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20 answers

During the day, wake him for feedings. If it's been 2 hours since the *beginning* of the previous feeding, wake him. During daytime feedings, talk to him, play with him, and keep him in a brightly-lit room.

At night, keep *all* lights off, and use window shades that completely darken the room. Feed him when he wakes up, but don't play with him, and only talk if you need to--and then in a whisper.

Many babies who spend every night from the very first with their mothers don't have this problem. But there is no night in a hospital nursery!! So a lot of babies get confused...

2006-07-23 18:25:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It wont really happen for atleast 3-6 more weeks.Babies that age will sleep all the time.Its normal.They need 12-18 hours of sleep. the older he gets the easier it will be to get him on a schedule. Dont worry to much about it right now.My son slept throught the night when he was 6 weeks old and even after he would still wake up a couple times at night to eat.Their little tummys are so little they get empty fast.SO they wake up when they are hungry...I would wait till he's a little over a month old and put rice cereral in his formual so he will stay full longer..Good luck!

2006-07-23 14:58:13 · answer #2 · answered by Sandie 4 · 0 0

My daughter did same thing its natural right now he doesn't know day from night.. So keep him on a schedule during the day like give him a bath during the morning so this way he starts to realize its daytime. He'll change up on he's on but he will still take lots of naps because that's what baby's do..

2006-07-23 15:02:07 · answer #3 · answered by crystalanne123 1 · 0 0

He still going to sleep more during the day my baby girl had her days and nights messed up yet then too, but she is 11 weeks and for the past two weeks she is sleeping more through the night up to 6 hrs. its different for each baby but he will change over the next few weeks he will stay up more during the day then at night my little girl takes 15 to 20 min naps during the day and sometimes 3 to 4 hr. naps depending on her day and what is going on so hang in there. She is going through teething now .She has started Early so her sleep patterns has changed again.

2006-07-23 16:38:30 · answer #4 · answered by marshmellow 2 · 0 0

You should not worry about this as he is only 3 weeks old. He needs to sleep when he wants and eat when he wants.....he's only 3 weeks old.

YOU should be the one to arrange YOUR sleeping schedule and sleep WHENEVER he sleeps so you are not aggrevated when you have to get up during the night hours.

He is NOT going to remember if the house was clean, dirty dishes piled up, heaping laundry, etc.

Enjoy these moments they will soon be gone. Count your blessings that you have a bundle of joy to get up with because there are couples---Women praying and waiting on this day to come that may never get the chance to experience what you are and then there are parents who did experince what you are, but now are dealing with the loss of their baby.

Best Wishes and Prayers to you!

2006-07-23 15:36:58 · answer #5 · answered by tigreria 3 · 0 0

I've been playing with my also 3-week old baby as much as I can during daylight hours, tickling his tummy, talking to him while I hold him, showing him different bright colored toys, that kind of thing. Also I take him outside in the early morning for a few minutes (about 10, you want to avoid UV rays as much as possible) to kind of get him used to light cycles.

When feed him at night, I've been trying to keep him reasonably settled (really low light - we put a 7.5 watt light bulb in a lamp and that's what I feed & change diapers by at night) and put him back to bed as quickly as possible. My pediatrician said if he's sleeping, don't wake him up on purpose at night to feed him - let him wake up on his own - so that's what we've been doing.

He's not really sleeping "through the night," but he's giving us a good long stretch between about eleven and four or four thirty. Hang in there, I know you're sleep deprived too. :)

PS - I don't know about the formula feeding thing, but I'm breastfeeding him and I have just been letting him eat till he quits, and he seems to be doing fine, good growth percentile and all that at his last checkup.

2006-07-23 15:04:05 · answer #6 · answered by Fed_UP_with_work. 4 · 0 0

He is only three weeks of age! You can try to stimulate his awake time in the day. He will be more tired at night then, and maybe sleep better. Babies need alot of sleep, both day and night at this age. Just keep to a steady bedtime schedule with him, and he will learn a good nighttime sleep pattern. As he gets older he will be awake more during the day, which will make him sleep better at night. Good luck with your newborn, and congratulations to you.

2006-07-23 15:17:18 · answer #7 · answered by niki-niki-tembo 4 · 0 0

He will begin to sleep more at night in about 3 months or 18 weeks. Right now he needs to be fed often but by 3 months their stomach is larger so they make it for longer w/out a feeding. By that time they are also learning more how to put themselves to sleep. I know it is hard right now but hang in there, it will get better!

2006-07-23 15:16:44 · answer #8 · answered by chynna30_2000 4 · 0 0

I don't know how you feel in the day time when you eat constantly, but I feel a little sleepy(smile). Last bottle before you lay him down A LITTLE BABY CEREAL make sure you stick to the same one for about a week, allergies may arise and you want to know what he cannot have. If that doesn't work, Pray. I use to sing my children a song every night before I lay them down, The greatest LOVE of all. Whitney Houston version. And now they sing it to my grands

2006-07-23 15:01:48 · answer #9 · answered by blkbutrfly 1 · 0 0

My son is two and a half months old and he slept pretty good through the night but what I did to get him to sleep better was I started giving him rice cereal at like 11 or 12 at night and he would sleep longer. The doctors are going to tell you not to give your baby cereal utill they are like 4 or 5 months but I did and my Mom gave it to us when we were babies and we are all fine. Hope you get more rest good luck....

2006-07-23 14:57:50 · answer #10 · answered by Lacie Kay 1 · 0 0

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