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Society & Culture - 11 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

2007-07-11 09:08:23 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Is it like being in a dream? Do you ever have moments of clarity?

2007-07-11 09:07:21 · 39 answers · asked by Hothman 2 in Religion & Spirituality

would you rather live by a set of rules or find spirituality within?

2007-07-11 09:04:57 · 24 answers · asked by ♥SPARKLES♥™ 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Adam and Eve were banned from Eden, and subject to pain, suffering, disease, old age, and eventually death, because of the curse of God as described in Genesis chapter 3. But if Adam's (and Eve's) sin applies only to them, then why are WE subject to Adam's curse? Why can't we just walk back into Eden and live forever, pain free and disease free, if we are not sinful too?

Obviously I am curious what is the Muslim, Mormon, and/or the Jewish explanation of why God allows suffering, pain and death.

Most branches of Christianity simply accept the explanation by the Apostle Paul that when Adam & Eve sinned, they somehow contaminated the collective human spirit in such a way that we are born selfish with an inherited predisposition toward sin that somehow offends God.

Since not all monotheistic, Abrahamaic religious accept Paul's explanation, then how do they explain why death and suffering is universal, instead of being observed only among "sinful" people?

2007-07-11 09:04:36 · 14 answers · asked by Randy G 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Galations 1:8-9 is very clear...any person--angel or man--that presents a different Gospel than that taught by the Apostles (which is that Christ was God incarnate, was crucified for our sins, raised on the 3rd day, and that He alone provides savation through His grace by faith alone) is to be condemned.

Read it and then please provide a thoughtful response--no haters please...

Galations 1:8-9 (NASB)

8But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed!

9As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed!

2007-07-11 09:04:09 · 11 answers · asked by Todd J 3 in Religion & Spirituality

For me it is earwax! Nothing makes me sicker than having to see someones nasty, crusty ears! YUK!!

2007-07-11 09:03:42 · 15 answers · asked by Candace A 5 in Other - Society & Culture

harry potter magic which is all make believe
bible magic which is supposedly all true???

2007-07-11 09:03:13 · 14 answers · asked by slopoke6968 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Do you see how similar Mormon doctrine is to Satanism? Satan wanted to be like God. Mormonism claims that man will become Gods with their own planets. Mormon doctrine claims that the fall of man (eating the fruit tempted by the serpent), was a good thing because it opened man's eyes.

I wholeheartedly encourage you to depart from this demonic doctrine and get a real relationship with Jesus Christ, who is God and read his awesome living word, the bible. I suggest the New King James Version. May God grant you wisdom knowledge and understanding.

2007-07-11 09:01:09 · 15 answers · asked by wassupmang 5 in Religion & Spirituality

The catholic pope, and even the protestant leaders are going back to the old mentalities that brough about the crusades and the witchtrials. does this bother anyone else?

2007-07-11 08:58:55 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Don't pretty much all religions claim to be the only true one?

2007-07-11 08:57:32 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-11 08:54:19 · 20 answers · asked by ron and rasta 4 in Mythology & Folklore

There are people who would choose to use a hidden identity to insult others or talk in a manner that is unacceptable in the public domain, how can such people be traced? Please share any knowledge on how technology can be used to break even the private number use in most cell phone companies?

2007-07-11 08:54:13 · 6 answers · asked by lesedi 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

I have studied your religion more then most of you, and it seems to me that you have given up a lot of your principles to become more like the world, so that you wont be persecuted and now you persecute the ones that have'nt given those things up, I think you know who I'm talking about. So please tell me why you gave those things up, and why do you persecute those people?

2007-07-11 08:53:21 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Pope Benedict has approved a new text asserting that Christian denominations outside Roman Catholicism are not true Churches in the full sense of the word. What the heck? I know this story has been out since Tuesday and may have been discussed, but I just now had a chance to read it. This is as rediculous sounding as Muslim Clerics stating we're all infidels. Whats up with these individuals. Obviously, I'm not Catholic, however I'm a Christian. Who is he to judge me. Are you, if non- Catholic, offended by his comments? Crazy world!

2007-07-11 08:50:42 · 35 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What if people chose you to be apart of there team, but you didn't want to be apart of it because of your own beleifs?
What if you choose not to be labled?
Why do devilish feet and evil bodies call themselves christains?
Is this not a bad lable/character? is that not jugding?
is that supose to hang over christianity?
Why is this aloud?

2007-07-11 08:50:00 · 11 answers · asked by Unbreakable Me 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-11 08:49:33 · 17 answers · asked by ~LARIAH~5/1/09 7lbs 12 oz 4 in Other - Holidays

Any significant meanings or luck, exc..?

2007-07-11 08:49:19 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

Anyone who answers with "the bible says it's real" is a kook.

2007-07-11 08:49:18 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

can smell the grass and it's beautiful. I then climb this hill, and as I get down I see this man. I ask him if he knows me, and he says yes. He says that I was married to him in the 30s and that he loved me. I ask him if I can see my family and he say's yes. He then holds my hand and it feels like we're flying. Then we land and I continue to walk. I see a man, and he's my grandpa. I keep asking him if it's really him and he say's yes. I then see my greatgrandma, along with my uncle, who's still in his uniform (soldier), and my other greatgrandmother along with my grandmother and grandfather. I hug them all but I gravitate towards my grandpa and I'm crying. He gives me some advice about the relationship with my mother, that he loves me, I then hug him and tell the man that I'm ready to go back. He takes my hand and I wake up. The crazy thing is that I really did cry, because I woke up in tears. I'm not even sure if it's just a dream, or what.

2007-07-11 08:47:42 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore


Why do fundies try to make people be something that they are not?

Why are you trying to change the way God made someone?

Do you not understand that homosexuality is about more than sex...it is about love, commitment, connection...not just sexual acts.

The Bible speaks about homosexual acts...but, it does not speak about homosexuals of today...that have loving, monogamous, committed relationships...

Sodom and Gomorrah was about inhospitality and rape.

It was important for people of Biblical days to procreate...so of course, homosexuality would not be encouraged....

The word homosexual was not even part of our vernacular until 1865...so, the Bible does not really address at all.

So, the question is...Why are fundies so hung up about homosexuality...there is a Bible full of sins...you could rail against...divorce, gluttony, bankruptcy...why do you focus on homosexuality?

2007-07-11 08:47:31 · 8 answers · asked by G.C. 5 in Religion & Spirituality

I want to gain more of an understanding for them. They have always been critized as 'pushy' and 'agressive' to convert non-believers. I'm a Catholic and we are always critized for everything. I just want to gain a better understanding and respect for them.

2007-07-11 08:46:47 · 24 answers · asked by ♥Blue Angel♥ 2 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-11 08:46:46 · 48 answers · asked by goodfella 5 in Religion & Spirituality

was hit by lightening? If it was a Catholic Church you know that would have been blared out right and left. On the News channels all they were saying was that it was a church. Why the double standard here? As it was I finally found it on an obscure site.

2007-07-11 08:46:26 · 8 answers · asked by Midge 7 in Religion & Spirituality

Why can't they say that stuff on the 360 page where you can send messages back or the ims?

2007-07-11 08:43:39 · 17 answers · asked by Dark Angel 3 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-11 08:43:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

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