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Social Science - 22 March 2007

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Anthropology · Dream Interpretation · Economics · Gender Studies · Other - Social Science · Psychology · Sociology

I like watching misery and It doesn't affect me the way it should. You know like when people cry or shout about it I just don't feel at all. I feel empty. Please somebody tell me what to do??????????????...............

2007-03-22 09:46:48 · 10 answers · asked by mailhadera 2 in Psychology

I was coming back from school today and the guy in front of me hit a poor squirrel. The jerk didn't even slow down and he was definitley speeding. I avoided hitting his twitching body, but in retrospect maybe I should have to take him out of his pain. Somebody else probably did. Anyway I sped up a little to catch up to the driver and made a right turn to see him. ****** was on his cell phone. So have you guys ever hit any animals?

And just for the record I know that roadkill happens and its better to hit the animal than swerving and hitting another car perhaps, but if it can be avoided, it should be. Also I have no problem with killing animals if its for a purpose (I hunt dove for example to eat the meat), but in this case its absolutley unneccessary and its wrong to do it for your own amusement.

2007-03-22 09:46:34 · 14 answers · asked by Tom Antar 3 in Psychology

everyone is afraid of something what's your fear?...

2007-03-22 09:44:50 · 21 answers · asked by ~*Mz.JLo*~ 1 in Psychology

Also why dont more women use backhand slaps. I got my first backhander the other night and it was the sorest slap I have ever had and I have been slapped a few times.

2007-03-22 09:43:22 · 24 answers · asked by raui 1 in Gender Studies

When the person turns into his significant other does his features of the face change or only his character. I mean his features his face becoming hard or soft or something like that.

When a person suffers from this does his skills at a particular thing change?? like HE is good at painting but his significant other is bad at painting

How many significant others can be there at one time in one sick indivigual.

Any more help full stuff on this topic is welcomed

I am writing a thriller in which multiple personality is involved so is the idea to far - fetched??

tthnkx all

2007-03-22 09:33:31 · 5 answers · asked by => the guy <== 3 in Psychology

Why don't they show some consideration for us men!!

2007-03-22 09:26:39 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Many people take bad girls as girls that get low grades in school and are crazy, but I just read and article that said that bad girls are the ones that get good grades. So I don't know which one has the truth.

2007-03-22 09:26:28 · 8 answers · asked by kitykiss87 1 in Psychology

Does anyone have a consise definition of "political capitialism"? I know the concept, but don't know how to specifically define it. Thanks!

2007-03-22 09:23:31 · 1 answers · asked by b_ridge_it122 2 in Economics

1. What is the relationship between the marginal revenue product (MRP) and the demand curve for labor?

2. Assume the labor market for loggers is perfectly competitive. How would each of the following events influence the wage rate loggers are paid?

a. Consumers boycott products made with wood.
b. Loggers form a union that requires longer apprenticeships, charges high fees, and uses other devices designed to reduce union membership.

2007-03-22 09:20:44 · 2 answers · asked by mohotbabe 2 in Economics

2007-03-22 09:19:03 · 7 answers · asked by Ashanti W 2 in Psychology


2007-03-22 09:16:42 · 9 answers · asked by Screaminfiero 3 in Gender Studies

Many of my perthings have gone missing scince Dec.06 till now. Names on my outlook contacts list are missing. My husband and I got marriedNov. 3,2006 and he swears and doubles swears it is not him, I believe him. Some of his papers are missing to.
what is going on? Do family members come back to haunt us ?brother Darren was a butt head. He played finders keepers losers weepers to a fault. and this is his sister saying so!! I have asked him to return my things and said this is not funny I want my things back!! But every day some thing goes missing and zoday I saw a red light blinking in the reflection of my T V when the T V was turned off, and lights have flickerd as ell!! . Is it him or what? a fairy? He was gay and red was his favorate color. Iam mystified and exzperated.

What are your thoughts? My brother and I studyed in the occult and I have have respect for the realm.What shold I do to get my things back?

2007-03-22 09:16:38 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

Mine is Fenichel's "Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis".

2007-03-22 09:16:10 · 6 answers · asked by SIGGY 2 in Psychology

you see ..northern hemisphere (north America-Europe-Russia-China) is rich...while southern (Africa-Latin America-India) is poorer.

even in one continent...Scandinavian countries are better than south Europe...

the same in one country...southern states...south of Mexico...south of India...south of ......etc.

would you please give some rational explanation ??

