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Gender Studies - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

My children have recently left home and I am in a transition phase. Any insights into support groups or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

2007-09-10 19:10:14 · 3 answers · asked by Margarita D 6

Do you agree with this?... A normal woman no matter how strong craves to be dominated by someone even stronger... A normal man no matter how weak craves to dominate someone even weaker. I find it very true, you?

2007-09-10 13:48:55 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

Real player... extreme conditions... girls night out! A pack of girls, seven or so... Even if you manage to separate one, take her to the corner, buy her a few drinks, and working solely on charm and sense of humor you are on the way home... and then one of her friends blocks you at the exit. Why?!?! Why do women have to be such killjoys instead of being happy for their girl? It happenned this past weekend and it made me think why will women do everything in their power to stop you while men will be really happy for their buddy? Whats your take on this?

2007-09-10 13:34:48 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

any events, dates, years or anything would be good! or any websites that would tell me more about when this first started.

2007-09-10 13:02:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

We dated for a little while, but he lives in another country and I can't move there. Now he just wants to be friends and keep in touch and stuff like that. He just told me he doesn't love me like I love him and that I should move on and start dating other guys. But why does he still talk to me into the wee hours of the night and all of that? What's wrong with this picture? Why can't I let go? Why is it that I found someone like him and I can't have him? Do you think he loves me and just won't say it? What is going on? Please help!!!

2007-09-10 09:11:50 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Most men are known to fantasise about,ogle at or flirt with scantily clad,oomph-oozing,sexy women,but when it comes to marriage and choosing a life partner,they often opt for a much more subdued,well-dressed,well mannered and homely girl who is a perfect wife and mother material.Even if they choose the former type of girls,most marriages end up in divorce sooner or later.
What is the reason behind this? Why this bifourgation?
Expecting some interesting and sincere answers.Thnx...

2007-09-10 08:52:37 · 19 answers · asked by Sunflower 5

Why do SOME guys berate women and call them golddiggers for going after rich and powerful men, when half the time those men are the same ones who won't even consider a woman who isn't hott? Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Biologically men choose beautiful women b/c they are supposed to be genetically healthier, and women choose rich men or alpha males b/c they are supposed to be the providers; so isn't that just nature working itself out? Why do those same men call women out of their name if they are playing that same game themselves?

2007-09-10 06:22:55 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

the ones i sem to meet ,all seem to be just that

2007-09-10 05:25:28 · 46 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had a beautiful passioante girlfriend a couple of years ago .
she was savy .

She hated being called cute . I meant it as a compliment . She was cute on so many levels .

When i said that she corrected me and told me to call her beautiful or anything else but cute .

Cuteness from a beautiful women makes my heart melt like a box of stauffers choclates on a warm summers day .

So any idea why she hated being called cute ?

Are there any other women who hate to be called cute.

2007-09-10 04:15:58 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

The MTV Awards are a big joke, just like the Grammys.

And the huge amount of critisism about Britney Spears' performance is another sign that Western culture is in decline.

People say she looked "out of shape"? What were they watching? She looked great. Most females would be quite happy to look like that. Isn't it harmfull to send the message to women (of all ages) that a woman who looked like Britney Spears did last night is actually 'out of shape'? If that's considered out of shape, how must an overweight woman feel when she hears that? Now she hears that even a great looking, fairly lean woman is considered 'out of shape'. Its just ridiculous!

Are we bing too hard on Britney Spears? And isn't this sort of negative message about her appearance harmful to women?

2007-09-10 04:14:59 · 30 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1

Throughout world history, the number of male-dominated societies exceeds the number of female-dominated societies. Any reason for this?

2007-09-09 19:52:45 · 14 answers · asked by me8md 3

Manly-man Rhett Butler really puts neurotic Scarlet O'Hara in her place and even dumps her at the end of the movie. This guy treats her like chattel, and eventually holds her to account for her wackiness.

This seems like a movie that a lot of guys here in GWS would really enjoy, not women.

Why have women loved this movie for almost 70 years?

2007-09-09 18:48:59 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

My boss is a spinster. She shows favoritism to my guy colleagues because they like to stay back after work as late as her. The normal working hours is from 9am to 6 pm but she always stay till 9 plus. One of my guy colleague does that almost everyday too. What I can't stand about her is that she always give me things last minute and question me why i didn't liaise with partners early. Then she will show an ugly face. Yucks. Is ignoring her the best way since i can't afford to lose my job.

2007-09-09 17:38:05 · 5 answers · asked by Pakkun 1

Some anti-feminist men are claiming that they are, but I really don't see it. If they are, describe how?

Granted, I went to a private school, so my educational experience is obviously going to be different than most. But overall it seemed that, at my school, the environment slightly favored boys. We had several male teachers, and they were always treating the boys really well because of the male athletics at our school (most of the boys played sports). Everyone was still very respectful towards females, but I don't think we got any advantages.

The top 5 or 6 students in my class (of 25 total) were still girls, though, despite not having any kind of discernible advantage, and perhaps a slight disadvantage.

