I don't know how to explain this, but when I look at a woman, I can almost always tell if she is a mom, just by the way she looks. I'm not sure what it is, but something about her face just says, "I'm a mom." I have had friends and acquaintances who I knew before, as well after they have had kids. Something changes. Maybe it's the the eyes, or face as a whole. I don't know what exactly. There's nothing negative about this. It's just a simple and odd observation. Like I said, I can't really pinpoint what the change is, but it's definitely there. I am not implying or referring to the obvious other post-childbirth body changes! Whatever I am seeing is *above* the shoulders, so let's keep the discussion in that area, if possible.
Any ideas what makes a mom look like a mom? Maybe some moms are aware of whatever changed about their own appearance, and they can tell everyone here and solve my mystery?
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