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Im not getting much support from my mom or sisters on breast feeding. I had a hard time adjusting at first and they all kept telling me to just give up and give my baby a bottle. Ive gone through 6 formula's and have yet to find one that doesnt make her scream or have acid reflux or bad gas. I finally get adjusted to breastfeeding and they all swear its my milk that is causing her discomfort. Id feed her for 30-45 min and she'd still act hungry and would scream if I tried to giver her a pacifier, so id just give her a bottle. That and Im having a hard time finding a nursing bra to fit DD's. I havnt breastfed consistantly in the last week and I still want to try, but I dont want the going back and forth to upset her system. Im really distraught and wondered if there were any other new moms that had any suggestions or stories similar. I know about Le Leche league and thought about going there too, but other advise from moms would be greatly appreciated

2006-07-23 16:35:43 · 22 answers · asked by southrntrnzplnt 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

My nieces and nephew were not able to breastfeed either. Ive tried Isomil, Enfamil, Similac, Carnation Good Start, Gentlease and now im on Nutramigin. Nieces and nephews were all lactose intolerant and on Soy.

2006-07-23 16:37:12 · update #1

My daughter is 3 weeks old

2006-07-23 20:12:07 · update #2

22 answers

If you haven't been pumping when you've given her formula you may not havce enough milk for her. Nature takes care of this though. You can just keep feeding her when she cries for it and your milk will naturally begin to increase, or do a little extra pumping. This happened everytime mine had a growth spurt and needed more milk. Just dont overdo it if you decide to pump. Breastfeeding can be very frustrating until you get the hang of it. Oh, and you are right to want to be consistent. Changing around can upset the system. Many insurances pay for a lactation consultant...mine did. They can give lots of good advice.

Also, if you haven't been pumping there is a chance your breasts are too full. The baby can get a lot of milk real fast at first like with a bottle, but its the milk that comes later on that makes the baby feel full. You may have too much foremilk if your breasts get too full which will not keep the baby satisfied as long...can also result in green poo.

And unless you already have the hang of pumping...pumping to see how much milk you have may not be accurate. Especially if you are stressed out which hinders the milk letting down. I remember the first few times I tried to pump there was almost nothing, and I was convinced the baby was starving which made me more stressed. Some women just cant pump. Luckily I got the hang of it and was able to continue pumping after going back to work.

One more thing...my sister tried breastfeeding and just couldn't do it. Come to find out the baby has some sort of intolerance to milk and she tried all kinds of formulas like you. The Nutramagin is the only thing that worked for her. Until she realized that she had a milk intolerance (soy was even worse for her for some reason) she felt sooo guilty about not breastfeeding. Then she felt guilty for doing it as long as she did!!! We mothers just can't win with the guilt sometimes. Just do what you feel is best. You are the mom!

2006-07-23 17:11:30 · answer #1 · answered by Heather B 4 · 0 0

I have breastfed both of my babies. The first experience was hell and the second experience (for the past 6 months and still breastfeeding now) is jsut heavenly. I think it depends on the baby. The first time I had no idea what I was doin and it seemed no one wanted to answer my questions or take me seriously. It was hell, with the cracked bleeding nipples, having to fall asleep nursing, being a human pacirier, and running out of milk. It seemed all my baby did was cry with a bellyache and was hhungry all the time. I supplemented with formula and it seemed her crying and fussiness only got worse, but I was convinced I wasn't able to nurse. I gave up after 3 months. The second time I think I learned something. I listened to no advice, no one but my baby. I found a way to lay on my side and nurse so I could sleep through feeding, I slept my baby on top of me with a nipple available all the time. The first 2 or 3 months I would say she nursed every hour. She was always hungry and I just kept on feeding her. If your baby is doing the same, it may be normal for the baby. What if you pumped some to relieve your breasts? Then you could give it to your baby with some cereal mixed in so it will keep her full for a little longer. Put a dose of gas drops right in the bottle as well. I found that when it got tough I kept on nursing and dage the baby whatever she wanted. She had a perfect latch so it was less painful. I got over the hump and now I am still nursing. I have yet to even give her any food or formula. She has never had anything but the breast and she is happier than my first one ever was. My advice would be to shut off any advice, you don't need support. Your best support is your baby. Your baby knows what you should do. I would say that for a week you should shut everyone else off when it comes to feeding time. You will know if you should keep nursing or throw in the towel. I hope I helped. Feel free to email me, i think my email is displayed.

2006-07-23 16:51:59 · answer #2 · answered by jess l 5 · 0 0

Definitely get some help at the breast feeding clinic at the hospital- or La Leche or whatever is offered in your area. I did not get a lot of support either and I know how you feel- but I can say breast feeding is worth the extra effort.
You need to be offering breast consistently or you will hamper your milk supply. Babies that are breast fed often feed more then bottle fed ones do. Keep her on the breast as long as she wants. The most filling milk is the milk that comes at the end of feeding - it has the highest fat content. Also this will get your supply up. Drink lots of water and I have heard that you should avoid spicy foods, onions etc. Good Luck.

2006-07-23 16:45:39 · answer #3 · answered by jaybird 4 · 0 0

Regardless of what all the books and La Leche League claim, not everyone can breast feed (I was just too nervous). Mine would nurse for almost an hour and then were still obviously hungry.

Are you burping the baby? Have you tried Mylicon drops? They are anti-gas drops you just put in the bottle. Stop switching formulas so much and call your pediatrician and ask what they recommend. The soy ones definitely help with gas.

