I've been wondering for a while if my best friend is gay. About a year ago I noticed that she started to touch me a lot (like tickling my sides and she puts her hand in my pocket to see "what's in there") Once we were laying on my bed and she started running her finger across my face and staring into my eyes. She is always bringing up the topic of gay guys in movies, and I seem to be numb to her gay guy statements now since she says then so often. but she also finds guys to be very attractive (never had a bf though). About 4 months ago I was sitting with a group of friends when I said that I had a boyfriend and she ignored me for about 3 days after (she seemed depressed). Ever since that day 4 months ago she has somewhat drifted away from me but still touches me a lot... She knows that I have absolutely nothing against gay marriage and that I am very accepting of people's orientation.
what are some other signs that she might be gay... and how can I ask her about her orientation?
11 answers
asked by
make love not war
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender