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Newborn & Baby - July 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

2006-07-23 21:05:56 · 47 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-23 20:56:47 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

books and other mind stimulating toys.

2006-07-23 20:50:11 · 12 answers · asked by nixonne 1

2006-07-23 20:31:18 · 19 answers · asked by varsha a 1

2006-07-23 20:29:18 · 7 answers · asked by slime h 1

My cousin went into labor yesterday which was sunday like around 4 am and now today me and my family we were all at the hospital.She had a baby boy his was 9 lbs 6oz,he was born between 12:30-1:00am this morning and that was the best feeling just to see him,he's so beautiful.What was the best feeling you ever had?

2006-07-23 20:04:34 · 20 answers · asked by Blucontrell Esminosa-Garcia 2

Why are we all arguing about Breast VS Bottle? There have been countless studies that show bothe are very healthy for babies. I am a breast/bottle mother and have done it for both of my children I dont see anything wrong with either method. People I think we are starting to miss the BIGGER picture here. OUR CHILDREN, cant we all just agree to disagree. Noone knows our personal situations like we do. I am going to be the BIGGER person here and apologize to all those offended on behalf of all of the offenders (and that does go both ways). GEESH!!! I mean am I right or wrong......as long as our children are growing up in a healthy environment we have nothing to worry about, opinions are just that opinions everyone is intitled to that.

2006-07-23 19:14:24 · 13 answers · asked by poohbearmomma_1 2

my one month old baby is constipated, he pushes constently but just passes gas...i am worried about him because he has not had a bowel movement in 2-3 days...i feed him half formula and half of my breast milk...please help!!!

2006-07-23 18:54:03 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-07-23 18:44:38 · 14 answers · asked by It's Robyn! 2

Go on and call texas CPS on me. I'll br MORE than happy to give you my address and infor provately provided that you send me a private E-mail requesting it. If you think you are bad enough to get past 2 dobermans, two registered semi-automatic weapons, and a cajun gal mean as a Mississippi rattlesnake when someone crossess her kids and family, you are welcome too. I challenge you to contact me. I TRULY will give you my info just so you can look like the @SS that you are, and I can save these correspondences via internet and sue your sorry behind for harrassment. Good day.

Oh, and butterfly...you are soooo welcome girl. This nipple nazi needs to be put on the next thing smokin' to the brig and have the key tossed in a gators maw. I puke as I think of her and her raw malice.

2006-07-23 18:23:05 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

Usually after breastfeed, my baby is choking. What I should do?

2006-07-23 17:50:36 · 15 answers · asked by meteorgodean 2

It's a wounderful, bueatiful,natural,thing to do. I mean it helps it so that later in life u don't get cancer. women do use coverups like blankets and such. it gives baby and mother more bonding, which also makes them healthier.less chance of alergies, asthma WHICH I have,they also have a better iq,easier to digest,made especally for baby (which mine was preemie) made specially for my preemie, the baby is less likly 2 be obecee, tooth and jaw development. plus it also helps the mother lose weight quicker. I'M NOT BASHING FORMULA FEEDERS! KEEP THAT IN MIND WHEN YOU READ/ANSWER THIS QUESTION!

2006-07-23 17:43:59 · 25 answers · asked by ceriseypoo 2

Just want to tell all the sick people out there who are making perverted comments about a baby and me being a bad mother to just stay out of the conversation!! How dare you make comments saying a little baby girl was "fingered" Ya'll are sick!! Also thanks to the people that actually answered my question.

2006-07-23 17:38:44 · 9 answers · asked by I smile because of them ♥ 5

her not spit up so much?

2006-07-23 17:33:45 · 32 answers · asked by christin k 2

Since my daughter was 2 months old she has had a vaginal adhesion and I don't know what to do to get her open. I've tried everything the doctors have told me. Her doctor even tried to force it open with his fingers. Was he wrong to do that? Someone please help!!!

2006-07-23 17:28:57 · 29 answers · asked by I smile because of them ♥ 5

Have you noticed a change in your infant? Maybe acting strange approx at 5 months of age after having a couple of vaccines? If so, please explain? What do you know about Thimerosal and the links to autism? PLEASE HELP!

2006-07-23 17:23:58 · 6 answers · asked by ? 3

when i was getting my 9 month old son his bath i noticed that the head of his penis was purple and he also has what appears to be small spots of diaper rash. does anyone know what kind of condition this could be and how severe it is. my mother says it can wait until i can get into our doctor but im scared something is really wrong and i should take him to the hospital.

2006-07-23 17:06:34 · 8 answers · asked by *ilovemybabyface* 2

My baby is fed dry and I give him a bath before bed. I tried leaving the lights on and even a night light. He is quiet when I pick him up.
Do you have any suggestions. I am hanging by a thread.

