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Pregnancy - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

i'm 19 and would love to have a baby with my 22 year old boyfriend. we've been together for over a year (will be 2 years when the baby's born)!

The other day i told my mum about my desire to have a baby (mentioning that if i get pregnant next month i would have the baby during my 3 months off from university - so i would have time with the baby)!

My mum said i should enjoy my life first and wait to have a baby. I've already decided that i want a baby before i finish university (in 4 yrs) and preferrably before i'm 21. Is it a good idea for me to have a baby nexy year (when i'm almost 20) or should i wait?

What do you think? What would you do?

2007-09-10 21:20:20 · 26 answers · asked by cassy 3

Okie Dokie. Just to clear the air, here's my stats:
~I'm 40 weeks 5 days pregnant
~I'm 3cm dilated
~I'm 90% effaced
~I lost my mucus plug about a day and a half ago
~Today my doctor stripped my membranes

All evening this has been going on:
~My stomach tightens up REAL tight and I get this horrible cramping feeling in my mid-lower belly and it sometimes spreads around my sides.

Now don't get me wrong, it's VERY painful..but it's bearable. Which leads me to think it's not labor.
This is my first baby, so I have no idea what I'm doing. Is this possibly just a side effect of my Doc stripping my membranes? Or could I be in the early stages of labor?

The doctor told me only to call if I have contractions 10 min. or less apart. And these probably happen about every 15-20 min. So what does that mean?

Any advise would be much appreciated..I'm pretty uncomfortable :-S

2007-09-10 21:07:46 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

i had my baby six months ago and im having alot of trouble losing my baby belly. does anyone have any good sucess stories to tighten it up!!

2007-09-10 21:00:30 · 7 answers · asked by young_mummy001 1

My wife is about 5 weeks and 3 days at the min but we're still so scared of things going wrong - can't seem to relax at all...we had 2 miscarriages this year so I suupose it's understandable...she had an appointment with her GP on Fri past who was quite happy to hear that she was nauseous and had vomitting - said it was a good sign! Have an early scan now for the 18th in the hospital so hopefully that will go ok too..she gets waves of nausia..sore boobs sometimes...gets tired very easily...feels bloated all the time and i've noticed her getting up at 5am to go pee!! Hopefully this is all normal and hopefully we'll start to relax soon! I'll keep you all posted ...

2007-09-10 20:56:56 · 6 answers · asked by Frank 3

I'm 37 weeks along. For the past 2 days I've been having sharp pains in my pelvis when I walk or move the wrong way. It feels like my baby has dropped (less trouble breathing/more pressure on bladder). And my breasts are leaking colostrum.

My hubby is going out of town tomorrow for a week. Could I be going into labor now, or could this last awhile?

It's my 3rd preganncy. The last 2 went to 41 weeks. I didn't notice these symptoms with them.

2007-09-10 20:50:35 · 3 answers · asked by MountainChick 3

6 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had a horrible experience. It is now preventing me from having one more child (which I really want) because I am so scared.
When I was 32 weeks along I was having some cramps so, I made an appointment with the hospital and went in for a check-up. They did a test with nitrazine strips for amniotic fluid and they said it came back positive and that I had premature rupture of the membranes.
In that moment, my whole world changed. I was told that I would have to stay in the hospital for the remaining 8 weeks. I had to sign papers for them to rush my daughter to the children's hospital immediately after birth. I was given a series of cortisone shots to strengthen my daughter's lungs and I was put on an I.V. to prevent any contractions from starting.
After I came to my senses, I demanded that they give me an ultrasound to check on my baby. She was fine and there was NO visible signs of missing amniotic fluid. Continued...

2007-09-10 20:49:57 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi all, I am 22+3 today, and was on the tram on the way to work. I had a seat and it wasnt busy. All of a sudden, had this massive heat over me and felt very light headed. As i stud up, i passed out back onto the chair. 2 ppl had to help me off the train, i needed the air. Anyways, im in work now, but i still feel very warm, and now i have a headache to go along as well. Have had no spotting or anything like that, but have yet to feel the baby kick thanks

2007-09-10 20:44:02 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

which is the best web site to guide during pregnancy from day one to taking care the child till 3 years?