2007-09-09 17:28:38 · 13 answers · asked by G 6

I don't think gender dictates how good of a person you are or how well you will do well in school.

I have a teacher who is obsessed with femenism,as we speak I'm even writing an essay about "rolling back the red carpet for boys".

Whats the big deal?

2007-09-09 16:57:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

As much as a man likes to see a naked woman.

2007-09-09 16:29:58 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Please read the whole question before answering.

Is it natural for women or is it something society enforces? The main example of this is how when a couple fights and the woman gets angry and upset, the first thing the man thinks is: "What did I do now? What did I do to upset her?"

On the other hand, when a man is acting stupid and behaving like a jerk, the woman is a victim, she doesn't think "oh, what did I do to upset him?" She thinks something more along the lines of "I can't believe he is acting like this! How immature! What a jerk..."

2007-09-09 15:42:16 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

Since extremists literature has already been brought up tonight I thought I'd continue that theme with a question about the Gor novels written by John Norman---what do those here think of them? Since they were written to attract an audience of teenage males does anyone think it has affected our society?
I was only able to ever read three of the books myself and even though I am a woman I did go with the "philosphy" for many years before....for lack of a better explanation "outgrew" it and went with a more realistic philosphy.

2007-09-09 15:13:44 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

that most women are feminists...
because, allegedly, feminism is about equality.
So, does that imply that practically all men aren't?
As men are specifically omitted from the statement - it's safe to assume so that indeed, men aren't feminists.
So, how can those who do claim 'most women are feminists' be so sexist as to paint the other half the planet's population as not feminist?
Or, does that also mean most men are anti-feminist? In my (and the average a/f POV) view, being a/f means we're fighting for true equality as feminism only focuses on rights of half the population, while ignoring the other half as well relying on falsified statistics to paint untrue pictures of us. So, anyman who doesn't want to be painted as 'inferior' or a 'rapist' or 'batterer', surely must be a/f?

2007-09-09 15:01:05 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't mean to upset any women here with this question but..

Is there such thing as an attractive/good looking feminist? I'm asking because, EVERY single feminist that I've meet so far in real life are either, extremelly obesse, hairy, or are manly looking.

I'm just currious

2007-09-09 13:42:29 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous

i really need to know where i stand with women, because whether i am hot or not seems to be what determines how i'm supposed to act with them.

i don't feel good about posting the link to my pics on yahoo answers, because i don't want anyone i know seeing this, so if you'd like to help, tell me and i'll send you a link to my pics.

2007-09-09 12:25:52 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2

Why is it when I ask a well-phrased well-grounded and thought out question, do you girls refer to one of these:
1. Are you gay?
2. You need to grow up!
3. Do you even like women?
4. Is your weenie too small?
5. You must have been burnt pretty bad by a woman?
6. Your fragile male ego!
7. Do you even love your mother? Etc, etc, etc...

Why cant I ever have a normal discussion here like I do in other sections of YA? How low does your self-esteem have to be to resort to those childish shaming tactics to avoid criticism? Come on ladies, give me an intelligent answer, maybe that will change the perception!

2007-09-09 11:59:24 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

I mean that ladies who dye their hair and ask you what they look like are cute or annoying? Would you rather be with a completely "real" woman who doesn't look too hot rather than a woman who's insecure?

2007-09-09 08:03:00 · 14 answers · asked by guineapig48 2

in 15 years anyway.

- 65% of university attendees are female, and the gulf is widening .. fast!
- Young career women are making more money than young males already.
- These career women are projected to dominate the upper echelon of the corporate/political/professional institutions unlike their moms' generation (they would rather choose career over family according to NY times report and won't drop out)
- the next president will likely be female.
- Boys and young men are much less focused on success than girls and young women these days.

Any comments?

2007-09-09 07:49:33 · 15 answers · asked by quidomango 2

I'm trying to brainstorm for an essay. I wasn't really fond of the play myself. I think it may be because of the translation I read. It is written in 1970s english vernacular. Any thoughts?

2007-09-09 07:15:24 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

for President of the USA

2007-09-09 07:07:33 · 13 answers · asked by bikerchickjill 5

These days when pay is equal women still appear poorer than men because they fall prey for catchy slogans and shiny wrap paper at the mall. For example, I pay 50c for a $1 item that I need, my girlfriend pays $2 for a c50 item she doesnt need...Since its impossible to keep them from shopping, shouldnt they be paid more to achieve a true financial equality?

2007-09-09 06:29:52 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-09-09 06:21:08 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

"For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man. Let the women keep silence in the churches, for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, so saith the law. And if they learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home; for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

I Corinthians 11:3, 7, 9)

What a shame that women follow a religion that scorns them and hates them.

2007-09-08 19:40:46 · 18 answers · asked by Cerulean 3

What would you say about the ones like Crappy Snappy who go on and on about how we're all so EVYL? heheheh

Starting with childhood, adolescence and adulthood, what do you think their lives have been like? :)

2007-09-08 18:22:36 · 19 answers · asked by Cerulean 3

fedest.com, questions and answers