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Society & Culture - 20 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

To be tunred on by looking at or touching a persons scars, most of the time cut scars, but some times, just scars in general. The scars don't have to be open and bleeding, because I know that, that's a blood fetish, because I know I have it. It's the thing I discribed above that I want to know if it's a type of fetish.

2007-07-20 06:27:48 · 12 answers · asked by piano_master13 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

i have found rather very very obscene Indian Blog and questions & answer forums and decided to discontinue my membership from them. Keep it up Yahoo. Everything here is respectable in Yahoo.

2007-07-20 06:27:29 · 14 answers · asked by raseema 3 in Etiquette

Mine- Wicca- Pentagram,

The five elements- Universe- Protection- and Divinity.

What about you

2007-07-20 06:26:30 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-20 06:26:21 · 9 answers · asked by lolita 1 in Etiquette

I've been asking myself if I'm of the Bi species lately because of my attractions or crushes. Last night opportunity knocked and I wasn't obliged to take the offer. I believe I'm just into men, because any tangible interaction with a woman isn't my thing so far...I'm going to continue to search my soul and I'll keep you all posted...By the way I admire those of you that follow what you know is real as I've been doing...I'm searching ppl...

2007-07-20 06:25:36 · 12 answers · asked by ButtaCreme' 2 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Well,just face it,we are!Also we have won two of the last three meetings.We also kick your *** at every other sport.Independence for Wales!Vote Plaid!Cymru am byth!
Wales for the world cup!
Good luck australia tommorow!
England sucks!
Meibion glyndwr!
Siaradwch cymraeg ac lladd yr holl season yng nghymru ar byd i gyd ar y fater na!Cymru cymraeg yn unig ywr dyfodol i ni fel wald!

Welsh language code switching to avoid Season understanding my nationalist views!

2007-07-20 06:23:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Because through history, humans have worshipped thousands of god, demigods and demons. Each one as valid as the next (at least to the believer). So if you claim yours is real (and that is all it is after all, a claim, there is no proof or even evidence to support this being exists) then everyone else's is too.
(just wait, I'll bet someone tries the old "but none of those other gods had a book written about him" nonsense. Shake your heads folks, There are many, far older, books of mythology that don't even mention a deity like yours.)

2007-07-20 06:23:14 · 19 answers · asked by Yoda Green 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I have seen fotos of hindu gods all have their wife with them, sheeva- shakthi, krsna-radha,rama-sita

In no other religion, god is shown with wife, what is the reason?

Please i want serious answers for this genuine enquiry, not insulting hindus

2007-07-20 06:22:46 · 21 answers · asked by Roza 2 in Religion & Spirituality

CNN has been running segments on how GOD is playing a major important part in the upcoming election.. The Demmies are doing thier best to show the values they hold from thier religious beliefs, are they being sincere? or just trying to rally votes from the believers????
The majority of Americans especially the young voters are pro-life, the majority of americans are not for Gay Marraige, the enviroment the War in Iraq, economy and healthcare are all factors but VALUES each candidate holds is vitally imporatnt to the American voter.
Is it to you?

2007-07-20 06:22:21 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If so, where?
If not, how does he interact with it? What happens to the atoms he displaces when he enters our space-time continuum? Do they go to atom heaven?

2007-07-20 06:22:09 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I think it's from the Midrasch.

Moses was leading the Israelites out of Egypt, God parted the Red Sea and let them pass through. Then while Pharoah's army was still in there, God allowed the water to close up and drown all the Egyptians.

One angel in heave who was watching this, went to God and said, "Father! Shall we sing and dance and celebrate?"

The story goes that God turned His head to the angel and there were huge tears rolling down God's face.

God asked the angel, "My children lay dead at the bottom of the Red Sea, and you want to sing and dance?"

2007-07-20 06:20:52 · 14 answers · asked by Acorn 7 in Religion & Spirituality

First off, what is your opinion in this topic – for, against, not sure?

Second, if the answer is “Against”, what you think about this argument: Christianity is OK with one man loving the other on platonic basis. In my understanding is the sex between two men what is forbidden. Is it OK for one man to marry the other based on platonic relationship??

Thank you in advance for remaining classy with your answers.

2007-07-20 06:19:25 · 54 answers · asked by Mr. Beef Stroganoff 6 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-20 06:17:26 · 5 answers · asked by Link 5 in Religion & Spirituality

..in something, why do you bother to respond to questions about it?? Are you really so arrogant that you think your close minded view is that significant, or are you just going for the two points?? I specifically do not go to the religious board because it is 99.99% about christianity and the christian god and as I don't believe in either, I have no valid input, therefore I do not waste others time. If you do not believe in majik, why you do insist on replying to majik related questions? If you don't believe in divination, why do you respond to those questions?

2007-07-20 06:17:20 · 10 answers · asked by s1lvermidnight 3 in Mythology & Folklore

it could be Hillary, maybe she is both he and she, or have a sex change, its happened before.

2007-07-20 06:16:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

it already did :)

2007-07-20 06:16:06 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I've heard many different people explain them in many different ways. I'm interested in your belief in what exactly a Wiccan, Witch and Pagan are. It seems that this termonology is often confused to the point where they are used as interchangeable words.

