Sometimes I read answers on here (from fundies, usually, although I'm not trying to lay blame on anyone in particular) where I honestly don't even see how the answer is relevant to the question. For instance, on The HypoPope's question, "Why was it okay to level Sodom and Gomorra?";_ylt=Ah6LojUhwyf7D1gK4sNNeAU8.Bd.?qid=20070818120001AAKDRwe
I read at least one reply that basically stated all the people there deserved to die because of the original sin. Are you serious? So, I guess that goes for New Orleans, too, and any other similar disaster?
That does not even show real effort at even trying to understand what HypoPope's question was about.
Sometimes I feel that some people are so determined to be blind that it is truly hopeless to even attempt to discuss anything in seriousness with them.
Anyone else ever feel this way??
15 answers
asked by
Linz ♥ VT
Religion & Spirituality