I hope folk dont think I'm older than I really am, that would be a bad thing, I'm nearly 70!
2007-07-20 06:19:35
answer #1
answered by budding author 7
i'm not very sure, but,i had the same problem..when i was 12, people used to ask me what college i was attending!...now, i'm 15(well, almost 16), and people assume i'm in my early twenties, atleast older than my sister, who just turned 20..i get really embarassed, but most say it is because of the way i act:apparently, i act very mature, something not very expected from someone my age..i guess it depends..although from my point of view, i hate it!
2007-07-20 06:22:57
answer #2
answered by Lamya 6
Not at all lad it could be very advantageous over the next few years.Although if this trend continues it could be a problem later in life.You don't want to sound like a pensioner in your twenties.
2007-07-20 09:47:28
answer #3
answered by DAVID R 2
When you are 30 you will want people to think you are 25.
As for myself I'm 21 and a bit, admittedly a very big bit
2007-07-20 07:19:51
answer #4
answered by Scouse 7
Not unless it came to minor economic factors. I am tall, so I resorted to bringing my birth certificate with me when attending movies so that I could pay the under-12 child's rate.
Sometimes grown men hit on me because they assumed I reached my majority, which I found uncomfortable.
2007-07-20 06:16:12
answer #5
answered by Buttercup 6
Its neither 'Bad nor 'Good' what other people think. It's what you think that's important and it sounds as if you portray yourself as level headed and mature. If that's the way you are happy being then I would say your question is answered!
2007-07-20 06:23:10
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If they think that you are older than what you are, then that means that you must be more mature in your ways, than they would expect of somebody of your age.
2007-07-20 06:18:55
answer #7
answered by hakuna matata 4
yea as in they think your father ted.. no as in your mature enough to hold a convo that doesnt only consist of 'hi, u ok, wuu2, wubu2, ok, g2g'
2007-07-22 13:42:47
answer #8
answered by Jo 2
No, I think it means you speak very maturely. It's good.
2007-07-20 06:16:49
answer #9
answered by Simba 7