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Gender Studies - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Social Science Gender Studies

i've seen chicks in this site complain about women and porn like some guy with a huge white beard sittin behind a desk pressed a button that gave her no choice but to get naked on tv or show off her body or become a stripper

nobody put a gun to they're head these are grown *** women who CHOOSE to put themselves out they're so quit blaming stupid men for eventhing

2007-09-18 03:13:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

A. The down-to-earth, fun, loving, very active, proud college graduate who is handsome, smells great and who is career minded for a successful family and future, and also lives in a nice area.


B. A felon who is on probation for the next 4 years, an abusive drunk who you would have to be his taxi service because he has no driver's license and no car, also has no money and uses you for your money to go gambling out of state illegally and is in no way capable of supporting a family 100%, etc etc.

Who would you choose?

Why do you think my ex chose B? It can't be sex, not to be sick but I make her come every time. I am always sensitive and we used to talk and be best friends. I don't smell funny and I always was a non-overbearing b/f who gave her everything I could. Is there something wrong with me?

2007-09-18 02:46:18 · 12 answers · asked by cappatown23 3

When a man says he wants a housewife and a woman who is passive, he gets attacked by feminists. Yet, women feel they have the right to tell men how they should behave in relationships with women. Why? If men can't dictate female behavior why should women be able to dictate male behavior?

2007-09-18 02:42:11 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is it that even with all the feminism, men still have to jump through hoops for women? What do women do to attract men other than looking pretty? Why do women act like they're prizes to be won and then complain about being objectifyed?

2007-09-18 02:07:58 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

i just wanna know

2007-09-18 01:58:24 · 20 answers · asked by jsn_yates 1

An honourable man?

2007-09-17 23:03:36 · 18 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

I am just curious as to Whom modern Women concider to be Their role models.

2007-09-17 20:14:45 · 15 answers · asked by Ashleigh 7

debate help! i 'm for it....

2007-09-17 19:11:54 · 15 answers · asked by Baocie 1

...As if it refers to a woman's character or something. Where does the offense come from. Can't a man just admire a woman and feel sensuality toward her? Why should there be offense. It's not like saying that women are stupid. My mom was very defensive against any language that refered to the woman's parts: Tytts or pucie, or anything like it. Tell me why??? Men don't find offense at a woman refering to a man's parts in the same manner.

2007-09-17 18:31:14 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I think it's subjective and all--but my analysis says they're not ugly on average, and maybe a little on the plus side overall.

Simone de Beauvoir--sort of plain buy pretty in a European intellectual way

Erica Jong: Hot in my opinion

Camile Paglia: Pretty in a confident intellectual kind of way:

Naomi Wolf: Hot in my book. That's ironic considering she wrote about the beauty myth and all.

Andrea Dworkin: I admit I can't stand her ideas, and she's not pleasant to look at...

Carol Gilligan: Looks good for her age.

Betty Friedan: Not my style, but I wouldn't call her ugly

2007-09-17 18:03:40 · 18 answers · asked by Steve-O 5

2007-09-17 17:23:06 · 3 answers · asked by Helga G. Pataki 6

2007-09-17 15:55:11 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

It seems to have become an epidemic, especially among young girls, who in some cases do it for fun !
In other cases, grown women will do it in response to playful teases like a gentle breast caress, or a hair tug.
At one time it was considered "out of bounds" for a female to attack the male's private region. Instead, painful shin kicks and instep stomps were taught as a substitution - & considered just as effective in any encounter, including rape assault !
I personally believe groin attacks by females should be forbidden because:
- it's an assault upon a man's sexual dignity & his core regenerative being
- it causes such extreme pain that a guy can only see stars & feels paralyzed & nauseous
- it causes extreme embarassment, esp. if other girls are present to witness it
- it could cause infertility
- it destroys a guy's ego & can lead to fear of women & depression
- it's unfeminine
- it's a vicious & malicious misuse of her body against a guy's body
- it's totally unfair !!

2007-09-17 13:30:49 · 32 answers · asked by Romano 2


Watch her get off on insanity plea like Andrea Yates and all the other mothers in Texas recently. The sad thing is ladies like this know other mothers have gotten off on insanity so they say to themselves, " I'll just do the same and be rid of my children" There is no accountability for their actions.

2007-09-17 12:11:12 · 27 answers · asked by adam333975 3

2007-09-17 07:38:03 · 37 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm starting to learn about feminism and I got interested from talking online this summer to a professor in computer science about politics and goddess worship. She is very intelligent and is interested in a lot of things and than I got it that So much that I believe are right are also feminist issues.

What was your experience like? :)

2007-09-17 00:36:40 · 21 answers · asked by ♥ ~Sigy the Arctic Kitty~♥ 7

Whats your opinion ? Is this prevalent ? I mean getting out a bad marriage is one thing but starter marriages ?


I’m just really not ready to be committed like this.” That’s what Andi said to Tucker, her husband of 11 months, after she came home from a crazy day at work two years ago with an overwhelming urge to quit her marriage. Today. Right now. “This just isn’t for me.”

She spoke stoically — no tears, no histrionics. She had been imagining this moment since she moved out of their condo a few months earlier, but she wanted to ease him into the inevitable — to somehow tiptoe her way through the minefield of Tucker’s emotions. But now, having scored a direct hit with those crushing words, she watched Tucker crumple against the dining-room table. “I don’t understand,” he said, over and over. “We’re married.”