Also, what are the differences between Witch, Magician, Sorceror, etc?

2007-07-20 06:15:22 · 12 answers · asked by Heathen Mage 3 in Religion & Spirituality

I want to see how much people have faith in God.

2007-07-20 06:14:09 · 78 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

There are some situations in which it is advantageous to society to have men marry multiple wives, and for this reason polygyny is practiced by many religions and cultures. As we have already seen in answer to question 2, polygyny is permitted in the Bible too. Here we will see that the Qur’an permits only a restricted and limited form of that practice. Only 2% of Muslim marriages are of this nature.

Notice that the Qur’an permits but does not command a man to have four wives. Furthermore, the Qur’an stipulates that a man is responsible for the maintenance of his wife or wives. If a man has more than one wife, he has to provide separate living accommodation for each of his wives.

Multiple marriages are a heavy responsibility on the male. It is not a pleasure trip as some people may assume. Some even imagine all kinds of sexual exploits involving a man and his wives altogether. However, such activity is not permissible in Islam. A man must divide his time equally among his wives. He may, for example, spend one night with each wife on a rotating schedule.

If a man cannot maintain justice in the treatment of his wives, the Qur’an stipulates that he is to have no more than one wife.

Polygyny provides a solution to some of life’s problems. When there is a shortage of men, for example after a devastating war, many women will be unable to find husbands. Most women in that situation, given the option, would rather be a co-wife than no wife. If one maintains a strict monogamy in such a situation, moral depravity is bound to result.

It may be useful at this point to see what some non-Muslim writers are now saying on this much misunderstood subject.

John Esposito says:

Although it is found in many religious and cultural traditions, polygamy (or more precisely, polygyny) is most often identified with Islam in the minds of Westerners. In fact, the Qur’an and Islamic Law sought to control and regulate the number of spouses rather than give free license. (John Esposito, Islam: The Straight Path, Oxford University, 1988, p. 97).

Esposito then goes on to explain that in a society which allowed men an unlimited number of wives, Islam limited the number of wives to four. Then he continued to say:

The Qur’an permits a man to marry up to four wives, provided he can support and treat them all equally. Muslims regard this Quranic command as strengthening the status of women and the family for it sought to ensure the welfare of single women and widows in a society whose male population was diminished by warfare, and to curb unrestricted polygamy (John Esposito: Islam the Straight Path, p. 97).

Karen Armstrong explains much the same in her book entitled Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam. She says:

We have to see the ruling about polygamy in context. In seventh-century Arabia, when a man could have as many wives as he chose, to prescribe only four was a limitation, not a license to new oppression (Karen Armstrong, Muhammad: A Western Attempt to Understand Islam, Victor Gollancz Ltd., 1991, p. 191).

It is unfortunate that the Western media often gives the wrong impression of what Islam is all about. Karen Armstrong writes:

Popular films like Harem give an absurd and inflated picture of the sexual life of the Muslim sheikh which reveals more about Western fantasy than it does about the reality (p. 190).

Some people incorrectly assume that because of this ruling most Muslim men would have four wives. However, as Huston Smith points out, "multiple wives are seldom found in Islam today" (The World’s Religions, p. 252). Ira Zepp, Jr. says that "less than 2% of Muslim marriages are polygamous" (A Muslim Primer, p. 180).

2007-07-20 06:13:40 · 15 answers · asked by Nourhan 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-20 06:13:27 · 9 answers · asked by Amanda S 3 in Mythology & Folklore

I be asking dis question. peoples be saying dat we all are da same and bleed da same color but is that true? us blacks get diseases like sickle cell that only effects us and not whitey. We also can't be placed in the headlock by LAPD because we be built differents and can be killed. they be many diseases only our race gets and vice of the versa's. so isn't people who do da interracials dating thing committing the ultimates sin and polluting all there races gene pool to da possibility of dibilitaing diseases dat they could not be being exposed to before? de be acting like da typhoid mary's right? please explain to kunta. I be want to know.

2007-07-20 06:13:00 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

If Mary covered than why dont other cristian women? I just dont understand. Pleez clear it out.

2007-07-20 06:12:48 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Ok i am really only 14 (ok well i am turning 15 in a month). But whenever people talk to me (like on messanger or something like that) they think i am in my mid twentys or older. Would you consider that a bad thing?

2007-07-20 06:11:14 · 9 answers · asked by Cameron Defton 2 in Other - Society & Culture


English is my native language, however I've been learning Spanish for almost 4 years and am now on a high level in speaking, reading and writing.
However, I always wondered when you know if you are actually fluent in the language.
Recently, I went to Italy, and I was able to speak Spanish (since I can't speak Italian) and I was understood by the people easily. I can even read Portuguese to a decent level because of my Spanish.

All of the above makes me feel that maybe I am fluent but my main query here is that my teacher says that you have to be able to speak it as well as your native tongue in order to be deemed fluent.
Is this true?

Thanks...I just always wondered....


2007-07-20 06:10:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

using the illiad to prove the existance of Zues. A belief that the illiad proves Zues is the true god is the same thing. Proof does not exist so why do people on both sides attempt to prove anything to the other side? Is it not just pride talking? Does God really need you to prove he exists?

2007-07-20 06:10:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

fedest.com, questions and answers