brought me some cloths and took me to church. And then we stoped of at macdonlds on the way to dropping me of home, and during and after the church service I felt oppressed so badky I was swearing so much, I took things that people said to me as an insult and stormed of, I was swearing in the house of God, and should not have done that. My sister said that she has never seen me like this before. I believe satan is trying to destroy me, and on the way back to droping of me I rebuked all powers of the enemy in the name of Jesus and I feel calmer now. My sister wants me to get rid of this computor. Now chrisitan brothers and sisters I feel she is right. I get tempted to jump on this computor everyday, and I feel this is taking away time I could be spending with God. If I see my sister this saturday that is if, we will get rid of this computor and throw it out so I will nto have any more bad influenced on this internet. This is where satan likes to attack. He uses other people to attack
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Religion & Spirituality