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Society & Culture - 29 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

Personally, I can't wait to shower when i get up and use Dove, and Sunsilk products for my hair. So for those who say muslims don't bathe (I know not all, but these ignorant ones are out there who honestly think this), what do you think of this?

"Washing and bathing are religious requirements for Muslims, which is perhaps why they perfected the recipe for soap which we still use today. The ancient Egyptians had soap of a kind, as did the Romans who used it more as a pomade. But it was the Arabs who combined vegetable oils with sodium hydroxide and aromatics such as thyme oil. One of the Crusaders' most striking characteristics, to Arab nostrils, was that they did not wash. Shampoo was introduced to England by a Muslim who opened Mahomed's Indian Vapour Baths on Brighton seafront in 1759 and was appointed Shampooing Surgeon to Kings George IV and William IV."

2007-07-29 16:48:00 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm 11. My family doesn't go to church becuase the both have different veiws of Christ and God. I go to bible study and other things like that but I want to ask one question. Does God allow U turns? I ran into some porn once online and I want to forget about it. I'm going to go to church when I'm in college. Will he let me start over?

2007-07-29 16:45:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If heaven is round like the earth, what is in the middle?

2007-07-29 16:45:31 · 14 answers · asked by Pascal's Pager 2 in Religion & Spirituality

“Women should not be enlightened or educated in any way. They should, in fact, be segregated as they are the cause of hideous and involuntary erections in holy men.”
—St Augustine of Hippo (354-430) Christian theologian and church father.

2007-07-29 16:44:50 · 14 answers · asked by HawaiianBrian 5 in Religion & Spirituality

We all know that the number 666 is found in Revelation, right? I know what Bible prophecy experts claim that number to be.

What is your view of 666?

2007-07-29 16:43:23 · 33 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I prayed to Jesus to help me pick an avatar and show me how to put it up here, and he did! At least, I think it was Jesus. It might have been some other half-human, half-god hybrid. They all look pretty much alike, so how do you tell the difference?

2007-07-29 16:43:13 · 8 answers · asked by Antique Silver Buttons 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm not asking for non-believers, and I'm not asking for catholics or christians or any other religion that want to question me, i have my beliefs you have yours and lets leave it at that. Any wiccans around? if so IM x ii hate y0uh x ;] we can talk. I'm a beginner since i'm younger it runs in my family but not many practice it anymore i'm try to get back on my path, and i need some opinions.

2007-07-29 16:43:04 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Okay kids, here's the SKINNY. Rock and roll albums are here to stay, but so is JESUS. He's got a real "BIG ROCK" that's gonna make your head bop and bop! So tune your headphones to the JESUS STATION because there's a real "BIG CHORUS" around the bend?

So guys and girls, are you ready to CHEER? Jesus is all about FAST CLAPS and "GUITAR GRABS". You want a fast trick? REAL STRONG BLAST? Well it's coming! Jesus for A TIME!

2007-07-29 16:41:09 · 3 answers · asked by numberous_b_i_g 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Just curious.

2007-07-29 16:41:07 · 48 answers · asked by rebekkah hot as the sun 7 in Religion & Spirituality

"The Bible refers to many the common animals we know today. The list includes lions, wolves, bears, sheep, cattle and dogs along with various kinds of birds, rodents, reptiles, and insects. What is interesting is that this extensive list includes three animals that we no longer recognize. These three are (in the original Hebrew language) tanniyn, b@hemowth (yes, it’s spelled correctly—at least as close as we can get in Roman characters), and livyathan.

Although we alter the spelling of behemoth and Leviathan slightly, we still use those same words in bibles today. However, tanniyn is always translated into another word when we write it in English. Tanniyn occurs 28 times in the Bible and is normally translated “dragon.” It is also translated “serpent,” “sea monster,” “dinosaur,” “great creature,” and “reptile.” Behemoth and Leviathan are relatively specific creatures, perhaps each was a single kind of animal.

2007-07-29 16:40:43 · 22 answers · asked by lady_phoenix39 6 in Religion & Spirituality

A parent can protect their child. A parent can stop their toddler from entering the kitchen alone, where they may be burnt by the flame of the stove. Any good parent would protect their child this way.

