I lived in Europe for nearly 3 months on the Deutschland/Nederlands (Germany/Netherlands) border, and I was shocked at how much Europeans hate each other (maybe even more then they hate the U.S.). Every time I went to Nederlands, and explained I was a U.S. citizen living in Germany, the Dutch would **** a brick. "why do you live with those skinhead nazi *****"." Same with the Germans when I would say, No, I'm going into Nederlands today, "why would you want to go to see the Dutch? Who gives a **** about the Dutch". This attitude was prevalent towards any country. I would even go as far as to say that most Europeans seem to like Americans (although not our government) more then they like other Europeans. Is this all a legacy from WWI/WWII/The Cold War? I have lived in the D.C. area my whole life, so it is ridiculous to me that people from different cultures can't get along. So what is the basis for Europeans (in general, not limited to German/Dutch) distaste for one another?
6 answers
asked by
Chris P
Other - Society & Culture