph.

Holy Quran

I advice whosoever receives this message, to be conscious of God, to remove your differences, and to strengthen your ties. The Prophet said: "Reconciliation of your differences is more worthy than all prayers and all fasting.

The Almighty God said : "The believing men and the believing women , they are guardians of each other , enjoin good and forbid evil... "God attaches primary importance to enjoining good and forbidding evil " as a duty for men and women. For he knows that if it were fulfilled all the other duties , easy or hard , will be accomplished. That is because "enjoining good and forbidding evil" is a call for Islam , it regains the rights of the oppressed and opposes tyrants.

Who is more faithful to his promise than God??

2007-12-25 09:33:45 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

its weird, i was once at a library, and i was wearing a my islamic school uniform... they thought i was a "nun in training"

2007-12-25 07:49:27 · 15 answers · asked by Miss Lady 5

ok so I want to know how many of my muslim sisters are good cooks too? and how many brothers can cook?

What is your specialty?

2007-12-25 05:32:39 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

do u think it would be a right thing for me to leave ?

i don't feel that iam that helpful anymore as before,

many of my dear contacts and friends have left,

and iamnot gaining alot as before,

i feel it isn't my world anymore,

............etc ( & other reasons )!

so, what do u think?!

ps: i have been a user (esp.in R&S) for over a year !

thanks in advance .

2007-12-25 04:34:32 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

If their answer was rude or even if the person disagreed with it that would be okay, but to thumbs down simply because they are not Muslim or you don't like them is childish and disrespectful.

2007-12-25 04:32:00 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-24 16:34:53 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering..'cause my little sister spends a loooong time in front of the mirror.. =)

2007-12-24 15:30:29 · 27 answers · asked by Shahirah 2

is Allah equal 2 al-elah?just answer if u r sure.i'm really curious.and also do u know since when this word,Allah has been about?what faith or religion could be its origion? since it already existed b4 islam

2007-12-24 15:29:34 · 5 answers · asked by A1 3

What would you do...how would you handle your marriage??

2007-12-24 13:23:56 · 12 answers · asked by Muslimah S 3

What if they were above the Arctic circle in Northern summer when Ramadan occurred.
The sun doesn't set for 6/8 weeks
That would mean they couldn't eat or drink for 28/9 days.
We are told that the message has been sent everywhere and those that don't believe will go to hell.
Maybe the Inuit and Laps would rather burn than starve or thirst.

2007-12-24 08:57:36 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

basically it is about radical christians and what they are planning to spread around Iraq, and later the rest of the middle east. Too bad this doesnt make the news the way al-Qaeda does.

2007-12-24 07:37:08 · 11 answers · asked by 412envy 7

shave, pluck, thread, or wax their eyebrows? if you do, then you do know its not allowed, right? i dont even touch my eyebrows. i am happy with the way Allah made me. wat about you? i m not trying to be rude or anything.

2007-12-24 06:59:46 · 20 answers · asked by ~♥Black Rose♥~ 5

Why not in the general area of religion where many other non-muslims will also find chance to look up them and there knowledge will be enhanced and misunderstandings may be removed.

2007-12-23 20:54:24 · 26 answers · asked by Islam=Peace 3

I don't and I really feel guilty. I am so careful about not missing Asr and Isha Prayers. Sometimes I miss Duhr prayers when I am at university and sometimes I miss Maghrib when I am out home. But I pray them most of the time Alhamdulilah. However, I rarely wake up for Fajr prayer. I try hard and whenever I decide that I really want to wake up, I wake up for two consecutive days or threes on time and then I stop.
It is a big problem for me.
I am just wondering how many Muslims here have the same problem and if I can get some advice from fellow muslims who wake up for Fajr prayer Alhamdulilah.

Jazakum Allah Khair

2007-12-23 14:48:29 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous

Getting pretty sick of it.

2007-12-23 12:43:16 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I myself was surprised beyond anything for the first video let alone the second.
Allahu Akbar.
Allah S.W.T is the only God.
Islam is indeed the true straight Path.


2007-12-23 11:10:58 · 18 answers · asked by @hm@d {War Against Noub!} 4

1] can a muslim enter a church,for studying history or photography?like an old historical church...

2]can a muslim woman enter the men's section of the masjid for the same reasons?or it is not allowed?

2007-12-23 11:00:53 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

When you create a Yahoo! Avatar, if you go into accessories and go under scarves, there is a choice to put a hijab on your avatar.

2007-12-23 10:18:45 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-12-23 09:58:31 · 61 answers · asked by Anonymous

Muslim women please, can muslim women practice their religious duties such as salat, fasting, whorshiping during menstruation?

This website here says it is ok.

2007-12-23 09:56:56 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous