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Social Science - 21 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology


2007-03-21 17:37:11 · 3 answers · asked by LAROCA 1 in Economics

What makes a good leader?

2007-03-21 17:36:24 · 7 answers · asked by World Expert 1 in Sociology

We're both 23 and have been together for 3 years now engaged for 2 months. My fiancee was physically abused as a child by his father while his mother just stood by and as much as that hurt him he still loved her.She passed away last night and I have no idea what to do since my own mother died when I was a baby and I can't relate.How can I be there for him?

2007-03-21 17:31:13 · 8 answers · asked by Macy 1 in Psychology

This is a pretty new thing for me. I never payed attention to social status, those things never mattered. Recently I've been acting different than normal. I've been worrying about how I look, acting out in class, the typical teenage crap. I want to know though, is this just regular teenagerdom, or is it because I recently found out my dad had cancer? And if this is regular teenagerdom, why start when I am already halfway through it, and how can I stop it since I hate it so much?

2007-03-21 17:30:01 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I can't remember correctly but I think tone and gestures are more effective in conveying communication. Something like that. If someone understands what I'm getting at, can they clarify this?

2007-03-21 17:26:09 · 7 answers · asked by whosit? 2 in Psychology

i want to know the reason

2007-03-21 17:24:46 · 13 answers · asked by Jun P 1 in Psychology

2007-03-21 17:24:43 · 7 answers · asked by timmy h 2 in Other - Social Science

Me and my ex just recently became friends again... And she keeps mentioning about this guy we met in our class.. its not the first time she tells me how cool he is... She keeps saying how he's set a good impression of her and that she's happy to have him as a friend... and that its not like she's attracted to him but that she is just happy to have a friend like him.

Now I dont mind her talking about other guys.. but I feel like something is up with this.. Is she really just treating me like a regular friend or is testing to see my reactions?? Like if I'll get jelouse or something... I just dont understand why she would mention him so many times. Whats behind this psychollogy.

2007-03-21 17:19:26 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

love story, action, horror, suspense thriller

2007-03-21 17:18:16 · 6 answers · asked by september 2 in Psychology

What are some activities to encourage that?

2007-03-21 17:14:22 · 8 answers · asked by freestyle 6 sk8r <3 1 in Psychology

2007-03-21 17:11:20 · 1 answers · asked by liberaltiger86 2 in Economics

Using the Darwinian theory of "Survival of the Fittest," does education really count? How? Cite some cases.

2007-03-21 16:58:38 · 13 answers · asked by Oscar Fudalan Jr. 1 in Other - Social Science

Play around, try and fly, talk to people...imaginary people, or try and find something unique in my sub-conscious world? Any ideas?

2007-03-21 16:58:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

What kind of problems, direct and indirect, does organize crime cause for the average law abiding citizen?

I understand the vagueness of this question but please elaborate. I am trying to get an understanding of what kind of problems (particularly ones puting life and limb at risk) a person would be experiencing living in a city with a good mix of organized crime activity.

2007-03-21 16:55:04 · 6 answers · asked by Yahoo Sucks 5 in Sociology

i am bi-polar, border line personality disorder,psych-effective, ocd's i have suffered most of my life with one bad diagonse after another, but still cant shake the stupidy from people that i know or will know in the future , i've had friends even relatives after i tell them, that they treat me so completely differnt, and on t.v. i see them work there murder conclusions tha, oh shes on litium,or bi-polar. the ignorance of people baffle me, makes me sad because if i wasdiabtic would i be treated differently? i know alot about my illness im the walking text book,but one would think in this day and age the fear should be gone, how do handle this,after i tell them im mental they shake their head in aggreement and they dont hear a word that isaid

2007-03-21 16:53:35 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

is there a lot of angst going around? or are most people in the world insensitive jerks

2007-03-21 16:53:22 · 14 answers · asked by jccentennial 2 in Psychology

I watched Anderson Cooper 360 tonight and he was reporting on child prostitution and enslavement in Cambodia. The world steps up to the plate and stops things whenever it wants to. Why aren't enough people appalled enough to put a stop to this. Girls as young as 8 and 9 years old!!! I damned near cried thinking about those poor girls. How can we stop this? Where's the outrage?

2007-03-21 16:50:08 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

2007-03-21 16:49:17 · 3 answers · asked by justmeeh 2 in Sociology

Whenever specifics issues are adressed involving feminism, such as Vawa for exampel, those who come to the defense of feminism do not even try to engage the issue, but declare that eveybody who voices any criticism directed torwards feminism and its outcomes we have seen so far, is a woman hater who wants to see all women enslaved. Why are feminists such fanatics terrorized of debate ?

2007-03-21 16:48:20 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

I love the trash on television these days

2007-03-21 16:42:42 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Why is it that there are so many obnoxious people?

Why do people feel that it necessary to give stupid responses to simple questions?

I've expierienced this in school, on the interenet, etc...

People always have to give a response that is not logical and does not answer the question at all, just for the sake of looking like they are above everyone. Why?

I hate when these people tell what I can and can't do...They treat me as if I'm stupid. Well, I hate to rain on their parade but even though I'm young, I'm smart enough to see right through them.

2007-03-21 16:41:25 · 4 answers · asked by Sandi 3 in Psychology

The past 3 years of my life have been horrible, nothing ever goes right. It seems like things won't ever get better and when I think about my future all I see is a black void. I feel like everything will continue to go wrong and I will never be happy again...

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Did your life finally get back on track?

Someone please tell me things are going to get better :(

2007-03-21 16:33:38 · 15 answers · asked by Chris 1 in Psychology

I'm pathetic, heh.

I'm a girl, and i get along better with girls because they usually talk my ear off, and i can just listen and add a few things here and there such as, "uh huh, yeah, ok....well i think-". But with guys, i don't really get along with because most men are quiet and scared of me. :-P......I guess i scare them because i'm tall, and they think i'm pretty *which i think i'm just average looking* and i LOOK smart and studious. When all i am is just quiet.

How can i deal with this?...i don't have a clue how to talk with boys because i'm not much of a talker, i'm responder. What should i do?

2007-03-21 16:30:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-21 16:28:16 · 2 answers · asked by sweet angel 1 in Economics

If you believe so- can you offer up some valid refrences- books or websites please?

2007-03-21 16:28:01 · 7 answers · asked by actuatedtendancy 2 in Psychology

2007-03-21 16:26:03 · 1 answers · asked by letty 1 in Economics

fedest.com, questions and answers