2006-07-23 16:42:19 · 16 answers · asked by lisa b 1

Im not getting much support from my mom or sisters on breast feeding. I had a hard time adjusting at first and they all kept telling me to just give up and give my baby a bottle. Ive gone through 6 formula's and have yet to find one that doesnt make her scream or have acid reflux or bad gas. I finally get adjusted to breastfeeding and they all swear its my milk that is causing her discomfort. Id feed her for 30-45 min and she'd still act hungry and would scream if I tried to giver her a pacifier, so id just give her a bottle. That and Im having a hard time finding a nursing bra to fit DD's. I havnt breastfed consistantly in the last week and I still want to try, but I dont want the going back and forth to upset her system. Im really distraught and wondered if there were any other new moms that had any suggestions or stories similar. I know about Le Leche league and thought about going there too, but other advise from moms would be greatly appreciated

2006-07-23 16:35:43 · 22 answers · asked by southrntrnzplnt 5

I've asked two questions, both about naming a girl Lenyn. The first time I asked it about 99% loved it and when I asked again about 99% hated it. What to do? People say "no, it reminds me of Vladimir Lenin" Well I don't think her friends will even know who that is. And they also said "No, it reminds me of John Lennon" and really I've never thought of that but what's wrong with it reminding people of John Lennon? What do you think? I personally think it's lovely and is beautiful when you write it and it sounds great as well. How about the rest of the world, what do you think?

2006-07-23 16:02:53 · 25 answers · asked by SummerSweetheart 1

so, here i am again.. so i went to the doctor for my son's checkup.

my 16 month old son sleeps from 7 or 8 at night to 11- 12 in the morning.. and then he takes a nap from 3 or 3:30 to 6. so um... he weighs in at 22 pounds, which he isnt concerned about..

but the sleeping thing is a big issue and i know it is, i was just wondering if any other mom's have experienced this and have any idea what it could mean?

they took blood and it came back fine, so i have to do a sleep study overnight with him.

i'm scared.. any suggestions?

(please dont answer this if you're baby is less then a yr old. lol - obviously they sleep more before 1. and please no smart *** comments.. i'm stressed out enough as it is and i will report u if ur mean.)

also.. at age 2 babies are considered toddler right?

2006-07-23 16:00:52 · 10 answers · asked by joy 3

Are you for or not?

Me I dont care, the kid got to eat plus they should make a section for that.

2006-07-23 15:51:32 · 34 answers · asked by Anonymous

I asked earlier if the name Lenyn would be good for a girl but I'm still a little apprehensive about it. What do you think? I'm tired of opinions from people I know, I want to know what random people in this world think. Be honest please, what would you think of a person named Lenyn?

2006-07-23 15:50:27 · 34 answers · asked by SummerSweetheart 1

so i've got a 16 month old boy and he has this fungal rash on and around his penis, even on his bum (and no it is not diaper rash. i checked with his doctor) now, he has prescribed nystatin, and ketoconazole cream to treat it and it still hasn't gotten better, in fact its gotten worse..

dont tell me to go to the doctor, i already have an appointment but its not for a month..

what causes fungal infections? and how come he's never had it before he was a year? and why is nothing helping?

i've tried, every type of diaper cream, every type of baby powder, yogurt, baking soda, and different diapers..

apart from sleeping, he has been running around diaperless for 3 days straight...

any suggestions?

and dont tell me to get another doctor. he is a very very good doctor, just busy.

2006-07-23 15:39:36 · 13 answers · asked by joy 3

the other day i had my 7 month old son at the county fair. it was hot and humid, but with plenty of water in tow, i figured we would be okay...and if i felt i was too hot then I'd know my son was too hot. many of the parents there had little newborn babies. and i was approached by a noisy family member with "IT'S TOOO HOT FOR THAT BABY OUT HERE!!" so on my way home after we were done, i thought how in the world did babies survive outside all day and in the heat all night. when AMERICANS and much more the human race with not A/C.....they did! so to those family memebers with nothing better to do...mind your own business!!! but what is your thought on babies and being outdoors??

2006-07-23 15:28:06 · 9 answers · asked by amberchantelnicolecrone 1

he's sitting up fine but when hes on his belly he wont even budge! he'll kick a little but wont move his arms or lift his belly off the floor. im a little worried. he just lay there then starts crying cause he's bored

2006-07-23 15:23:08 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

My daughters name is Samara Jane, and I'm afraid that she
will be teased b/c she has the same name as the girl from The Ring. Should I nickname her Sam or Marie or Janie from her middle name? At the time, I thought Samara was a pretty name.

2006-07-23 14:57:50 · 32 answers · asked by sidd 2

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