2007-09-10 20:31:24 · 9 answers · asked by ymitr 2

I went to Triage because I was cramping alot and had brownish discharge. They hooked me up for 20 minutes. There finding were that even though my contractions were consistent (2-6 minutes apart) they were not strong enough to admit me. She did say my bags were bulging though. She claims I am still only 3cm and disagreed with what my doctor said and told me she though my cervix was still thick even though my doctor said I was over 50% effaced. She said the baby was also still high

So now i have to deal with these uncomfortable contractions. They said not too come back until I wouldnt speak through one. Has this happened to anyone? Did you go in for minor contractions and soon after the real thing happened?

I tried a shower, it really doesnt help

2007-09-10 19:20:26 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous


I'm 12 wks pregnant. Past few days or so my urine has smelled so bad. I wipe and smell it from there and it's so hard to explain the smell it's so bad. Fishy and/or something crawled up in me and died. Sorry for the graphicness of this question but I was wondering if any of you had any insight with this problem of mine.
I should be drinking more water I know that. Could it be lack of water or something else? Thanks for your opinions.

2007-09-10 18:38:37 · 15 answers · asked by Malia 7

I will be coming from Manila to St. Louis Missouri. I will be staying there for 2 to 3 weeks for a business trip. Is there anything that I need to arrange before packing-up and getting ready to be there?

2007-09-10 18:01:02 · 3 answers · asked by chizkeyk 1

2007-09-10 17:50:41 · 3 answers · asked by gyt k 1

I got pregnant in the first month of trying to concieve. I then had a miscarriage at 6 weeks along. I have now waited the "one normal period cycle" my doctor recommended to me before trying again.

I'm just wondering if others out there have been in a similar situation - and if so, did you fall pregnant again quickly, or did it take more time the 2nd time around?

I know everyone's different, etc, but would just like to hear about some experiences from others.

2007-09-10 17:48:01 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

what are Braxton Hicks contraction i've seen alot of people ask about them? what do they feel like im 29 weeks should i be looking out for them?

2007-09-10 17:43:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

We had one son, and we always told ourselves we don't want anymore, because my son acted like little monsters. After past weekend my son play well with his cousins and they had a good them, so my husband now wants my son to have a sibling, while I still believe children are little monster. My husband's reason for wanting another is to just go get over reproction in our 30s and two of them is more fun, they'll play with one another. So should we have another one?

2007-09-10 17:17:43 · 15 answers · asked by 結縁 Heemei 5

I looked at Wal-Mart and they are all huge. I'm only 4 mths but I know I'm growing a stomach I can't fit into my jeans anymore lol. I did find some nice cheap maternity clothes at a store around here called Ross, but they all look more like dressy clothes than every day clothes. All I'm looking for is some jeans that i can wear as every day. Can someone tell me where I can find something like that? Every website I looked at on the internet w/ Maternity clothes has jeans at like no less than 40 dollars and I don't want to pay that much for a pair of jeans that I'm only going to be wear for 5 more mths.

2007-09-10 17:06:52 · 21 answers · asked by Wendie 6

Ok as some may know i am getting my IUD removed nexted Friday so me and my husband can go for the last baby..he is so excited but i am now freaking out cause yes i know we will be getting pregnant(If God wills) after it is removed but some say it happens as soon as a week after it is out..When do u think????

2007-09-10 16:57:16 · 3 answers · asked by big momma!! 2

have you ever heard of anyone giving birth and being out the next day. my friend gave birth to her baby girl yesterday and they let them both come home this afternoon. isn't that to soon to be released after having a baby

2007-09-10 16:37:31 · 24 answers · asked by short.lil_momma 3

My husband and I've been trying to get pregnant. I started bleeding a medium flow. My period's not due for another week and I'm always on schedule. Also, I've never used birth control. Could this be my period early or maybe an early miscarriage?

