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Society & Culture - 10 July 2007

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Bull Fighting · Community Service · Cultures & Groups · Etiquette · Holidays · Languages · Mythology & Folklore · Other - Society & Culture · Religion & Spirituality · Royalty

What evidence do they base this upon?
It seems they merely just say it is so, without evidence, yet disagree with atheists who say there is no god without providing sources?
Christians who claim there is no goddess are the same as atheists who claim there is no god for the vast majority of values of god....so why don't they get along better?

[Hey Kids, let's see if we can play nice today. If you want to attack my beliefs, make sure you get them right, and there is not enough information in this question to get them right. Don't assume. It makes an @ss out of you....just you.]

2007-07-10 06:27:22 · 29 answers · asked by LabGrrl 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I'm particularly interested in those who post in R&S. I mean if the thoughts and opinions of others don't matter to you or if it just upsets you that people bash whatever group you identify with then why do you come here?

For me, I feel like a mouse in a cage that's been trained to hit a bar for food and then they change it to electroshock. Eventhough I keep getting shocked I still keep hitting the bar.

2007-07-10 06:27:19 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

The lack of funny standup comedians who are women proves this.

2007-07-10 06:26:35 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Please, serious answers. I am very interested in
demons, and i want to experience being with them.
I am very interested in mysterious stuff. I need
step by step instructions how to summon them.

Thanx, in advance 4 mature and helpful answers.

2007-07-10 06:26:31 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

First, I'd like to start by saying that I am by no means christian. Nor am I trying to enflame or irritate anyone (in other words, not a troll).

Recently I was thinking about the nature of energy and matter and the laws of conservation of each. (Stating that neither can be created nor destroyed, merely changed). Keeping in mind that essentially, the human body is matter and energy and what the matter changes into is easily explained in the decomposition process, what happens to the energy?

2007-07-10 06:25:21 · 29 answers · asked by lupinesidhe 7 in Religion & Spirituality

This... from the Church that harbors child predators!


2007-07-10 06:24:57 · 13 answers · asked by Sweetkat 5 in Religion & Spirituality

how many of you fell for these lies simply because they seemed to support your own belief system, without even giving them an ounce of scrutiny?

here are just a few of the lies:
-darwin recanted on his death bed
-women have one more (or sometimes one fewer) rib than men
-radiometric (not to be confused with carbon) dating is unreliable
-man and dinosaurs did exist at the same time

2007-07-10 06:24:41 · 7 answers · asked by just curious (A.A.A.A.) 5 in Religion & Spirituality

i take communion in thier church every friday with the school. they touch the body of christ, but in my religion(coptic orthodox) it is VERY wrong to touch the body of christ. i lie to my friends and pretend that i am catholic, but i am not. waht should i do?

2007-07-10 06:23:54 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

If we are to exist in some form or another for eternity after death, surely there would have been something similar set up before birth - if not why not? Why would a Deity not just let us skip being alive altogether, then we would be sin-free like He wanted? Why bother to test countless generation upon generation to see if each member of each generation sins in life or not? Clearly the human race isn't getting any less sinful and as one definition of insanity is 'repeating the same thing over and over again to see if you get a different outcome' should we conclude that the Deity is in fact insane? (sorry I am going on, and on and on!!)

2007-07-10 06:23:09 · 6 answers · asked by Julia 3 in Religion & Spirituality

As an Asian-American guy who was born and raised in TN and whose family has been here for over 100 years, I sometimes wonder what a lot of White Americans think about the increasing diversity that is inevitable in the USA. Even in Memphis, which is basically a White and Black city, I see a few more minorities here than I used to 10 years ago. I often feel like a lot of White and Black people assume all people who aren't white and black must be foreigners and are "invading their country." It makes me angry/frustrated, but I wonder if a lot of White Americans are really worried that "their way of life" is in danger from all of the "invading foreigners." I have always considered myself all-American, but most people don't see me that way bc of how I look. I'm wondering what will happen when Hispanics become the largest minority in the country. Are White Americans pissed that minorities are coming here?

2007-07-10 06:22:45 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

So who are these people that Cain would kill him for what he had done?

And where the heck did his wife come from?

2007-07-10 06:22:13 · 5 answers · asked by John C 6 in Religion & Spirituality

Ok, everyone's yelling at me because I'm the heartless villian out to ruin the environment. But seriously, what the hell did those concerts do (well, they mildly entertained, but in terms of global action)? I mean, are we letting the environment know we care? And how much energy was used, how many plastic waterbottles (may I add, held by many of the performers onstage)? Come on, this whole event was organized by AL GORE. Buddy, get your life in order before you come telling us how to live ours. Plus, didn't you demonize rock music not too long ago?
What a huge waste. This completely undermined events such as the Conspiracy of Hope Tour for Amnesty International, or Liveaid or Live8, all three of which actually changed something by occuring. To save the environment- turn off your lights, don't litter, be kind to animals, don't make a bigger ecological footprint than you have to. It's that simple.
So- am I being heartless? Or just realistic?

