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Science & Mathematics - 16 August 2007

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Agriculture · Alternative · Astronomy & Space · Biology · Botany · Chemistry · Earth Sciences & Geology · Engineering · Geography · Mathematics · Medicine · Other - Science · Physics · Weather · Zoology

i have always heard that when it rains it does this of course its just an old saying what do you think.

2007-08-16 14:11:48 · 5 answers · asked by jess s a 1 in Zoology

i can't find the patern.... 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,_,_,_

2007-08-16 14:10:33 · 12 answers · asked by ashley 1 in Mathematics

2007-08-16 14:09:51 · 5 answers · asked by Alexis A 1 in Mathematics

Solve for y. x + 5y = 15

2007-08-16 14:09:19 · 10 answers · asked by too_b2000 1 in Mathematics

its for homework.
its probably the easiest answer,too.
my mind just went BLANK.

2007-08-16 14:01:30 · 5 answers · asked by Nadia 1 in Astronomy & Space

Why can't evolution be part of an "intelligent" design?

I am not talking about Creationism at all here, so lets stay off of that issue.

And I am not a proponent of Intelligent Design, but I do think it has some merit.

2007-08-16 14:01:21 · 12 answers · asked by Tom S 3 in Other - Science


2007-08-16 13:58:32 · 3 answers · asked by patrice cadet5 1 in Mathematics

like a place that lets u go in a room or something and inside u just like float around and stuff?? it looks like fun

2007-08-16 13:57:07 · 5 answers · asked by Alex 2 in Earth Sciences & Geology


I know that x=2y and y=a/2 and x=a. Z is the variable that is causing me trouble.

2007-08-16 13:53:21 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

I need to run a laser diode at 4.5 volts and 35-45 mA. I have some resistors to use. What wires to I connect them to and which resistors should I use?

Example answer: Solder x wire to resistor and other end of resistor to x wire...

2007-08-16 13:49:21 · 5 answers · asked by Soulbow 2 in Other - Science

1/6, what are the two numbers? I do not understand this question, help...

2007-08-16 13:47:26 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-08-16 13:44:39 · 2 answers · asked by coolcase900 1 in Biology

These are the equations that I need to solve.

1. b x 3^a = 400
3a - 2b =12

2.At Hungry macs, 3 hamburgers and 2 thickshakes cost $11.65. If 2 hamburgers and 5 thickshakes cost $ 12.90, what is the price of a hamburger?

Any help is much appreciated thanks.

2007-08-16 13:42:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

if not, then please help me

2007-08-16 13:40:46 · 3 answers · asked by CAN777 1 in Mathematics

the universe has been expanding since the big bang. but instead of expanding ast a slower rate, its going faster and faster. scientists think that its because of dark matter.

now if dark matter causes the universe to accelerate, how fast can it make it go. can it accelerate it to near the speed of light? and if thats the case, wouldnt the universe then be infinitely massive?

2007-08-16 13:38:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

A student determins the mass of a metal rod to be 39.35 g. It is places to 10.00 mL of water, and water level rises to 15.00 mL. What is the density of the rod?

2007-08-16 13:38:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chemistry

The true question is is a flame alive. I believe it is not because it doesn't develop, however, does it still have cells.

2007-08-16 13:37:03 · 1 answers · asked by Amy 2 in Biology

What is the mass of an object that occupies a volume of 4.5 cm^3, and has a desnity of 19.3 g/cm^3?

2007-08-16 13:36:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

well we all know that the more the mass the more the gravity right?

and we all know that einsteins theory or relativity states that there is this thing called matterenergy and when objects mass's decrease, the energy increases. so then if that happens then that would mean that if an object has more mass, it has less energy. and it has to make up for that (because everything in nature tries to be equal) and so it makes up for that by pulling in the energy from other matter, which also makes the objects mass bigger thus increasing the gravity.

this works out cause everything in nature tries to equal out, like osmosis.

what do you think?

nd btw. legally you cannot steal this idea, so dont even try unless you want to face some jailtime or a lawsuit

2007-08-16 13:36:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

well we all know that the more the mass the more the gravity right?

and we all know that einsteins theory or relativity states that there is this thing called matterenergy and when objects mass's decrease, the energy increases. so then if that happens then that would mean that if an object has more mass, it has less energy. and it has to make up for that (because everything in nature tries to be equal) and so it makes up for that by pulling in the energy from other matter, which also makes the objects mass bigger thus increasing the gravity.

this works out cause everything in nature tries to equal out, like osmosis.

what do you think?

nd btw. legally you cannot steal this idea, so dont even try unless you want to face some jailtime or a lawsuit

2007-08-16 13:36:00 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

Okay so I live in Minnesota and I have no idea if these little bugs are native to my area or what..

They are really small, a bit bigger than a fruit fly, and are covered in white fluff! They're so pretty but I have no idea what the heck they're called. If anyone could help me out, that would be great! I'm super curious!

2007-08-16 13:33:28 · 4 answers · asked by Wildonmn 1 in Zoology

I am having trouble with the pattern for 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4...

What do I have to do with the number to get the next term?

I thought it would be +1 to the denominator, but the problem has to be adding, subtracting, dividing, or multiplying a number to get the next term and I can't figure it out.

Can anyone help me out?

2007-08-16 13:32:12 · 4 answers · asked by disneygirl 2 in Mathematics



What is the first step to solving any exponential equation?

2007-08-16 13:28:38 · 2 answers · asked by patrice cadet5 1 in Mathematics

If x(2) + x =20, what are the values for x that will make the equation true? My book states that answer 1 is correct, I think my book is wrong and I have the right answer the GED book gives these possible choices
(1.) -5 and 4 (book claims this is the right answer)
(2.) -5 and -4
(3.) 5 and 4
(4.) 5 and -4
(5.) Not enough information is given

I think the answer would be 25 and -5 in order = 20
Am I correct and is the book wrong? Please help me. This is driving me nuts.

2007-08-16 13:26:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

(kg)(x) = ?

Given: k(x) = x^2 +5
Given: g(x) = sqrt (x-3)

Also, if f(x) is {(3,5)(2,4)(1,7)}, what is 1/(f(x))?

2007-08-16 13:21:44 · 3 answers · asked by Dilbert 2 in Mathematics

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