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Pregnancy - September 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

im having my first scan on thursday which makes me approx 14 week and 6 days (i know this because i had an early pregnancy scan at 7 weeks) ive read that you can sometimes tell the sex at 14-15 weeks is this true,

2007-09-17 18:45:01 · 15 answers · asked by adams girl 2

Why Or Why Not?

2007-09-17 17:46:07 · 27 answers · asked by MV7J 1

my due date is the 27th of this month, but my doc insist that I be induced at next week on the 20th...I was a little off by that, arent docs suppose to wait till at least two weeks after a due date to begin induction...she claims theres no reason for me to wait, because the babies already considered full term at 37 weeks...Ive been healthy my whole pregnancy and there really is no need for her to really rush things...Does this sound NORMAL? what should I do, should I wait till my due date or wait to see if the baby comes on her own....

p.s. I saw doc today and she said im already 2-3 centimeters dialated....does that mean i can go into labour by myself or i should just go ahead and let her do the induction...so cinfused FIRST TIME MOMMY!!!

2007-09-17 16:23:44 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am almost 36 weeks pregnant... yay! Anyway, the last week or so I have been having a dull aching in my hoo haa and very low back. It's nothing that can be counted for how long it last really, it's just dull and feels like menstral cramps kind of. I haven't had any Braxton Hicks contractions yet, that I know of. Is this just normal aching, or could this be what Braxton Hicks feels Like? I have a doctors appointment in like 4 days, so I will find out then, but I was just curious if anyone else might have some knowledge. Thanks!

2007-09-17 16:21:44 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous


2007-09-17 16:00:59 · 6 answers · asked by Deana 5

we want to have sex but i dont want to use a condom bc it wnt b as special to her. how do i make sure she doesnt get pregnant without the use of pills

2007-09-17 15:51:34 · 42 answers · asked by Anonymous

im 36 weeks i called my doc office and the girl there said i can take anything tylenol so i took nighttime stuff and hav not felt the baby move im thinking maybe it made her sleepy is it safe to take?

2007-09-17 15:50:00 · 8 answers · asked by cassy 1

I read that you can do this, has anyone tried it and it been sucessful. BTW I am 33weeks prego, with recurrent yeast infection. I'm afraid to keep using the creams as I also read that some may enter the placenta. Also I think I may have dialated some, i'm just scared that it will somehow get to my baby, so I rather do it more natural.

2007-09-17 15:07:28 · 9 answers · asked by jo anna 3

How hungry are/were you during your pregnancy and how often did you eat?

2007-09-17 14:37:40 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 15 weeks pregnant and ever since I hit 11 weeks my stomach is always empty no matter how much I eat. I eat all day sometimes small meals, sometimes big meals but I will have 10 to 15 meals per day. I wake up in the middle of the night feeling as if I haven't eaten for days. I don't know where the food is going because, thank God, I haven't been gaining any weight. As a matter of fact, I'm not even showing. I finally got past the chronic nausea phase but ever since I've been in the chronic hunger phase. Has anyone ever experienced this?

2007-09-17 14:35:07 · 6 answers · asked by Mr. Nemo Knievel 3

I don't understand.... it seems to me that it would be the opposite. My OB said a first pregnancy will see the baby drop early, possibly at 36 weeks. But a 2nd, 3rd, 4th preg, the baby doesn't drop until you actually go into labour. I'm on #3, but was induced at 36 weeks for my 2nd, so I didn't notice her drop for obvious resons. I just would think that since you've already laboured and delivered previously, the body would be less elastic and the baby would descend into the pelvis for delivery earlier. Any comments?

2007-09-17 14:31:11 · 2 answers · asked by CW 3

When does your cervix close?...
Is it soft or hard?...
Low or High??...
How will it feel?..

God Bless!!

2007-09-17 13:56:06 · 4 answers · asked by singing_angel_of_the_night 3

The top of my legs (my inner thigh) hurts so bad!! I feel like I can barely move my legs. It is worse on the left side and it feels like maybe a muscle or tendon or something that connects your leg to your pubic bone or pelvis. It hurts worse when I first stand up and get moving but sometimes I feel like I can barely move my legs! It's not my sciatic nerve...I know what that feels like. I hope this makes sense! lol...does anyone know what I am talking about and if there is anyway to ease the pain? It's not excruciating, just very uncomfortable!

2007-09-17 13:42:54 · 5 answers · asked by BeThAnY 4

i am 26 weeks pregnant and so far i have been feeling physically really good. i have lots of energy and nothing hurts. when should i expect to start feeling run down? the thing is i have to a busy schedule up until i give birth and am curious as to when things will get difficult for me.

2007-09-17 13:35:00 · 5 answers · asked by pilar 3

having a baby is amazing im sure, but after seeing a lot of ur questions and how miserable a lot of u feel and all the random pains and symptoms, doesnt it freak anyone out?
i mean reading some of this stuff kinda scares me, like going through all this. i have anxiety so im gonna have to practically live with a dr til i give birth, i know ill worry so much about every pain and headache and stomach ache i get.

dont get me wrong ,i love kids and i absolutly cant wait to have them, but do a lot of people really feel so miserable while pregnant?

2007-09-17 13:32:02 · 11 answers · asked by Blondie131 4

Hey Im a week overdue...and Im a really uncomfortable.....Im always in pain because she is just tearing me up....do you think they would induce me?....Other question....how does an epideral work?....They inject it into your spinal cord....and then do they put a catheter in?....How much does is help? Could you actually go without it, does it make a difference? Thanks......

