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Social Science - 22 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

Every since I can recall I have had an aversion to wearing them. Perhaps it is that my feet are rebelious and tend to become unhappy in uncomfortable shoes. I guess they think they haul my butt around everywhere I go, so they deserve to be comfortable. Don't our feet deserve a little respect. What would we do & how would we go without them? However it could harken back to the witches pointy shoes in the Wizard of Oz.

2007-03-22 23:53:39 · 13 answers · asked by Stormy 3 in Psychology

Have you ever had one of those days when you wondered if you or somone else was bad luck around electronic equipement? Ya know, shocking experiences, or multiple malfunctions of devices.

2007-03-22 23:47:14 · 8 answers · asked by Stormy 3 in Psychology

2007-03-22 23:38:51 · 7 answers · asked by rodriguesaugusto 2 in Economics

2007-03-22 23:36:37 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Ok, I had a real weird dream.
I was in a war,which occured in a jungle.
That someone from the back called me, and shot me to the head, and after this i died, and i actually felt the pain and so my blood.
In the end of the dream i didnt wake up, and when i did, i was petrified.
What does this dream mean?

2007-03-22 23:17:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

2007-03-22 23:06:15 · 20 answers · asked by Red5 5 in Gender Studies

Why is it only men can be drafted and die for their countries?When will we have reperations for all the men who did so?Now that women make the same money as men,why can't they pay for: all the dating,wedding rings,marriage,honeymoon then lose their house and kids and pay alimony?Research now shows the most important parent after 4 is the father,so why are our laws so sexist?Is that why ever since feminism came along drug abuse,rape ,suicide,violent crime by women against men etc. has increased?Our society is now falling apart at the seems.Women throughout time have stolen a lot of money from men under false pretenses.Why dont the feminists who are so strong and independent,demand women no longer take money from men,but rather pay it back and make reperations?Why don't women want to buy a man an expensive ring when they marry?It is simple,feminism is propaganda designed to destroy(trojan horse) our society.It has nothing to do with equal rights,but about creating a double standard.

2007-03-22 23:04:13 · 19 answers · asked by crashshort2002 1 in Gender Studies

I think I'd probably get lynched for saying things like "Get out of my way you fat p*ick! What is this the slow walking championships? and " are you aware you're dressed more like a street walker than an office worker love?" and so on... I find commuting stressful and become somehat impatient. Imagine you had no concept of socially acceptable behaviour and you just said everything that popped into your head... What stuff woulod you have said today?

2007-03-22 23:02:13 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

so i can a little bit cheer up my sister...
on her birthday next 26 march ;((
she's in hospital now, caused by cancer..
and her condition getting worse and worse day by day..

2007-03-22 22:51:04 · 5 answers · asked by bee_ 2 in Psychology

"But if in feeling Bodies, however much otherwise exposed qualities may affect the instruments of the senses and the body's experience may precede the energy of the active soul, which in itself may provoke the action of the mind and arouse meanwhile on the inside the dormant forms, if in feeling bodies, the soul is not distinguished by the experience, but out of it's own power judges the experience subjected to the body, who are unqualified by all the moods of the body not follow external objects in distinguishing, but extricate the action of their own mind!

2007-03-22 22:48:01 · 5 answers · asked by Grizzly 2 in Psychology

2007-03-22 22:42:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sociology

I auditioned for my university's hip-hop dance group. I failed. Then I tried out for my university's jazz dancing group. I failed again. I don't know why I failed, because I considered myself to be pretty good. Still, I need to get over my self-pity, self-flagellation, depression, and jealousy (my friend got in). It doesn't help that I geniuinely love dancing, and geniuinely wanted to use the opportunity to make friends with some of the people in the groups--now that opportunity is lost.
I don't want to talk about it with anyone else for fear of sounding whiny. Anyway, I've tried watching movies, eating chocolate, eating in general, working out, focusing on schoolwork, gossiping--nothing works. I really want to stop wallowing--help! I'd especially love (true) stories about successful people who had to experience countless rejections before their big break. Or something.