La Leche League people mean well, but they tend to be very militant--"if you don't breastfeed...your baby will suffer!" My OBGYN's wife had FIVE kids...and bottle fed ALL of them! Stop going back and forth and get your baby on a schedule. Once the hunger pangs subside, things should settle down.

One last bit of advise for when the baby is colicky: gently massage her feet! It helps babies relax, and when their stomach muscles relaxes, and their sphincter muscle relaxes, they are able to pass the gas! And don't feel guilty about breastfeeding...your baby will be just fine! You tried very hard, and now it's time to move on with life.

Good luck!

2006-07-23 16:45:25 · answer #4 · answered by tiggyman41 3 · 0 0

I just toughed it out, but soon discovered how incredibly important it was what I ate... no chocolate, broccoli, cabbage etc,, another problem was my son would fall asleep before he was completely full, so I had to make sure he'd stay awake through the entire feeding until he would reject the breast by spitting it out. There is a huge difference between the shape of bottle nipples and human ones, I was furious when the hospital gave my son a bottle and pacifier when I had listed "breastfeeding" it's easier to suck on a bottle in other words, try to avoid going back and forth. My support system was also "just give him a bottle" given my spiteful nature, that alone assured my success, nursing is a wonderful bonding experience, don't give up! Good Luck

2006-07-23 16:44:54 · answer #5 · answered by shadow21276 3 · 0 0

Go to a lactation consultant. It is expensive for a session, but you will save much more by not having to buy formula. The consultant did wonders for me, my son is 3 1/2 months old and has since continued going well with 100% breastmilk.

I'm sure you love your mother and sister, but you have to do what's best for you and your baby. I suggest talking to your pediatrician privately ahead of time, and then next time bring along your mom and sister so that they can hear the facts from the doctor.

As for bras, I have found the brand Bravado to be wonderful. They are very supportive (I was a D before I was pregnant, now I'm a G) and have very easy snaps for nursing. They are a Yahoo-recommended seller and you can find them at breakoutbras.com. The extra money you'll pay is worth it, and they offer free shipping plus a refundable guarantee. (A little hint: Order just one, and they will send you a 10% off coupon for your next order. After you've tried it out and decided you like the bra, order more. You will not be spending any more on shipping, since they offer free shipping, and you will even get 10% off.)

2006-07-24 18:47:47 · answer #6 · answered by Patrice 3 · 0 0

I'm not sure how much help I'm going to be, i had a very difficult time breast feeding my 3 kids also, i think the longest i lasted was 6 weeks..make sure she is comfortable to start, try one of those pillows that wraps around your stomach, make sure she gets the whole nipple area into her mouth, also you can try breast massage before hand, or just pump for a while until the milk supply is adjusted. burp her half way through, and just let her feed until she no longer wants any. a friend of mine had a son, they actually later found out he had some type of stomach problem ( not a big deal though ) which is why he was getting upset every time she tried feeding him, didn't matter if it was breast or bottle. also check your diet, make sure your not eating or drinking or taking any kind of meds that might be upsetting her system. going back and forth between breast milk and formula wont upset her system,i finally started using both. but constantly changing types of formula might. if nothing you try works, try consulting your pediatrician, make sure it's not something going on with the little ones belly that is making her this way. and just keep trying at it..pump often, feed often, even if your doing half and half. it takes time.

2006-07-23 16:47:54 · answer #7 · answered by MyDreams2Be 5 · 0 0

Breast milk is awesome! They get so much from the milk. It is really hard though trying to find the right formula, but it can be very dangerous if you keep switching different ones. I do know that Enfamil has different formulas for everything, even gas, you might want to try that.

I think that you should really talk to your pediatrician, and maybe your baby is lactose intolerant, and you and your doctor will be able to discuss all the different feeding options.

I know that this can be real stressful and having a baby with gas, is horrible you never want to see you little angel in pain. But you are doing a great Job! I recommend going to the Dr. office A.S.A.P

2006-07-23 16:45:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all, congrats to you for being so courageous to continue trying to bf. Afterall, it IS the best thing for your baby. I bf my first baby for 9 months and second baby for 10.5 months, so maybe I can be of help to you. I don't know how young your baby is or how long you've been trying, but I'm a little concerned that you haven't been bf'g consistently. Your body produces what it is being taken out, so if you're not bf'g or pumping consistently, your supply has probably gone down. HOWEVER, if you step up the bf'g and/or pumping now, your breasts will produce more. So, it's possible to continue bf'g at the level your baby needs. You might try weaning her off of the bottle since she's obviously used to that with each feeding. Babies get to where they like the bottle better b/c it's easier to get milk than from mom's nipple. She may have nipple confusion....you might also try a nipple shield from any store (like Target)..put it on your breast and that gives baby more to grasp on to...more like a bottle nipple. Then, you can wean her from the nipple shield. I did this with my first. She wasn't a good latch at first. Bf'g is difficult at first, but once you get it down, it's a breeze. And, if you decide bf'g is not for you and your baby, don't feel defeated. Just know that you gave it your best shot. GL!!

2006-07-23 16:51:59 · answer #9 · answered by SAHM2_1B_1G 3 · 0 0

Try the breastfeeding offer it to the baby before the bottle. I had a 9lb baby so I had to supplement the first week or so but she eventually took the breast only . She so healthy because of the breast milk. Breast milk is the best thing you can give your baby. I wanted to give up at first and now the only thing I can not do is wean her. Your local hospital may have a lactation consultant available. Good luck

2006-07-23 16:45:18 · answer #10 · answered by kcbrown1979 3 · 0 0

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