2007-09-10 16:36:57 · 7 answers · asked by Marie 1

I am 6 weeks pregnant and have been having what i would consider fairly warm to hot baths i didnt know that this was bad untill now i am so worried ive done so much to make sure this pregnancy goes well ive structured my diet taken prenatals for months and am trying to make the healthiest baby possible and now i find out this, has anyone done the same thing and had a perfectly healthy child i had also been using an electric blanket which i keep on all night , ive now turned that off but is it to late ,

2007-09-10 16:29:08 · 6 answers · asked by w j 4

I just had a baby 5 days ago and i havent been bleeding a lot just a few spots but today i had a huge clot drop and after it took me no more than a min or two to compeltly soak the pad i was using. and when i went to the bathroom i litteraly peed blood. and it looked like all the water in the toilet was nothing but blood. Im cramping alot and i wasnt until i passed that clot. Is this normal or should i go see a doctor?

2007-09-10 16:21:01 · 19 answers · asked by Tasha F 1

i have posted on here for a while now....
i am 6 days overdue now.... i have had cramping and back pain all weekend.... i had 2 major contractions now but nothing more other than the cramps and back pain......
i could have sworn that she would be born by now.....
i want to know has anyone ever experienced this??
and i am gonna call my doctor tomorrow and ask them if they can set up an induction date.... i can not be pregnant anymore... i have had enough ...... do u think my doctor will do this for me....???? i really need to get this moving.

2007-09-10 15:50:07 · 12 answers · asked by nikki marie 1

i had my first ultrasound i was 13 weeks but by the ultrasond my doc told me that i was 11weeks could he be wrong or am i wrong

2007-09-10 15:19:07 · 7 answers · asked by KASSIE G 2

I'm 19 years old and have been single since last december because me and my ex cant seem to get over each other. We still have sex occasionally and i have been off my birth control since June cause it was making me really sick and i couldnt seem to take it on schedule. My last period was on July 31st and lasted 4 days when it's usually like 6. Since then I have been feeling sick and very very tired all the time. I think it's partly cause i'm in college and i work all the time so sleep is something i dont get alot of. Other than that i'm not very stressed out. I dont see how i could be this late. Its Sept.10th already. There's a good chance i am prego huh?

2007-09-10 15:04:11 · 7 answers · asked by texastreasure 3

This is a fun question...I am curious to see if there is a trend.

First off, I am 33 weeks pregnant and have started nesting. I am doing my student teaching internship for college as well and am quite busy doing homework for methods courses and am nesting in between working on assignments.

My question is: After you started nesting, how long was it before you went into labor?

2007-09-10 14:43:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey everyone, I am 14 weeks, and 3 days pregnant, i have a horiable cold, but my mother is saying i can take sudifed to clear my sinuses...is it alright if i take them???

Thank you all!!!

2007-09-10 14:30:03 · 12 answers · asked by Alexandra Lynn 1

My last period was July 29th. It was a couple of days late. I still have not gotten a period for Aug. I know that I am pregnant but I dont know about how far along. can you help me?

2007-09-10 13:40:25 · 17 answers · asked by Scooby 3

I know i asked this already before but I want some more opinions im sooo anxious...
ok this is my first child...my due date is september 22nd, I lost my mucous plug 2 nights ago and some still comes out and since ive been having irregular contractions about 7 minutes apart...is it still to early for me to go into labor or could it be anytime now?

P.S. ....some of you said go to the hospital..I forgot to include that i went there the following day after i lost my mucous plug becuase i had bad cramps not know ing they were contractions and they were 7-8 minutes apart they sent me home and told me to come back when they are 5 minutes apart or if my water breaks...also my contractions i dont really feel all day they are strong at night and in the morning...maybe i dont feel them during the day becuase im moving around or something i dont know

2007-09-10 13:16:10 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

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