2007-03-22 09:12:39 · 8 answers · asked by PLUTO 6 in Economics

there are some people who believe that when you dream about someone they are dreaming about you. what's your opinion?

2007-03-22 09:06:07 · 8 answers · asked by abby 3 in Psychology

2007-03-22 09:02:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

When talking with women, it seems I get one story but their actions tell another. Most women that I have asked what they find attractive and appealing in the opposite sex tend to choose men who don't fit their description. They express an almost idealistic view of the man they say they desire, then make their decisions almost solely based off of their physical appearance. What is this implicating? Do all women experience this? Is this a knee-jerk reaction to societal programming? Are these women choosing men they "should" find attractive or are the baser instincts leading the way as with the majority of men? Please, everyone, what do you think?

2007-03-22 09:00:17 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies

Has it given people unrealistic ideals about marriage and relationships?

2007-03-22 08:51:55 · 8 answers · asked by tHEwISE 4 in Psychology

For a couple of months, I have been acting differently. My personality changed from alert, intelligent, and alert to lazy, bored, and easily entertained. I couldn't read or write and I did not care about anything that much anymore (I was not depressed). Now I am back to my old self.

What happened?

I also started dressing differently.

2007-03-22 08:51:18 · 11 answers · asked by Sugar 1 in Psychology

I don’t understand how the management of this forum allows them to abuse Prophet and holy books of a global religion… basically these guys don’t have any faith… Muslims never abuse the leaders, founders and prophets of any religion, not against any colour people… indeed they have friends from every colour, religion and race

2007-03-22 08:51:10 · 12 answers · asked by ? 2 in Sociology

My sister requires the name of this study to copamre it within her paper.

(UK) Based around prejudice a primary school teacher gathers the children into a group and tells all the children that "any child amongst you who has blue eyes is superior"

She watched them play and found that within 20 mins of hearing this news the blue eyed children were becoming agressive towards the others.

Any ideas? Sensible answers only please

2007-03-22 08:50:22 · 4 answers · asked by RaVeN 1 in Psychology

2007-03-22 08:46:44 · 4 answers · asked by STORMY K 3 in Psychology

I was wondering if anyone knows the psychological reason(s) that kids start to cuss in middle school? It would be helpful if you could support your answer with a source or if you know so from personal experiences.

2007-03-22 08:44:59 · 9 answers · asked by TK 2 in Psychology

have u ever encountered a ghost, or a chilling sensation in the room when no-one's there or heard noises when your by yourself? weird right? i want to know why this happens and if i have ghost or spirit sences because i've done all of it. and no i'm not crazy. i'd like to know because my friends and i would like to have them, thank you!

2007-03-22 08:32:56 · 8 answers · asked by Nikki 1 in Psychology

2007-03-22 08:29:04 · 6 answers · asked by SouthCali4LifeSD 3 in Psychology

These words, and their meanings, were taught to me by my Father, and later reinforced when I joined the U.S.Army back in 1986. So tell me why is it that I don't see people doing these things today?

2007-03-22 08:25:26 · 5 answers · asked by squirephlem 1 in Other - Social Science

A woman's body is hers to control, but why couldn't she control in the first place by taking the proper steps (abstinence, condoms, birth control, self control, etc) to avoid an unwanted pregnancy? Intelligent answers please.

2007-03-22 08:22:03 · 15 answers · asked by vladimir s 1 in Other - Social Science

2007-03-22 08:17:25 · 6 answers · asked by STORMY K 3 in Sociology

I have more details! {I have to analyze a nut job}
So...he grew up in a good household, got good grades except in music class, no known trauma or mental disorders
Middle School: failed a grade, rebel, curses at authority, won't dress out for gym, aruges w/ dad, expects mom to back him
High School: cuts class, fights, won't get close to people, can't keep a girlfriend, still yells at dad, can barely get a job. one weekend when he was 18 he came home screaming, father almost called cops but he passed out.
19 yrs old: claims his mom was calling but she wasn't, full auditory hallucinations, random, fleeting incomprehensible. physically violent to his father. killed father while he was sleeping with crowbar. arrested screaming 'never again.'

2007-03-22 08:13:51 · 5 answers · asked by 18289 3 in Psychology

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