2007-09-17 13:19:52 · 5 answers · asked by ☆☆T. May ━═☆ 4

Its my first, and I think Id like to ask for one.
My question is, is the DR or hospital allowed to deny me it?
Vaginal I know is better, but not for me...
I have medi-cal type insurance.. can they deny it if its not needed?
thank you all so much

2007-09-17 12:57:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


im 20 weeks 1 day pregnant,
i eat very healthy, stay away from caffeine and everything i am suppose to,but today i could not get over craving sweets!
so i had a few pieces of candy,
that should be safe right??

sorry its my first pregnancy and very worried about everything

2007-09-17 12:49:40 · 17 answers · asked by mommy2408 5

At my baby shower i had a book for everyone to put advice in or a little inside joke or something. Well i had my friends there from parenting class and while i was in parenting class during the school year i ended up killing 2 or 3 of them fake baby dolls you take home with you, or they would just die on me. Anyway so my friend put on the advice page,"remember you don't have a 2and or 3rd chance on this one so don't kill it" and earily that day we were even taking about it, but my almost in laws- my boyfriends aunt and grandma read that and started freaking out asking my boyfreinds mom if i was pregnant before and things! and they apparenty didn't hear the inside joke eariler and finally they asked me and im like no, its from a parenting joke and had my boyfriend tell them becuz i didn't feel like explaining. I was just wondering if this would of upset and what you would have done or said? I just kind of ignored it but i did have me upset. Did you ever have any drama like that? Thanks

2007-09-17 12:41:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

I'm 31 weeks pregnant, but my baby has some stuff wrong with him, resulting in his head being the size of a 40 week baby. Anywho, so now the babys big, my bellys big, and everythings pushing on my sciatica. I'm not sure how I'm gunna survive 9 more weeks. Any advice other than the heating pad?
(btw, im an incredibly tiny person, 5'2, im only 18)

2007-09-17 12:26:20 · 6 answers · asked by tqf 2


I have two beautiful kids 4 and 2 and pregnant with another, which i am so happy, but after sort of telling my mom, she was not happy at all, saying that i should not have 3 bec. 2 is hard and I should worry about them and there future.

She is also very sick and on alot of medication and chemo, i did not exactly tell her i was pregnant, but when her reaction was not what i had excepted, I dropped it.

I am very hurt and that fact that she will not be pleased when i actually do tell her. My husband and myself did plan this pregnancy so I do not know what to think.

The way I feel now is that I want to sell my house and move far away.

Any help out there? Thanks.

2007-09-17 12:00:36 · 4 answers · asked by GQ69 2

i was thinking about having it in early to mid december because its the holiday season, my family will have more time off work and people will be shopping! but then i think about people going out of town and just giving people something to look forward to after the holiday hump....but thats the other thing. people will be getting over the holidays! so no money! which do you ladies think? a christmas shower or a new year shower? i'm due feb 22

2007-09-17 11:42:31 · 11 answers · asked by SOBUTIFUL 1

Never been to a baby shower before. My man and I are thinking about naming our baby Noah so I picked a theme and is ark animals. I found some really cute deco at the party store with baby animals in arks haha :) My mom is planning it for me and this is a rough look at what's supposed to happen at the shower:

> People arrive, greet, etc
> Let people eat, play music in background to just chill to
> Play games ( like 6 or 7 quick ones)
> Announce winner of raffle (we're having people bring a pack of diapers to be entered into a raffle for a nice prize)
> Open presents.
> For anybody staying (which most likely my aunt's won't leave until later on in the day) she wants to play some songs for us to dance to

Does that sound ok? Do you think we should dance for a bit and THEN open presents? Also, if you don't think dancing is tacky, does anybody know of some songs along the lines of the Electric Slide and The Cha Cha slide?

Thank you so much!!!

2007-09-17 11:34:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

igot my period on sept 2 like every month and it lasted for about 5 days as usual. i have been taking nuvaring for about 3 months but i stop using it cause of the side effects. i took the ring out on sept 8th and i got my period again on sept 11 does that mean that my body is ovulating again and if not how long before i will ovulate again? and is it possible to get pregnant within this month?

2007-09-17 11:25:37 · 4 answers · asked by sarah k 1

I am five months pregnant and currently in the process of moving in with the in-laws. My husband and I will only be living there temporarily to save money for my maternity leave. (As a state employee, I do not qualify for disability. I didn’t find this out until I was already pregnant. I am the main bread-winner, and therefore we rely heavily on my paycheck). We need to save about $10,000 before the baby is born and this was the only solution we could come up with.

My in-laws are awesome people, but I know there will be moments when I feel extremely uncomfortable (especially as I enter my third trimester). My husband and I have only been married 10 months, so I still don’t feel completely at ease with them. I don't know what is going to be expected of me and I don’t want to act like an ungrateful mooch.

How can we live with my in-laws over the next few months, but maintain a sense of independence? How can we ensure that the arrangement stay amicable? Any ideas?

2007-09-17 11:23:53 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

In Florida, approx. how much do abortions cost? Are they more expensive the further along you are or vice versa?

2007-09-17 11:21:40 · 12 answers · asked by me 3

What was it or is it in your 39 th week that made you mant to pull your hair out. Mines is the constant, constant, constant moving, its like does this child ever sleep??!! Im tired of the five trips a night to the toilet and the chest searing heart burn. not to mention along with her constant moving, the worst part is her feeling like she is going to break through my belly button. AAAHHH!!!! Its like im ready to kill somebody. I wanna SCREAM!!!!

2007-09-17 11:11:16 · 19 answers · asked by candice c 3

I'm 39 and a half weeks pregnant, and I'm ready to get this over with!! Bring on da pain. How long does it tak for your swelling to go down?

2007-09-17 10:53:47 · 10 answers · asked by Candice D 2

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