2007-07-10 06:21:45 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

Why is it when you call someone with several questions, (understand now, the person you are trying to reach is not available at that moment), and after leaving a message, they still haven't returned your call, So, when you do finally reach that person, they say "Yes, I did receive your phone call." Well, no crap sherlock! Why didn't they bother to call back in the first place? Why even bother saying "Yes, I did receive your phone call." when all they had to do was return the call? We know they've received the darn phone call---we left the message! Hello! This is beyond me. Any thoughts?

2007-07-10 06:21:42 · 15 answers · asked by charmed4evr 2 in Etiquette

the question was about why god sacrificed jesus, who he created, instead of sacrificing himself, which would have been an actual sacrifice

"if God sacrificed Himself then where would we be now..Tell me..how much would you have to love someone to sacrifice your child for???It wasn't because he didn't love it is because he love us."

how much would you have to love someone to sacrifice your child for??? well, let's ask susan smith!!! nobody could EVER get me to sacrifice my child!

aren't answers like that scary? and the most scary part is that they always seem to come from christians. not muslims, jews, atheists, pagans, or even satanists, but christians.

2007-07-10 06:21:40 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-10 06:19:25 · 6 answers · asked by zjraheem 1 in Languages

People who are not gay think they are the most knowledgeable about gays. They have theories which they deem to be fact, an answer for every question...etc..

Unless there are several straight scientists here with studies devoted solely to homosexuality...overlooking the religious nuts of course.

2007-07-10 06:19:21 · 23 answers · asked by ☮ wickey wow wow ♀♀ 7 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

2007-07-10 06:19:09 · 6 answers · asked by Shawn B 7 in Religion & Spirituality

I wear one all the time but I've read that those rings are created for 7 - 8 years old kids... is that true? I don't mind about ages, I'm 18 and I like to wear it.
Do you wear one? how old are you?

Thank You!!!!! ^_^

2007-07-10 06:18:10 · 21 answers · asked by Love Yahoo!!! wannabe a princess 4 in Religion & Spirituality

My mother took a picture of my dad after he died, this is something that is "tradition" on her side of family. When mom died no one wanted to take her picture. I really didn't want to either but sort of felt bad because I know that is what she wanted so I did. I know her body is dead but I believe her soul is alive and it just made me feel a little better knowing I did something that was one of her final wishes.

2007-07-10 06:17:51 · 10 answers · asked by Dawn 2 in Religion & Spirituality

...that states that other Christian denominations were not true churches, and that they did not have the "means of salvation."

The article states that:

Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations (i.e. Protestants) were not true churches.

The article is here:


It stated that the document set off a firestorm of criticism among Protestant and other Christian denominations because it said they were not true churches but merely ecclesial communities and therefore did not have the "means of salvation."

Catholics, what do you think of this document? Do you believe that the Orthodox churches are defective, and the Protestant denominations do not have the "means of salvation"?

Courteous answers only please.

2007-07-10 06:16:52 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

2007-07-10 06:14:57 · 31 answers · asked by Taraq 3 in Other - Society & Culture

2007-07-10 06:14:31 · 11 answers · asked by t_bassalay 1 in Religion & Spirituality

If yes, please explain how.


2007-07-10 06:12:24 · 17 answers · asked by Spurious 3 in Religion & Spirituality

It seems that they did not do so well in the long run..... Verses below:

"So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath pacified." (Esther 7:10)

"The ten sons of Haman the son of Hammedatha, the enemy of the Jews, slew they; but on the spoil laid they not their hand." (Esther 9:10)

**It is best to read the entire Book at one sitting.

2007-07-10 06:12:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Earlier, I asked how the Pope's comments affected Christians on this site. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArAj.2g_zn6au8AZfHk15rPsy6IX?qid=20070710090439AA6Pnl0

The majority of the responses seem to indicate a common theme: The pope's comments do not affect me, because I am not Catholic. (So, to paraphrase, the fact that your religion has been called false and defective by someone outside of your faith/religion means little to you.) This is a fair enough response, but leads me to make a point.

Seeing as the opinion of one of the world's most powerful religious leader means little to you, CAN ANY OF YOU UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR OPINION REGARDING MUSLIMS, JEWS, PAGANS, HINDUS, BUHHDISTS AND ALL OTHER RELIGIONS (or lack thereof) BEING FALSE RELIGIONS MEANS LITTLE TO US/THEM?

2007-07-10 06:10:56 · 32 answers · asked by ? 5 in Religion & Spirituality

or is this a new shocker...

2007-07-10 06:10:02 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality



Here above are ancient deptictions of Libyans; this serves as evidence the original inhabitants of Libya were white before the Islamic invasion and the slave trade influenced their genetics. If you disagree are there any depictions to rationalize your personal viewpoint?

2007-07-10 06:09:47 · 10 answers · asked by destiny 1 in Other - Cultures & Groups

Someone has died. For example a pet and you tell someone; && they're like," oh well that sucks." or eve if a person you cared about has died and their like, "that sucks"

i dont know...
im sure a person can find a different word than 'sucks.'
i just kind of find it rude.
your thoughts?

2007-07-10 06:09:20 · 27 answers · asked by Steph. 2 in Etiquette

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