2007-09-16 19:34:47 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have repeatedly heard the argument that because of feminism divorce rates are up and this is contributing to the decline of western civilization. I disagree and feel that there is no causal evidence of this link. For this reason, I would like to make my question two pronged:

1) What is the evidence for a causal link between feminism, divorce rates and the decline of the western world? if you have sources that I could see, that would be great : )


2)what good does it do for western civilization for a man or a woman to be trapped in a union with another human being who treats them like garbage?

2007-09-16 19:26:49 · 12 answers · asked by bluestareyed 5


For example, one article suggests that "The fact that in approximately 80% of all cases, mothers are awarded sole custody of the children does not indicate gender bias against men. [Conservative columnist Cathy] Young neglects to mention the fact that nearly 90% of divorcing couples do not go to court, that most couples agree on their own that the mother had been doing the bulk of the childrearing from the day the children were born, and that she should continue, and that most fathers do not want custody" (http://www.feminista.com/archives/v1n9/fword.html ). I get this feeling from much of the other reading I've been doing. Anyone who can provide statistics from various sources will be much appreciated. Sorry: "a bunch of men's rights websites" does not constitute "various."

Again, what is up with the misleading and distorted "90 percent of men are chomping at the bit to have their children" rhetoric?

2007-09-16 18:19:26 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous

( i am straight but i support gay and lesbian marriages . i do think that a lot of relationship dynamics are universal . However are there some that different do to gender roles )

as a straight male will i have insight into how lesbian relationships work ?

as a straight male can i understand the dynamics of a same gender relationship

as a straight male can i understand the challenges that lesbians face in relationships

as a straight male should i give advice on domestic violence to lesbians

as a straight male would i have a perspective to relate to why lesbians would resort to physical violence

as a straight male would i have any insight at all as to who started the conflict

2007-09-16 16:24:59 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My theories:
A. Men not as successful will be too intimidated. Ex: A man with no degree will assume a woman with a degree will not be interested in him. Men with a degree may feel that a woman without one will be more impressed.
B. Men who are as successful and over 30 have more options. Therefore, why date a 30 year old when he can get a 20 year old?
C. Men think, "If she's over 30, and still hasn't married, then she's waiting for someone I'm not. I better try for a less successful girl."

This is the part where you women think I'm a pig.
I only date much younger women because I'm getting a macabre form of revenge against women my age. In fact, I flaunt it. I remember the games, runarounds, and rejections when I was in my teens and early 20s. Men, you can agree or disagree. Ladies, I believe you get nicer with age because your looks can't bail you out of trouble anymore.

2007-09-16 15:12:03 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

Fraxy and Snappy K.I.S.S.I.N.G. kissing in a tree

now back to our regular newscast as the disapperance of louis b might be linked to the nefarious dou of gender studies villians Fraxy and Snappy

police found Louis B all inchoherent saying ," i promise i wont say that again , you have got believe me i wont say that again"

police have failed to locate Snappy and Fraxy the Bonnie and Clyde of gender and womens studies

Who knows where this mysterious duo will strike next ?

2007-09-16 14:14:55 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

For women to want as significant a change in society as equality, how is that going to happen, when by nature women are not inclined to engage in real and substantial conflict. Seeking instead to avoid conflict at all costs, by denying the severity of their condition, not wanting to make enemies. Look at every significant social change that has occurred, and see the degree of conflict and anger that was manifested on all sides. And then tell us how is that social change going to happen for women, if you're not angry enough to endure the conflict, voice the anger and bear the stress of doing so.

Shingoshi Dao

2007-09-16 14:14:14 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

This is my inverted version of Sarah Blaffer Hrdy's definition of a patriarchy:


Matriarchies "force men to deliver resources to women without reciprocal credit" other features of matriarchal societies are the elimination of male paternal rights for the express purpose of female promiscuity and families of mixed paternity but undisputed maternity, communal providership of all men but guaranteed lifelong paternal rights to none, aggrandizement of female power, forced providership of all males and competition between males for female attention encouraged over cooperation between males, and the generation of myths that men are abusive, expendable, inferior.

Do you think this is a good description of a matriarchy? Also how much do you think our current society fits this description?

2007-09-16 11:55:55 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

What do you think of this article?


"A 20-year-old woman reported being raped by the bouncer outside a bar in Cincinnati. A disabled woman in Everett, Wash., says she was raped in her home by a man she knew, while her young children slept nearby. In Washington, D.C., police say a woman was forced to withdraw money for the assailant after he raped her. A man was arrested in Cheyenne, Wyo., for raping and murdering a woman. Chicago police say a 25-year-old woman was stabbed and strangled in a "domestic dispute."

And that was just yesterday..."

2007-09-16 10:03:08 · 12 answers · asked by Flyinghorse 6

2007-09-16 09:54:18 · 7 answers · asked by suckerlongpimp 1

2007-09-16 09:30:11 · 8 answers · asked by suckerlongpimp 1

some 'misandrists' and radical fringe members that the entire movement is suddenly worthless or 'hypocritical'? From our friendly neighborhood 'non-' and anti-feminists:

Q: Isn't labeling anti-feminists part of the patriarchy a stereotype?

A: … Feminism is an honorable movement, and deserves much credit for the lives that women are free to live today. But as with everything else, it is generally not the movement itself that becomes corrupt or misguided, it is its 'followers' - the feminists. (And, of course, I am generalizing here...as I do not believe that ALL feminists are corrupt or misguided...but plenty are!)

I am, therefore, anti-feminist for the most part, not anti-feminism. …

Do anti-feminists actually think that the fact that a few of the movement’s 'followers' become 'corrupt or misguided' is somehow reason to discredit the movement itself? Apparently there are not plenty of radical crazies in the world religions.

2007-09-16 07:46:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

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