However, it's been said that we are all God's children. God, at his level of power, could certainly stop murder, violence, pain, etc. But he does not.

Now, if a child were to enter the kitchen, and the parent were to sit on the couch, watching through the doorway as their child places his curious fingers within the flame of the stove, the parent is considered a bad mother or father; people and society would despise them.

But when God sits by, in Heaven, and watches as murder, violence, pain, etc., occurs, we praise him, and preach his name.

What makes the biological parent a bad person for not protecting their child, and the religious parent (God) worthy of great praise?

2007-07-29 16:40:29 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

They seem to be white,angry overweight pigs whom can't get even a homely guy if they even tried.They also wear long dresses and dress conversatively.While they may be seemingly good-to-uses,I believe,deep down, they are angry at themselves for whom they are and everyone else looks down upon them.

2007-07-29 16:40:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-29 16:38:17 · 20 answers · asked by Oreo Schmoreo 7 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Ans what is your religion?

Des your religion influence your beliefs inthis matter? Do you have a logical reason for your opinion or do you hold it because of some external influence?

2007-07-29 16:37:48 · 28 answers · asked by Moodrets 2 in Religion & Spirituality

the stork theory as an alternative to biological reproduction?
(with apologies to Judith Hayes)

2007-07-29 16:37:01 · 9 answers · asked by HawaiianBrian 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Evoulution and the big bang are only therory with no facts to base it off of. God is the one who created every1 and everything and i can prove it with a historic book called the Bible. Plus the fact God created the earth makes much much much more sense than ur long scientific explanations that always seem to end up leaving more ?'s than answers. Who thinks they can prove it? I want to no if any of u can actually prove what u believe because i can w/ God's word. So what about u?

2007-07-29 16:36:40 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I mean if a woman is overwieght and not attractive looking how can it be easy to have a affectionate relationship. What do you think?

2007-07-29 16:36:36 · 37 answers · asked by A Journey 5 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-07-29 16:36:06 · 8 answers · asked by Al Shaitan 4 in Religion & Spirituality

If so, what are their schedules?

2007-07-29 16:34:47 · 7 answers · asked by Pascal's Pager 2 in Religion & Spirituality

Did you ever have a question regarding religion that you did not ask, out of fear? Maybe it was uncomfortable, or you thought it was a "stupid" question?

2007-07-29 16:33:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I'm a Christian and I have always belived in staying a virgin until I was married. I always thought I would be. I started dating a guy that I met at college and after a few months i ended up giving him oral sex, I feel so bad. I didnt let him do anything to me even though he wanted to. Am I still a virgin? I'm hoping but I dont really think so...I've asked for forgivness and I cant believe how stupid I was and how I messed up my life. It only happened once. A few months later we broke up over unrealted stuff and now I feel even worse about it. I keep thinking God might of caused us to break up because we werent pure. So right now Im dealing with being so heartbroken over the break up and feeling guily. I know God has forgiven me but I cant get past the guilt. And if me and my ex never get back together, I'm worried my future hisband might lose respect for me. Any Christians know of anything that could help me not feel so guilty?

2007-07-29 16:32:50 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Is it same old same oh or same o same old? Amd where did the saying come from?

2007-07-29 16:31:54 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

Proverbs 16:4
The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

John 12:40
He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

Romans 9:18
Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardeneth.

2 Thessalonians 2:11-12
God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned.

Pretty sick stuff, eh?

2007-07-29 16:30:36 · 11 answers · asked by Samurai Jack 6 in Religion & Spirituality


Flipping the bible a bird the unpardenable sin if u asked forgiveness?

2007-07-29 16:30:12 · 6 answers · asked by lilmike6694 1 in Religion & Spirituality

Don't they realize that there are better things to do than congregate with people we don't like, pretending to love them? I, for example, love to ask inane questions on R&S. It makes me happy.

2007-07-29 16:29:27 · 5 answers · asked by tremonster 4 in Religion & Spirituality

or do you believe the church ic corupted?

2007-07-29 16:29:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

can anyone tell me how to say in latin "behave in accordance with your instinct but do not forget to follow your heart"? I think its something along the lines of "Vive natura duce.......dont know the middle part......tuum sequere cor?

2007-07-29 16:24:17 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

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