I just Started Necon 1/35 Birth Contorl August 12th!
( first time on birth control ever )
I had No Side Effects at All! The First Month! NONE!
Now I have 5 More Active Pills in my Pack on My 2nd Month!
And For the past 6-8 Days i Feel So Queezy , and have Nausea , Likei'm on a Boat! 3 Days ago My Breasts started feeling like pins and needles! And Have been Really Crampy!
( which i don't start for another 5 days , and NEVER CRAMP ) So i made an App. w/ My OB! He said " well ugh? i don't know maybe u need another pill , i said okay DO I? , He said , well those aren't really Pill side effects the Cramping i don't know what that would be" Blah , Blah , Blah , and then told me to Finish out my Pack! I went home and then my Husband said , well if your not sick and its NOt the Pill , Could u Be Pregnant Again!? I am so....mad at my doctor right now for being a Quack , i don't want to call him to ask! What do you think??
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