Welcome to motherhood
2006-07-23 18:05:45
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My mother swore I was the same way, until she "flipped me" I guess it's an old wives tale about flipping the baby head over heals and resetting their clock, ask some old timers around you, they'll know, ( I'm still a night owl though ) I suppose a reasonable thought would be to make sure you keep that baby up during the day, and try giving him his bath in the morning. If all else fails, just sleep during the day with him and stay up at night ;) That would be an ideal baby for me :D
2006-07-23 16:48:25
answer #2
answered by shadow21276 3
It's going to take some time for your little one to get into a routine. Right now his days and nights are mixed up. With our 2nd baby, we kept her awake as much as possible during the day. Within a few weeks this helped her regulate a schedule. She was sleeping through the night by her 3rd month. Hang in there and good luck! (p.s. try to sleep when the baby takes naps.) Also, if your baby is fed, dry and doesn't have any tummy discomforts, try to leave him in his crib. I realize that he needs to know he's loved, but he also needs to eventually learn to entertain himself. My 7 month old occassionally wakes up at 3-4am and I can hear her "singing" to herself. She then falls back asleep. If you little guy isn't crying his head off, just let him go.
2006-07-23 16:51:22
answer #3
answered by Tricia 3
well first..your 5 week old should not sleep ALL DAY LONG. infants sleep very much but they do wake up about every 3 hours to get a feeding and stay up maybe another 2. I would consult my pediatrician to ask why my baby is sleeping all day long.
My question to you is.....if you baby sleeps all day long and then is up at 1am to 4am? What is the problem?
You need to change your babys' schedule!!! Is the baby waking up for just 3 hours upsetting you???
What are you hanging by a threat for? Your baby is sleeping all day? I am a bit confused by your question to tell you the truth!!
2006-07-23 16:50:15
answer #4
answered by krYpToNitEsMoM 4
This is a tough time. It's your job to teach him day and night routines. Sounds like you've got a good nighttime routine, but you've got to start trying to keep him up more during the day. I had a schedule where we'd feed, then play, then nap. It worked great. We all know that babies tend to fall back to sleep while they're nursing/eating. Get him up for a good 15-20 min after that. Maybe playing patty-cake, itsy-bitsy spider, walking around the house bouncing him up and down gently, put him under an activity gym with bright colors and vibrant music, sing silly to him, put on his tummy - they hate that right now...etc. It's tough right now, but you've got to change his day and nighttime clocks!! GL and hang in there. It will happen...
2006-07-23 16:57:27
answer #5
answered by SAHM2_1B_1G 3
5 weeks old baby don't know when is the day or night time. your baby might woke up in the mid night and thought it was Day time! let's play!
all you should do is to re-adjust his sleeping pattern. don't let him sleep too much in day time. cutting down his sleeping hours. it's fine. don't feel sad to wake him up. just do it. it's for his and your own good. play with him, talk to him like 'good morning' etc.. let him know this is day time.
after a long hours of day time staying awake, he must be exhausted. he must sleep soundly throughout the night,
at night time, try to leave the lights off. when he awakes, don't talk to him. make sure the light is off and no noise at all. make him recognize that this is NIGHT time. nobody's talking. everyone asleep.
eventually.. he won't be awake at 1am anymore. he won't want too.
2006-07-23 18:14:38
answer #6
answered by #1 Girl -She's Bittersweet- 6
well, my mom, the smartest person I know with 5 kids would say, try to keep him awake for a while during the day. If he falls asleep, let him sleep for a while,say, 2 hours and then GENTLY pick him up and wake him/her. the more hes awake during the day,the more he'll sleep at night.
2006-07-23 16:48:12
answer #7
answered by tajura001 3
well when my daughter was born i put her cradle right next to my bed for like the first four months, ur little one still needs the security from u,and try to keep him up as much as possible during the day take him to the store or for a walk and all that fresh air may wear him out a little, if that doesnt work try a little bit of ceareal in his milk,oh yeh(sorry)u said that he screamed like crazy if laid him down? well my daughter did the same thing!and the only thing that worked was me holding her upright and or bouncing her,which when i spoke with a doc about it he said it could be their intestines cramping,which is no big deal but when they are gassy and they ned to pass a bowel movment thing big gas bubble like stretches out and causes craming,and he recomended infant gas drops,it worked amazing i would love for u to email me and we could talk about more becuz it was almost like bloody murder if u laid them down,and with me it was only at night with her,and i mean seriously it was all night so i hope this worked for u my email is,rachelrenee87@yahoo.com good luck
2006-07-23 16:52:43
answer #8
answered by Rachel V 2
I have heard that the book Baby Wise is very helpful in teaching you how to put the baby on your sleep schedule. Good Luck!
2006-07-23 16:48:44
answer #9
answered by Danielle P 2
Let him cry!! My daughter would stay awake during the night also and one night I got fed up and just let her cry, ever since then she sleeps 10 hours+ a night.
2006-07-23 17:17:36
answer #10
answered by I smile because of them ♥ 5
Sounds like he's got his days and nights mixed up. I used to keep my kids up longer during the day and early evening. It's hard sometimes, but it will straighten out his internal clock.
Good luck!
2006-07-23 16:51:49
answer #11
answered by beth 1