Hello I have a girlfriend of 6 yrs now and she is cool, i love her. I have a friend that is hot, i lust her. Anyhow I just want to see how many fellow lesbians would say yes to this or how it would have to worded to answer yes to it for your girlfriend.
I want to have sex with my friend and I want my girlfriend to be ok with it. I dont want to cheat so she'd have to know, so how can I get her to let me do it. I have thought, it's only friend sex and im still in love with you but need more to make it work. would you let your girlfriend if she was really serious, in love with you and just wanted to have sex with her friend for fun because she was in lust. I know its a long shot but what can i say to increase my chances?
9 answers
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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender