often times parents just accept what the doctor says, and trust the ultra sound that they uses.bu
t perhaps years later down the road? you may f
ace the discovery that your he maybe a she? it maybe hard to believe, but believe me, its true,a
nd its happening more often today, than parents
want to believe? i was born in 1953, my mother
had 27 children, 13 died, and 14 lived. there wer
e two sets of twins, i have a twin brother, 27 min
utes older than me. i often wondered why was h
e treated so much better than me? i found out th
at he was much sicklier than me, early on, i wish
ed that i was the first one borned. i knew very litt
le about how blessed i was. i knew that i was dif
ferent. i felt like a girl, i played with girls all the ti
me. all my life, i had total desire to be a girl. yet
i was born with a boys body? how can this be so
my doctors talked, mums the word, doctors mad
e mistakes at child birth, that should have been c
orected, too late now, patient too old
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