Oh, and don't suggest sex.

2007-03-22 22:42:02 · 20 answers · asked by Lola 2 in Psychology

That it's making my study habits unhealthy. I'm almost 18, and in my last year of high school in New Zealand. I'm so scared of not doing well this year that all I do is study. I know this is good and my parents should be proud of me, but i'm turning down offers of going out and having fun so I can do all my assignments.

How can I manage my time better so I don't worry about school work all the time?

Also, I have extreme amounts of pressure from my family, friends and my best friend to do well this year. How can I tell them that their pressure is actually having a negitive effect on me?

2007-03-22 22:41:00 · 5 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7 in Psychology

collar and leash ?

2007-03-22 22:40:02 · 7 answers · asked by DAVE 6 in Gender Studies

"this species has amused itself to death"

2007-03-22 22:39:30 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Anthropology

2007-03-22 22:33:35 · 2 answers · asked by sandibum 5 in Psychology

can a person that is not gay have feelings for someone of the same sex

2007-03-22 22:29:43 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

such as the god complex etc. and can you explain the different types?

2007-03-22 22:28:43 · 2 answers · asked by Wilson J 4 in Psychology

to visit us here in the UK, home of the ' double-entendre '.

2007-03-22 22:28:37 · 10 answers · asked by DAVE 6 in Gender Studies

2007-03-22 22:28:22 · 4 answers · asked by Ofel 1 in Psychology

2007-03-22 22:19:40 · 16 answers · asked by Red5 5 in Psychology

When I was 15, I was raped by my boyfriend at the time. It was really traumatic and i've been living in hell for the last 2 and a half years.

I had and still have to see him once a week.

After almost 12months I said to him (My counsellors idea) i just want to put the past behind us, what's happened has happened. etc. He said that he agree and he was sorry for hurting me.

I talked to him occasionally after that.

I just want to know if you think that was a good idea for me to forgive him? It did make me feel better after I said that, it felt like I didn't have any more hate and anger anymore.

He's now moved on and has a girlfriend, who I know. But lately he's been txting me say he no longer has feelings for her, but he has feelings for me. I told him I wasn't prepared to go back there with him. But he wont listen! What do I do?

Please help!

2007-03-22 22:16:26 · 16 answers · asked by ★☆✿❀ 7 in Psychology

2007-03-22 22:13:37 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

I have found that she only needs to be quiet and let her work show him stupid. Time and place.......although a good tongue-lashing feels quite wonderful when properly placed..

2007-03-22 22:10:54 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

I'm obese. I've always been chubby since young. I used to love myself despite the fact that i'm extra large. But lately, the society are so judgemental, they seem to have hatred towards obese people? Its as if i'm a different species and deserve different treatment. Why?? Now, I have very low self esteem. I'm uncomfortable around people because i'm always cautious of my looks. I've lost self confidence and its depressing. Why cant people accept me the way i am?

2007-03-22 22:10:33 · 10 answers · asked by fede 2 in Psychology

What do you think?

1) "A mans most powerful weapon is his heart on fire and his mind focussed on its target"

2) "We all have weapons within us, our heart is the arrow on fire and our mind is the bow, once we decide what our targets are; we can hit the centre & cause explosion"

3) "We don't drown from falling into the water, we drown from staying there"

4) "Fear is nothing but an illusion, courage is an obligation"

5) "Everyone has courage in them, the biggest step of bravery is making the wrong choices, avoiding opportunities, and being afraid; so why not do the opposite for much less effort"

6) Sometimes our greatest dreams is our greatest fear, if we have the courage to face our fears, we can live our dreams"

7) "Liking what you do cause heat, loving it cause fire"

These are quotes that I made, please give an honest answer.
So which one was your favourite? and how is it?

2007-03-22 22:09:26 · 7 answers · asked by Daddy Mogul 2 in Psychology

2007-03-22 22:05:59 · 5 answers · asked by xicofb 3 in Economics

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